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Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell

First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all.

Now, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them “weapons of mass destruction.”

Dr. Francis Boyle says, “It is my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla.Stat. (2023).”

It seems that the dam is truly breaking, as this is a powerful statement from somebody with the authority to say it.

Click here to watch the full show on Telegram.

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Landmark Court Ruling Opens Door for LAWSUITS Against COVID “Vaccine” Manufacturers

The COVID “vaccines” aren’t vaccines after all, according to a ruling from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Dr. David Martin says that this paves the way for sweeping lawsuits because the manufacturers “willfully misled the public.”

“The manufacturers willfully misled the public by calling them [COVID shots] a vaccine.” This is a violation of the Federal Trade Commission acts in the U.S. and the Deceptive Medical Practices Act internationally, he emphasized.

But the implications go even further. According to Dr. Martin, the decision also cracks the liability shields that have protected various entities involved in mandating and administrating the mRNA injections.

“What this also does is [it] starts to give us the cracks that we need to pierce the liability shields against vaccine manufacturers and against the individuals, employers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses, hospitals that actually injected people for the first time. We actually now have the ability to say that the 9th Circuit has held that Jacobson was misapplied, that this did not stop infection, did not stop transmission, and as such, the public was willfully misled, which is a crime.”

Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

See video:
🚨 SHOCKING: America is covertly constructing large-scale detention facilities across all 50 states, but they're not for housing illegal #immigrants. 🧐 The purpose is far more sinister. Former Customs and Border Protection supervisor @JJCarrell14 reveals the truth.

Via Redacted

“A disease able to affect the economies of Nations”

See link:

Alex Jones: You said this on the show four years ago, nobody else was saying it. Now they admit the COVID shots were 1000s of different combos, testing on people. Why are they dumping everything into this?

Dr Judy Mikovits: Because we grow them in the same cell line. Polio vaccines are grown in viro-monkey kidney cells. I made the E6 cell line, of the clone of Viro E6. Viro E6 was the clone that would support Ebola. So Ebola has been in your polio shots since 1994. And I can prove it I have the publication.

Alex Jones: Why are they doing this?

Dr Judy Mikovits: Because they are financially liable. "A disease able to affect the economies of Nations" was Hillary Johnson's forward to our first book Plague, and she wrote it in 2014.
It's very critical to understand! They're doing it because they're liable…”

See video:
🟥 Israel continues to block essential medical aid, food and water in an attempt to starve and ethnically cleanse the native Palestinian population from #Gaza...

▶️ INTERVIEW: Sarah Wilkinson @swilkinsonbc (on X) and Patrick Henningsen– ‘Famine is Happening in Gaza’

See interview:
Forwarded from Reese Report
Media is too big
Illegal Immigrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities
And so it begins. Arming violent illegals with guns and badges so they can "lawfully" pillage, rape and murder Americans. Strap up! 🔫🔫🔫

See article:
Forwarded from Before Our Time
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That's it! And they were yelling: conspiracy theorists, conspiracy theorists!

Pfizer CEO Albert Burla explains Pfizer's new technology to the Davos audience: "oral pills" - pills with a tiny chip that sends a wireless signal to regulatory agencies when the drug is digested.

Yeah, that's the chip. Exactly from pfizer.

Join us now: Before Our Time📜
God bless Dr. Murakami for speaking out!

Most modern medical experts do not know how to rescue the immune system, detox and stop the cellular spike protein replication or reverse the cellular and organ damage. It CAN be done!

Also, Ivermectin has a limited capacity. Natural medicines are far superior!

If urine therapy, C-60 and EDTA were effective treatments against this aerosolized weapon system, Dr. Rashid Buttar would be alive today.
Bryan Ardis is a con artist, in my professional opinion.
Media is too big
Illegal Migrants Being Housed and Trained at American Universities 🤬🤬🤬

~Greg Reese, InfoWars