Dev Useful Stuff
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Here you can find some interesting links to development libraries, frameworks, tools, plugins and articles
Download Telegram
​​Micro - (★ 8324 on GitHub) is a terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the full capabilities of modern terminals. It comes as one single, batteries-included, static binary with no dependencies, and you can download and use it right now.

It is quite mature and reliable editor. Micro is a good alternative for Vim or Nano and could be installed on any server. It's worth to try it

#editor #ssh #go
​​GitLeaks (★ 1746) is a tool that searches repositories for sensitive information 🔑

#leaks #security #scanner #go
​​git-chglog (★ 235) is the CHANGELOG generator.

● High portability
• It works with single binary. Therefore, any project (environment) can be used.
● Simple usability
• The CLI usage is very simple and has low learning costs.
• For example, the simplest command is $ git-chglog.
● High flexibility
• Commit message format and ...
• CHANGELOG's style (Template) and ...
• etc ...

#git #changelog #go
​​Shiori (★ 1328) is a simple bookmarks manager. Intended as a simple clone of Pocket. You can use it as command line application or as web application. This application is distributed as a single binary, which means it can be installed and used easily. Written in Go.

#bookmarks #cli #go
​​Emitter (★ 821 on GitHub) is a real-time communication service for connecting online devices. Infrastructure and APIs for IoT, gaming, apps and real-time web. At its core, is a distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant publish-subscribe messaging platform based on MQTT protocol and featuring message storage.

Emitter can be used for online gaming and mobile apps by satisfying the requirements for low latency, binary messaging and high throughput. It can also be used for the real-time web application such as dashboards or visual analytics or chat systems. Moreover, Emitter is perfect for the internet of things and allows sensors to be controlled and data gathered and analyzed.

#MQTT #broker #go
​​Oragono (★ 372 on GitHub) is a modern, experimental IRC server written in Go. It's designed to be simple to setup and use, and it includes features such as UTF-8 nicks / channel names, client accounts with SASL, and other assorted IRCv3 support.

If you are a paranoid and want modern, fast, secure and reliable way of communication, then Oragono could be a good choice for you.

#irc #chat #messenger #go
​​The most popular online source code hosting is undoubtedly GitHub. The second is Bitbucket. And these services are de-facto standards in our industry to store a project code. But what if you want to host your source code locally, inside your organisation on your own server?

One of the most known self-hosting solutions is GitLab. Written on Ruby and providing rich functionality, it requires considerable resources from your server. But what if you want just only keep your code, and you have an only small server, such as RaspberryPI?

The most popular solution here is Gogs (★ 24,700 on GitHub). This is the very lightweight self-hosting system that looks like GitHub clone, giving everything you need to keep the code and communicate with your teammates via pull requests. Furthermore, it doesn't consume a bunch of resources, so you can easily run it even on RaspberryPI. There is only one issue with that tool: it is owned by one person and he keeps under his control the whole workflow. As result, the project is developed not so fast as many would want to.

As a response to that circumstance, the new fork was created. It is called Gitea (★ 6,477 on GitHub). The main purpose of this project is to make a community-driven project with the simple voting model. As result, many issues are closed fast, pull requests are merged to the master branch more actively and the community itself is utterly friendly.

Both Gogs and Gitea are fantastic tools and I highly recommend to use them for your team.

#git #selfhosted #server #go
Do you remember I posted recently the list of open source comment engines for your blog? Ok, forget about everything I told you before. Here is the game changer.

Introducing Remark42. It is a self-hosted, lightweight, and simple (yet functional) comment engine, which doesn't spy on users.

Why is that big deal? There is the very popular technical podcast Radio-T and they've used Disqus for a long time. Despite popularity, Disqus has a number of disadvantages, including heavyweight. And podcast host @umputun started to make their own comment engine for podcast needs. Now the code is open sourced and hosted on GitHub (★ 376).

So why Remark42 is worth to be considered for your next blog?
1) authors are very respected people in the tech community and they created blog engine for their own needs, no "dog food selling".
2) import from Disqus
3) smart system for upvoting and downvoting
4) fully dockerized, that makes installation very easy process
5) uses BoltDB as a database, that makes app blazingly fast and resources effective. This is the embedded database, so no external store is needed, all the data is stored in one single file.
and many more...

So please take a look at the demo and join the community, send PR and report issues. Happy blogging!

#comments #go #podcast
​​WTF (★ 1,884 on GitHub) is a personal information dashboard for your terminal, developed for those who spend most of their day in the command line.

It provides a framework for rapidly viewing important at-a-glance information easily.

Check the screenshot to get an idea what WTF can do for you.

#cli #go #terminal #organizer
​​lazyGit - (★ 3,372) simple terminal UI for git commands.

Are YOU tired of typing every git command directly into the terminal, but you're too stubborn to use Sourcetree because you'll never forgive Atlassian for making Jira 🤓? This is the app for you!

#git #go #cli #terminal
​​ferret (★ 3,203) - is a web scraping system aiming to simplify data extraction from the web for such things like UI testing, machine learning and analytics.

Having its own declarative DSL language, ferret abstracts away technical details and complexity of the underlying technologies, helping to focus on the data itself.

It's extremely portable, extensible and fast.

#web #ui #grabbing #scraping #go
​​Cayley (★ 11,977 on GitHub) is an open-source graph inspired by the graph database behind Freebase and Google's Knowledge Graph.

#graph #db #database #go
​​Syncthing (★ 23,116 on GitHub) replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.

This is a good solution if you don't trust your files to free services and want to keep your data by youself.

#paranoia #go #sync #diedropbox #itsmine
​​Algernon - (★ 1,015 on GitHub) is a web server with built-in support for QUIC, HTTP/2, Lua, Markdown, Pongo2, HyperApp, Amber, Sass(SCSS), GCSS, JSX, BoltDB (built-in, stores the database in a file, like SQLite), Redis, PostgreSQL, MariaDB/MySQL, rate limiting, graceful shutdown, plugins, users and permissions.

All in one small self-contained executable.

#go #fullstack #server #web #allinone
The V Programming Language - (★ 3,334 at GitHub) - simple, fast, safe language created for developing maintainable software

#go #lang #c
​​GoatCounter - (★ 589 at GitHub) is a web analytics platform, roughly similar to Google Analytics or Matomo. It aims to give meaningful privacy-friendly web analytics for business purposes, while still staying usable for non-technical users to use on personal websites. The choices that currently exist are between freely hosted but with problematic privacy (e.g. Google Analytics), hosting your own complex software or paying $19/month (e.g. Matomo), or extremely simplistic "vanity statistics".

There are two ways to run this: as hosted service on, free for non-commercial use, or run it on your own server.

#go #statistics #analytics
​​Muon - (★ 1.7k) is a lightweight alternative to Electron written in Golang in about ~300 LoC, using Ultralight instead of Chromium.

Ultralight is a cross-platform WebKit rewrite using the GPU to target embedded desktop applications that resulted in a fast, lightweight, and low-memory HTML UI solution that blends the power of Chromium with the small footprint of Native UI.

#crossplatform #ui #desktop #app #go
​​Monitoror - (★ 642 at GitHub) is a wallboard monitoring app to monitor server status; monitor CI builds progress or even display critical values.

#wallboard #monitoring #go
​​lazydocker - (★31.4k) is a simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose.

#docker #tui #terminal #go
​​Grafterm - (★951) is the metrics dashboards on terminal (a grafana inspired terminal version).

#tui #terminal #go #metrics #dashboard