Dev Useful Stuff
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If you have a dozens or even hundreds of microservices and all of them expose their APIs to the rest of the world, you often need to manage the same things for every service separately, such as authentication/authorization, security checks, load balancing and etc... In this case an API Gateway could be useful, becuase it builds sort of "façade" for your APIs and allows to manage all APIs in one place. Here are few open source solutions:

β€’ Kong, has 12,3k stars on GitHub. Build in Lua language on top of Nginx. Provides a lot of ready plugins for security and Auth, rate-limit, caching, logging and etc...
β€’ Tyk, has 2,4k stars on GitHub. Build on Go. Provides many features out-of-the-box, such as web Dashboard, with monitoring, API documentation, Mocks for testing, notifications and many more...

#api #gateway #microservice
​​mockit - (β˜… 1,108 on GitHub) is a tool to quickly mock out endpoints, setup delays and more.

Stop wasting time mocking APIs. MockIt gives you an interface to configure and create REAL mocked endpoints for your applications. Whilst you wait for APIS to be built use MockIt to talk to a real service.

#api #mock #test #js
​​Hasura - (25.3kβ˜… on GitHub) blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events. Hasura is an open source product that accelerates API development by 10x by giving you GraphQL or REST APIs with built in authorization on your data, instantly.

#graphql #api
​​Bruno - (β˜… 11k at GitHub) is the opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia).

If you think that Postman grew up into a monster, then try Bruno. Bruno is a new and innovative API client, aimed at revolutionizing the status quo represented by Postman and similar tools out there.

Bruno stores your collections directly in a folder on your filesystem. We use a plain text markup language, Bru, to save information about API requests.

You can use Git or any version control of your choice to collaborate over your API collections.

#rest #api #testing #curl
​​PoketBase - (β˜… 31.5k at GitHub) Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file.

It consists of:
● embedded database (SQLite) with realtime subscriptions
● built-in files and users management
● convenient Admin dashboard UI
● and simple REST-ish API

#mobile #backend #mock #api #testing