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Rob Lee (Twitter)

Russ backed Luhansk govt now asserting Ukraine used 2 British storm shadow missiles and one adm160 MALD decoy in yday attack. Repeat attack today. Makes sense. 120km from likely launch point + rocket trails in sky. Ukr targeting command + logistics ahead of main counteroffensive?
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

RT @VasyaMakeevskiy: #Макіївка 09:00 Тюльпан стріляє в боці Григор'ївки (прибл. з 08:25). вночі 02:30 залпувала арта. о 4-й якісь бахи. 08:00 вертольоти в бік Авдіївки, відстріляли НУРси та повернулися. 08:10 ще вертольоти
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

According to Spiegel, 🇩🇪 is preparing the largest package of military aid for 🇺🇦, worth €2.7 billion.
-20 Marder IFV;
-30 Leopard 1A5;
-200 drones;
-100 armored vehicles;
-15 Gepard SPAAG;
-100 logistics vehicles;
-artillery ammunition.
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

In the morning in Luhansk there was another strike, reportedly on the building of the Luhansk Academy of Internal Affairs
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

@aveslav Нет, в Луганске с 2014 года тихо было
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

ЛА "Сегодня могло быть и значительно хуже, они знали куда пуляли, но есть элемент везения" #Луганск
tom (Twitter)

RT @olliecarroll: Russ backed Luhansk govt now asserting Ukraine used 2 British storm shadow missiles and one adm160 MALD decoy in yday attack. Repeat attack today. Makes sense. 120km from likely launch point + rocket trails in sky. Ukr targeting command + logistics ahead of main counteroffensive?
tom (Twitter)

@Mortis_Banned For ‘storm_shadow’s attention
Photo uploaded to social media in the last week showing Russian armour present at the same site

Def Mon (Twitter)

I earlier retweeted a post from this account. It seems this is one of those pro-RU under cover as pro-UA accounts spreading a lot of misinformation. Pic one, the tweet I retweeted. Pic 2-4 Examples. They are translated using google lens, thus the wonky format.
Def Mon (Twitter)

The account changed name at some point, this is the previous version of the account.
Def Mon (Twitter)

This shows history from that twitter acocunt id and it links the new and the old acocunt name.