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Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)

@StatisticalMind @washingtonpost The whole thread is Russian Propaganda

Moscow is scrambling to protect it's borders, it’s becoming a reality for Russians by Ukraine bombing them, and the author had the audacity to talk about Internationally Recognized borders of Russia but not Ukraine

It makes sense because…
Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)

@revishvilig The pilot looks even more pathetic than Shoigu
Dan (Twitter)

266. SW Bakhmut/Korsunskoho St.
24 Assault Battalion 'Aidar' pause at 48.576560, 37.968970 between #59 + 61 Korsunskoho St (the 2 nearest blocks in twts 264-5). #59 is confirmed as UAF.
Film released 21/03, but lack of damage suggests older than twt 264.
Dan (Twitter)

@Bingbongbing66 Was wondering the same. First I thought it was to create smoke .... but little produced, then I wondered about it being a mini-mine clearing line-charge but the aftereffects don't look right. So not sure for now.
Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)

@DEexpat Those number were only from visually confirmed photos. So it could be more than that, up to twice more. Russia just recently in the past 2 months started significantly increasing the number of T-90 Tanks that they use
Dan (Twitter)

267. SW Bakhmut/Korsunskoho St.
At 48.57779, 37.96903 h/t @UAControlMap. If this film is more recent than in tweets 264-66 then UAF are one block north of Korsunskoho Street + RuAF might have taken the block at #59. Neither can I exclude the📽️from being earlier pre-counterattack.
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

Коми-чмобик младший сержант Кривошапкин Сергей Владимирович 1990 г.р. из Емвы пару месяцев поучаствовал в СВОВУ и добросовестно дечмобилизовался под луганской Кременной #всрф #потерьнет #груз200
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

Теперь висит на заборе (ну, на самом деле, это ачимский дом культуры), колышется ветром #всрф #потерьнет #груз200 #Кривошапкин
Status-6 (Twitter)

RT @nukestrat: New style from US Air Force using public aircraft tracking sites to highlight B-52 operations over Europe while they’re happening. They’ve normally reported when completed. Not much information or context, though. #B52
Def Mon (Twitter)

RT @Teoyaomiquu: ⚠️Today, I am starting a new fundraiser to support🇺🇦.
We are again collecting for the thermal vision drones

Watch the video below to understand the significance of Thermal Vision Drones

🎯 $50000, 6 Autel Max 4T Drones
🔗Donation link:
Tax deductible…
The Lookout (Twitter)

@Kryddmotti @oplatsen Dette er ifølge det norske Forsvarsdepartementet en leir, ikke en base og en erstatning for en leir Norge tidligere stilte rådighet for allierte, men som ble nedlagt.

Med andre ord ikke en endring av den selvpålagte restriksjonen angående fremmede baser på norsk jord.
The Lookout (Twitter)

To me, this sounds very much like tacit approval.
The joint China-Russia statement is quite something:

“the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter must be observed and international law must be respected.” 👀
