Danvan (Twitter)
RT @HannaGun: Вони і яйця продовжують закуповувати по 8 грн, коли на полиці в магазині 6 грн. Тобто закупівля у виробника ще значно менша.
Я хочу бачити за ґратами всіх причетних до крадійства на війні. @nab_ukr @ServiceSsu @MVS_UA @DefenceU
RT @HannaGun: Вони і яйця продовжують закуповувати по 8 грн, коли на полиці в магазині 6 грн. Тобто закупівля у виробника ще значно менша.
Я хочу бачити за ґратами всіх причетних до крадійства на війні. @nab_ukr @ServiceSsu @MVS_UA @DefenceU
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @FD_Marita: Pressekonferanse med @Bjornarildgram i dag - om ny investering i Forsvaret.
Kan sees direkte her fra kl 14:
RT @FD_Marita: Pressekonferanse med @Bjornarildgram i dag - om ny investering i Forsvaret.
Kan sees direkte her fra kl 14:
Presseinvitasjon - Forsvarsministeren presenterer ny investering i Forsvaret
I forbindelse med en ny investering i Forsvaret møter forsvarsminister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) pressen.
The Lookout (Twitter)
In case you missed it:
Yesterday I published the first update to my lists of new Russian formations, with a number of new entries and updates.
In case you missed it:
Yesterday I published the first update to my lists of new Russian formations, with a number of new entries and updates.
Reports by The Lookout
New Russian formations - Update 001
Building a post-mobilization Russian OOB. Information cutoff: March 13th - 2023
Dan (Twitter)
@Roberto05246129 @moneteri1 So we agree its a Soviet-era AT-gun used by both RuAF and UAF so to claim that it has been captured or recaptured or has anything to do with the British is lazy propaganda bullshit. Or he just googled the word rapier and found out there is a UK Air defence system named that.
@Roberto05246129 @moneteri1 So we agree its a Soviet-era AT-gun used by both RuAF and UAF so to claim that it has been captured or recaptured or has anything to do with the British is lazy propaganda bullshit. Or he just googled the word rapier and found out there is a UK Air defence system named that.
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Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)
Destruction of Russian 9K33 Osa short-range tactical surface-to-air missile system in Donetsk
Link- https://tttttt.me/gruntmedia/29505
Destruction of Russian 9K33 Osa short-range tactical surface-to-air missile system in Donetsk
Link- https://tttttt.me/gruntmedia/29505
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)
Ukroboronprom started producing 125-mm projectiles for tank guns in close partnership with a NATO country abroad. By order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the first batch of 125-mm shells for T-64, T-72 and T-80 tanks has already been delivered.
Ukroboronprom started producing 125-mm projectiles for tank guns in close partnership with a NATO country abroad. By order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the first batch of 125-mm shells for T-64, T-72 and T-80 tanks has already been delivered.
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🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (Twitter)
#Ukraine: A Russian BTR-82A armored personnel carrier was destroyed after running over Ukrainian anti-tank landmines near Vuhledar, #Donetsk Oblast.
#Ukraine: A Russian BTR-82A armored personnel carrier was destroyed after running over Ukrainian anti-tank landmines near Vuhledar, #Donetsk Oblast.
Danvan (Twitter)
RT @den_kazansky: Утро в Красном Луче (Хрустальный) началось с прилета "Хаймарса" по расположению Росгвардии в профилактории шахты им. Известий (поселок Зеленый Гай).
Попали хорошо. Скорые со всего города стягиваются туда. https://twitter.com/den_kazansky/status/1635545816977866753/photo/1
RT @den_kazansky: Утро в Красном Луче (Хрустальный) началось с прилета "Хаймарса" по расположению Росгвардии в профилактории шахты им. Известий (поселок Зеленый Гай).
Попали хорошо. Скорые со всего города стягиваются туда. https://twitter.com/den_kazansky/status/1635545816977866753/photo/1
Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)
@SizeMichael It wasn't the biggest, but the statement he had made was inaccurate. He should've said that they became less frequent, not that they aren't happening anymore.
@SizeMichael It wasn't the biggest, but the statement he had made was inaccurate. He should've said that they became less frequent, not that they aren't happening anymore.
Dan (Twitter)
@blinzka @JonHallin @GeoConfirmed Sorry to hear that. I will pass on but agree with the point about them being overwhelmed.
@blinzka @JonHallin @GeoConfirmed Sorry to hear that. I will pass on but agree with the point about them being overwhelmed.
Danvan (Twitter)
RT @ukraine_map: Air Raid Sirens 🚨 have begun to sound in all regions of Ukraine 🇺🇦 https://t.co/2UyPGVhPWV
RT @ukraine_map: Air Raid Sirens 🚨 have begun to sound in all regions of Ukraine 🇺🇦 https://t.co/2UyPGVhPWV
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
RT @dohuyaUmnyi: В мене питання, чому таке ставлення до військових на ВЛК? Він з паличкою ледве пересувається, а йому сказали, що він має чотири не пошкоджені кінцівки , навіщо він сюди взагалі прийшов?
RT @dohuyaUmnyi: В мене питання, чому таке ставлення до військових на ВЛК? Він з паличкою ледве пересувається, а йому сказали, що він має чотири не пошкоджені кінцівки , навіщо він сюди взагалі прийшов?