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Necro Mancer (Twitter)

RT @tiamat007: Тимчасово окупований південь України
Запорізька обл.
на південь від #Токмак
березень 🍃2023
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

RT @tacticalturist: Шаритися по старим російським позиціям доволі прикольно, допоки не починаєш помічати розкидані навколо ПМН-4 😅

Сука, як же ж я ненавиджу міни єбані і розтяжки

P.S. Порада всім цивільним в ЗБД, або там, де нещодавно була ЗБД - не лазьте блять по лісам/полям/посадкам
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

@LivsiYan Примерно, как встретить на улице динозавра - 50 на 50
The Lookout (Twitter)

@OberstWKlink @Felix_Nuno While the Eastern Front in WW1 is a bit under-appreciated, based on current events, Mius and 4th Kharkov would be interesting too.

From current events, I'm leaning towards the latter. Prehaps to illustrate some difference between the Red Army of '43 and the current Russian one.
🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (Twitter)

It was recently reported that a number of ancient BTR-50 APCs were delivered to Russian forces in #Ukraine- we obtained a photo of one of them.

This unit appears to be a BTR-50PU command&staff subvariant, adopted in 1958, however it is unclear for what role it will be used now.
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @UAWeapons: It was recently reported that a number of ancient BTR-50 APCs were delivered to Russian forces in #Ukraine- we obtained a photo of one of them.

This unit appears to be a BTR-50PU command&staff subvariant, adopted in 1958, however it is unclear for what role it will be used now.
The Lookout (Twitter)

Reportedly south of Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia, in March 2023.
Тимчасово окупований південь України
Запорізька обл.
на південь від #Токмак
березень 🍃2023
The Lookout (Twitter)

@OberstWKlink @Felix_Nuno Kuban bridgehead would also be interesting and that made me think of the Crimea Operation 1944, which is very interesting from a naval perspective,.

So the list of alternatives just got longer, not shorter...
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @DefMon3: Ukraine update🧵 March 13th

This thread is brought to you buy Vladimir Woodthooth.

It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
Def Mon (Twitter)

Ukraine update🧵 March 13th

This thread is brought to you buy Vladimir Woodthooth.

It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
Def Mon (Twitter)

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