Necro Mancer (Twitter)
39летний ФСБшник-спецназовец с 20летним стажем и сын б.у. омоновца вологжанин Андрей Сергеевич Голубев по кличке "Нерв" не захотел тихо жить на пенсии и 28/01/23 денацифицировался в перевёрнутом броневике #всрф #роа #потерьнет #груз200
39летний ФСБшник-спецназовец с 20летним стажем и сын б.у. омоновца вологжанин Андрей Сергеевич Голубев по кличке "Нерв" не захотел тихо жить на пенсии и 28/01/23 денацифицировался в перевёрнутом броневике #всрф #роа #потерьнет #груз200
January 29, 2023
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The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @tom_bullock_: Russian sources report the 83rd Air Assault Brigade is stationed on the right bank of the Dnipro and is using small UAVs to harass Ukrainian troops (example from here 47.34962717, 33.96710044 I think). Possibly puts Ukrainian raids over the river into more context.
RT @tom_bullock_: Russian sources report the 83rd Air Assault Brigade is stationed on the right bank of the Dnipro and is using small UAVs to harass Ukrainian troops (example from here 47.34962717, 33.96710044 I think). Possibly puts Ukrainian raids over the river into more context.
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
Def Mon (Twitter)
Swedish "newspaper" spreading Russian propaganda.
Blågula Bilen beklagar djupt att @Expressen väljer att ogenerat publicera ryZZk propaganda. Vi förstår att sensationsrubriker säljer, men om det inte är ledartext behöver påståendena ligga lite närmare sanningen än detta, @AliciaHeimer.
Swedish "newspaper" spreading Russian propaganda.
Blågula Bilen beklagar djupt att @Expressen väljer att ogenerat publicera ryZZk propaganda. Vi förstår att sensationsrubriker säljer, men om det inte är ledartext behöver påståendena ligga lite närmare sanningen än detta, @AliciaHeimer.
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
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IgorGirkin (Twitter)
RT @ng_ukraine: Спецпризначенці Нацгвардії України знищили БМП-3 російського окупанта за допомогою FPV-дрона🔥
RT @ng_ukraine: Спецпризначенці Нацгвардії України знищили БМП-3 російського окупанта за допомогою FPV-дрона🔥
January 29, 2023
IgorGirkin (Twitter)
RT @DPSU_ua: Вічна пам’ять прикордонникам Нелі та Олександру
RT @DPSU_ua: Вічна пам’ять прикордонникам Нелі та Олександру
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
Def Mon (Twitter)
@cph_eagle I think calling him a journalist is a huge insult to actual journalists.
@cph_eagle I think calling him a journalist is a huge insult to actual journalists.
January 29, 2023
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Necro Mancer (Twitter)
#Благодатное, Бахмутский р-н, Донецкая обл., 29/01/23, никого не видно
#Благодатное, Бахмутский р-н, Донецкая обл., 29/01/23, никого не видно
January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023
Def Mon (Twitter)
@vkhandus @Wolltigerhueter Not sure which part of the Swedish army emblem contains Nazi symbols?
@vkhandus @Wolltigerhueter Not sure which part of the Swedish army emblem contains Nazi symbols?
January 29, 2023
The Lookout (Twitter)
"The capacity for the production of 155mm artillery rounds can be ramped up to 450,000 to 500,000 per year, he [Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger] added".
""At the Munich Security Conference, we aim to strike an agreement with Lockheed Martin to kick off a HIMARS production (in Germany)," (Rheinmetall CEO Papperger) said..."
"The capacity for the production of 155mm artillery rounds can be ramped up to 450,000 to 500,000 per year, he [Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger] added".
""At the Munich Security Conference, we aim to strike an agreement with Lockheed Martin to kick off a HIMARS production (in Germany)," (Rheinmetall CEO Papperger) said..."
""At the Munich Security Conference, we aim to strike an agreement with Lockheed Martin to kick off a HIMARS production (in Germany)," (Rheinmetall CEO Papperger) said..."
January 29, 2023
Rob Lee (Twitter)
RT @DAlperovitch: “Tank for tank the Nato armour is superior. But this is a full scale ground war in which the numbers of vehicles fielded and how well they are fought matters far more than the qualities of individual pieces of equipment”
Excellent point by @Jack_Watling
RT @DAlperovitch: “Tank for tank the Nato armour is superior. But this is a full scale ground war in which the numbers of vehicles fielded and how well they are fought matters far more than the qualities of individual pieces of equipment”
Excellent point by @Jack_Watling
The Spectator
Russia wants to bleed Ukraine dry before its tanks arrive
The decision by Kyiv’s international partners to send Nato-designed main battle tanks to Ukraine is a pivotal moment in the Russo-Ukrainian War. The tanks may be the focus of attention, but they were part of a much larger range of commitments – Ukraine’s…
January 29, 2023