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Necro Mancer (Twitter)
#25овдбр #всу наловила чмобиков, целую дюжину, в основном белгородские, но есть и владимирский с липецким #всрф #потерьнет #мобилизация
#25овдбр #всу наловила чмобиков, целую дюжину, в основном белгородские, но есть и владимирский с липецким #всрф #потерьнет #мобилизация
The Lookout (Twitter)
The illegal José Assis Giammaria, that was detained on Tuesday by the Police Security Service (PST), is now also facing charges for unlawful intelligence-gathering.
The illegal José Assis Giammaria, that was detained on Tuesday by the Police Security Service (PST), is now also facing charges for unlawful intelligence-gathering.
José (37) siktet for spionasje
Gjesteforsker ved Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT), José Assis Giammaria (37), er siktet for spionasje mot norske statshemmeligheter.
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Rob Lee (Twitter)
Another example of a Russian leader getting involved in the PR competition. Governor of Tula and former SSO commander Alexey Dyumin inspected training for mobilized soldiers from the 106 Airborne Division and gifted them trucks, ATVs, and other equipment.
Another example of a Russian leader getting involved in the PR competition. Governor of Tula and former SSO commander Alexey Dyumin inspected training for mobilized soldiers from the 106 Airborne Division and gifted them trucks, ATVs, and other equipment.
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
Капитан ВДВ Сергей Самородов 1982 г.р. из Трубчевска съездил в Украину и пополнил собой брянскую землю #всрф #потерьнет #груз200
Капитан ВДВ Сергей Самородов 1982 г.р. из Трубчевска съездил в Украину и пополнил собой брянскую землю #всрф #потерьнет #груз200
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The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @RALee85: Another example of a Russian leader getting involved in the PR competition. Governor of Tula and former SSO commander Alexey Dyumin inspected training for mobilized soldiers from the 106 Airborne Division and gifted them trucks, ATVs, and other equipment.
RT @RALee85: Another example of a Russian leader getting involved in the PR competition. Governor of Tula and former SSO commander Alexey Dyumin inspected training for mobilized soldiers from the 106 Airborne Division and gifted them trucks, ATVs, and other equipment.
MotolkoHelp (Twitter)
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus recognized 625 more people as “extremists”. Now the list of “persons engaged in extremist activity” includes 1500 people. These are Belarusians & citizens of other states that are or were persecuted under “political” criminal articles.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus recognized 625 more people as “extremists”. Now the list of “persons engaged in extremist activity” includes 1500 people. These are Belarusians & citizens of other states that are or were persecuted under “political” criminal articles.
MotolkoHelp (Twitter)
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus recognized 625 more people as “extremists”. Now the list of “persons engaged in extremist activity” includes 1500 people. These are Belarusians & citizens of other states that are or were persecuted under “political” criminal articles.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus recognized 625 more people as “extremists”. Now the list of “persons engaged in extremist activity” includes 1500 people. These are Belarusians & citizens of other states that are or were persecuted under “political” criminal articles.