Def Mon (Twitter)
@archer_comanche @xyepu Weill fk me, the real one was even better than the made up one 😂
@archer_comanche @xyepu Weill fk me, the real one was even better than the made up one 😂
Def Mon (Twitter)
@JDavidG_ @osintenjoyer_ca Sure, They have used Tochka-U, but when is the last time you can prove they hit something beyond 84km?
@JDavidG_ @osintenjoyer_ca Sure, They have used Tochka-U, but when is the last time you can prove they hit something beyond 84km?
IgorGirkin (Twitter)
"Как итог, брошенные им без связи, питания и боеприпасов деморализованные бойцы оказались в н.п. Рубежное, Кременная, откуда их вылавливают до сих пор и возвращают на передовую, но уже проваленную почти до второго рубежа."
"Как итог, брошенные им без связи, питания и боеприпасов деморализованные бойцы оказались в н.п. Рубежное, Кременная, откуда их вылавливают до сих пор и возвращают на передовую, но уже проваленную почти до второго рубежа."
IgorGirkin (Twitter)
RT @GolosAmeriki: США привлекут Россию к ответственности в случае атаки на коммерческие спутники
RT @GolosAmeriki: США привлекут Россию к ответственности в случае атаки на коммерческие спутники
США привлекут Россию к ответственности в случае атаки на коммерческие спутники
Представитель Совета национальной безопасности Джон Кирби предупредил, что США в случае подобной атаки ответят «надлежащим образом»
Def Mon (Twitter)
@JDavidG_ @osintenjoyer_ca If you are thinking about saki air base, it could have been done by commercial drones. And I think the truck bomb theory about Kherch is very likely. There are so many targets they would hit if they had long range capabilities.
@JDavidG_ @osintenjoyer_ca If you are thinking about saki air base, it could have been done by commercial drones. And I think the truck bomb theory about Kherch is very likely. There are so many targets they would hit if they had long range capabilities.
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)
RT @oryxspioenkop: Belarus just invented the cope bucket to 'protect' MBTs against munitions fitted with IR seekers 🇧🇾
This is real.
I'm not joking.
RT @oryxspioenkop: Belarus just invented the cope bucket to 'protect' MBTs against munitions fitted with IR seekers 🇧🇾
This is real.
I'm not joking.
Def Mon (Twitter)
@JamesMillerite @SecDef "They have what they need to be successful." <-This is not true.
@JamesMillerite @SecDef "They have what they need to be successful." <-This is not true.
Def Mon (Twitter)
@pollack_steven @Danspiun @HorstvonHorst1 @AndrewPerpetua Did i hear "taken from the rear"?
@pollack_steven @Danspiun @HorstvonHorst1 @AndrewPerpetua Did i hear "taken from the rear"?
Def Mon (Twitter)
@ltTorni @eapaia En överste löjtnant från försvarshögskolan har sagt att 12 finns tillgänglia. Detta är någos som konstaterades redan år 2021, då de förband de kommer tillhöra inte kommer vara färdiga för än 2025. Som jag förstår det så godkände regeringen ev export till USA vid det tillfället.
@ltTorni @eapaia En överste löjtnant från försvarshögskolan har sagt att 12 finns tillgänglia. Detta är någos som konstaterades redan år 2021, då de förband de kommer tillhöra inte kommer vara färdiga för än 2025. Som jag förstår det så godkände regeringen ev export till USA vid det tillfället.
Status-6 (Twitter)
The US is sending Ukraine a new $275 million security assistance package, largely aimed at replenishing thousands of rounds of ammunition for weapons systems already there, including M142 HIMARS/M270 MLRS.
The US is sending Ukraine a new $275 million security assistance package, largely aimed at replenishing thousands of rounds of ammunition for weapons systems already there, including M142 HIMARS/M270 MLRS.
AP News
US to send Ukraine additional $275 million in military aid
U.S. officials say the Pentagon is sending Ukraine a new $275 million package of weapons and other aid, in a move to bolster the effort to drive Russian forces out of key areas in the south as the winter closes in.
Def Mon (Twitter)
@ctocopok @bayraktar_1love No they are not. Primary targets would be fuel and ammo.
@ctocopok @bayraktar_1love No they are not. Primary targets would be fuel and ammo.
Status-6 (Twitter)
Ramzan Kadyrov announced that at least 23 Russian servicemen from Chechen unit/s were killed and 58 wounded as a result of Ukrainian strikes in the Kherson Oblast of Ukraine at the beginning of this week.
Ramzan Kadyrov announced that at least 23 Russian servicemen from Chechen unit/s were killed and 58 wounded as a result of Ukrainian strikes in the Kherson Oblast of Ukraine at the beginning of this week.
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Status-6 (Twitter)
Night-time GMLRS rocket launches from Ukrainian M142 HIMARS/M270 MLRS launchers. A huge package.
Night-time GMLRS rocket launches from Ukrainian M142 HIMARS/M270 MLRS launchers. A huge package.