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Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)

@cym27s: You’re done. You needed to be Pro-Israel by the beginning of March, and you weren’t, so it’s gone.
Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)

@cym27s @GMR0282: Why are we placed together here? I don’t want to lose the check to.
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

Рашисты издеваются над взятым в плен бойцом ВСУ из Великобритании (Джеймс Скотт Рис Андерсон) #скрф #пытки #КурНР
IgorGirkin (Twitter)

RT @marakasyk: Кілька тижнів тому, коли були морози до -17, ми вивозили піхотинця.

Сорок років, а виглядає на всі шістдесят. Пересушене лице, тріснуті губи, очі запалі, загрубілі, чорні від крові та землі руки, знесилений та з купою поранень. Казав, що мав бути на позиції до тижня, а пробув майже місяць. Казав що там пекло, їх крили з усього, чим тільки можна, казав це і вимикався в теплій машині від знесилення. Коли приводили його до тями, просив водички постійно. Щоб тримати його в свідомості, ми говорили з ним, він розповідав про доньок і про те, як хоче додому щоб побачити їх.

Йому пощастило. Бо протягом кількох наступних днів дорога якою його вивозили, перейшла під вогневий контроль противника, а МахPro, яким вивозили, згорів.
Це справжнє диво, що його та інших хлопців, які були ще в важчому стані, встигли витягнути. Кожен такий випадок це маленька перемога, навіть якщо загальна ситуація здається безжальною.

А от уявити, що було б, якби...

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The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @Capt_Navy: A very low pass of a Russian Su-24 Fencer over Turkish fishermen in the Black Sea.
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @jimsciutto: New: A divided Supreme Court rejected the Trump administration’s request to keep billions of dollars in foreign aid approved by Congress frozen. However, the court did not immediately say when the money must be released, allowing the White House to continue to dispute the issue in lower courts. The ruling was 5-4
Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)

@Rohaan4272 @ItsTheEnforcer: We can’t give our opinion now? Since Trump took office, I haven't seen him do one good thing on the World stage. He’s ruined our relationships with allies, put high tariffs on all of them, stopped military aid to Ukraine, and started negotiating with Russia to take its side. How do you expect me to support that? If I am not mistaken, you said he would do the opposite.

My positions haven’t changed. Here is a flashback to what you said on December 22, 2024, around three months ago.

“Stopping support for Ukraine is just astupid as slow-walking it for profit”

This was said many times, just one of the comments being very critical of stopping support for Ukraine, basically forcing them to surrender, abandoning them, and helping Russia not only start winning the war but also stopping support, including weapons systems like NASAMS, AMRAAM missiles, Patriot missiles, Sidewinder missiles, electronic warfare, and dozens of other weapons systems that are used to shoot down Russian missiles and drones. Stopping support means allowing Russia to ramp up and be more successful in its missile attacks on Ukraine, helping them destroy heating, electricity, and water infrastructure, which is Putin’s goal of physiologically and physically terrorizing civilians in Ukraine.

Imagine that happening in WW2: the US starts negotiating with Hitler, says they caused the invasion of their own countries, called them the dictators, and forced Europe to surrender to Hitler on the terms that just believe him because he won’t invade anymore than what he already has. Then US would plan to restart economic relations with Hitler, allowing him to build his military up even more so he can invade and take the rest of Europe, who would have no security guarantees or the ability to make decisions about its own independence because both sides essentially forced them to surrender. What do you think would happen next? Hitler would invade again. It’s the same mistake being made over again in history.

How do you expect me, or any true Ukrainian support, to support that? I feel like that’s destroying, at least partially, not entirely, America’s presence in the World. That’s not a political thing if Trump had increased aid to Ukraine, which was equivalent to ~0.1% of the USA’s yearly GDP or 0.6% of the US yearly revenue on average, but much less the past year. Then, I would support him if he increased aid, as many said he would. Instead, he did the opposite; what you said was just as stupid as what Biden did by slow-walking the aid.

You also said in response to news that Trump stopped aid to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel:

“This is BS. Ukraine, Israel, and Egypt are exempt, and the US will continue to support them. Ukraine may be given the ~$330B in frozen Russian assets held by the US.

Do some actual research.”

While that may have been temporarily true, Trump did stop all aid, economic, humanitarian, military, and aid to rebuild Ukraine’s destroyed energy infrastructure fully just this past week. Meaning US did not continue giving them aid, and neither used the frozen Russian assets to do it.

You also agree with, or at least agreed with, the core principle about Russia’s goals, saying;

“Russia already has NATO nations on its border, it's just a lame excuse. Putin wants Ukraine for himself/for Russia and he knows if it's a NATO nation, he'll have to fight NATO for it.

Putin and the Duma have made it very clear what their goals are: Take all former Russian Empire territories back. It's easier for them if NATO does not have a reason to stop them.”

Negotiating with Russia, giving them 20% of Ukraine, and signing a meaningless agreement, judging by all its history, they will almost certainly break again, only gives them time to escape consequences and prepare for another invasion of Ukraine, which Putin wants all of. Would you be okay with giving China or Russia 20% of the US while they are bombing you, killing Americans for 10 years? Will you believe them and surrender?
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

RT @marakasyk: Кілька тижнів тому, коли були морози до -17, ми вивозили піхотинця.

Сорок років, а виглядає на всі шістдесят. Пересушене лице, тріснуті губи, очі запалі, загрубілі, чорні від крові та землі руки, знесилений та з купою поранень. Казав, що мав бути на позиції до тижня, а пробув майже місяць. Казав що там пекло, їх крили з усього, чим тільки можна, казав це і вимикався в теплій машині від знесилення. Коли приводили його до тями, просив водички постійно. Щоб тримати його в свідомості, ми говорили з ним, він розповідав про доньок і про те, як хоче додому щоб побачити їх.

Йому пощастило. Бо протягом кількох наступних днів дорога якою його вивозили, перейшла під вогневий контроль противника, а МахPro, яким вивозили, згорів.
Це справжнє диво, що його та інших хлопців, які були ще в важчому стані, встигли витягнути. Кожен такий випадок це маленька перемога, навіть якщо загальна ситуація здається безжальною.

А от уявити, що було б, якби...

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Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

🇳🇱Dutch Prime Minister discussed with Zelenskyy investments in drone production worth 700 million euros.
Colby Badhwar 🇨🇦🇬🇧 (Twitter)

RT @EdwardLawrence: CIA Director John Ratcliffe just told @MariaBartiromo U.S. paused weapons shipments AND intelligence to Ukraine in the fallout of meeting in the Oval Office. Ratcliffe says he looks forward to lifting the pause and working with Ukraine towards peace following the letter to POTUS
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @haynesdeborah: UPDATE: The US has stopped sharing "all" intelligence with Ukraine, a Ukrainian source has said. 
Previously the source, with knowledge of the situation, said the halt in the follow of intelligence had been "selective", only affecting information that could be used for attacks inside Russia. 
"A few hours ago, the exchange of all information was stopped," the source said. 

With @safarov_