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The Lookout (Twitter)

@Shivak03: I really don't know, but if the tap has been turned off once,mid reopened, it can be turned off again later.
The Lookout (Twitter)

A partial halt on intel that can be used to support Ukrainian long range strikes into Russian can potentially have significant consequences for these operations, reducing their efficiency substantially.
The Lookout (Twitter)

@Lmz420Andy800: It's a developing story / situation. In these cases there will be uncertainty and conflicting reports. That's just how it is.
Rob Lee (Twitter)

RT @haynesdeborah: BREAKING: The US has stopped sharing intelligence with Ukraine that could be used to launch attacks inside Russia, a Ukrainian source has told Sky News. 
But the source said that American intelligence-sharing has not halted completely.
The source described the move as “selective”, indicating that this meant US intelligence would still be shared with Ukraine that could be used to attack Russian forces on Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory.
Asked whether it is correct that the US has stopped sharing intelligence, the source said: “Unfortunately, yes, but not completely. It is selective. On the possibility of damage on the territory of the Russian Federation”
The move is another blow for Kyiv after Donald Trump decided to pause all military aid to Ukraine following a bust-up with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the White House. 

With @safarov_
IgorGirkin (Twitter)

RT @donaldtusk: On March 5, 1940, a decision was made in Moscow to murder over 22 thousand Polish war prisoners. May the memory of the Russian lie and Katyń crime be a warning for the world. Let us always call it as it is: a crime is a crime, a victim - a victim, an aggressor - an aggressor.
IgorGirkin (Twitter)

Восьмиметрова гармата дивиться у небо. Автомат заряджання забирає 155-міліметровий снаряд. Вводяться координати. Час наче завмирає.

Лунає команда «Постріл!» — і лісом котиться потужна хвиля, що скидає сніг з гілля та маскувальних сіток. А за десятки кілометрів летить невпинна сила, яка перетворює живу силу противника на цифри у ранішній статистиці.

Так працює САУ 2С22 «Богдана»: швидко, ефективно та ефектно. Сучасна українська зброя в руках українських операторів — комбінація, проти якої у ворога немає жодних шансів!
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

Рашисты издеваются над украинскими военнопленными #скрф #пытки #КурНР #Фурлет #Задорожный #Сыченко #Хаюк
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

#Макеевка, Советский р-н: много стало в наши дни неопознанной хуйни #дроноцид