Def Mon (Twitter)
The AFU repulsed attacks in the area of Kamianka, Avdiivka, Vodyane, Severne, Pervomaiske, Maryinka, and Pobieda. RuAF are attacking north from Vodyane and south west around Krashnohorivka. Deepstate claim RuAF captured Krashnohorivka, and I've never seen them be wrong.
The AFU repulsed attacks in the area of Kamianka, Avdiivka, Vodyane, Severne, Pervomaiske, Maryinka, and Pobieda. RuAF are attacking north from Vodyane and south west around Krashnohorivka. Deepstate claim RuAF captured Krashnohorivka, and I've never seen them be wrong.
The AFU repulsed attacks in the area of Kamianka, Avdiivka, Vodyane, Severne, Pervomaiske, Maryinka, and Pobieda. RuAF are attacking north from Vodyane and south west around Krashnohorivka. Deepstate claim RuAF captured Krashnohorivka, and I've never…
The AFU repulsed attacks in the area of Kamianka, Avdiivka, Vodyane, Severne, Pervomaiske, Maryinka, and Pobieda. RuAF are attacking north from Vodyane and south west around Krashnohorivka. Deepstate claim RuAF captured Krashnohorivka, and I've never…
Def Mon (Twitter)
If we compare RU lines from today and from the 7th, we can see RuAF made some progress both SW and NE of the city.
If we compare RU lines from today and from the 7th, we can see RuAF made some progress both SW and NE of the city.
🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (Twitter)
@GeromanAT Well, you don't install a heavy machine gun on a "mine clearing drone".
@GeromanAT Well, you don't install a heavy machine gun on a "mine clearing drone".
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
Тут он прав, в общем-то, такого не должно быть рядом с зоной боевых действий #всеплохо
Тут он прав, в общем-то, такого не должно быть рядом с зоной боевых действий #всеплохо
Def Mon (Twitter)
MAR 13, 2023: #NAFO #NAFOWeather Mostly Cloudy(west) Clear-Partly Cloudy(elsewhere). Low Temp -2C to 0C. Wind from east at 4-9 m/s
WED (MAR 15) Partly-Mostly Cloudy. Low Temp 1C to 5C
THU-FRI (MAR 16-17) Occasional Rain. Low Temp 4C to 8C
SAT-SUN (MAR 18-19) Mostly Cloudy
MAR 13, 2023: #NAFO #NAFOWeather Mostly Cloudy(west) Clear-Partly Cloudy(elsewhere). Low Temp -2C to 0C. Wind from east at 4-9 m/s
WED (MAR 15) Partly-Mostly Cloudy. Low Temp 1C to 5C
THU-FRI (MAR 16-17) Occasional Rain. Low Temp 4C to 8C
SAT-SUN (MAR 18-19) Mostly Cloudy
The Lookout (Twitter)
Ground "combat" of Joint Viking started Saturday, when "North" invaded "South".
Going forward, South (NOR Brigade North, Home Guard, UK / NL Marines and US Army) will launch their counteroffensive to take back territory from North (NOR Porsanger Bn, UK 2. Para, USMC support).
Under øvelse #JointViking23 er deltakerne på land delt inn i to stridende lag: Nord og Sør. Striden startet da Nord invaderte territoriet til Sør ved #Setermoen Deretter rykker fronten nordover mot Nordkjosbotn. Se hvordan vi øver her: #WeAreNATO
Ground "combat" of Joint Viking started Saturday, when "North" invaded "South".
Going forward, South (NOR Brigade North, Home Guard, UK / NL Marines and US Army) will launch their counteroffensive to take back territory from North (NOR Porsanger Bn, UK 2. Para, USMC support).
Under øvelse #JointViking23 er deltakerne på land delt inn i to stridende lag: Nord og Sør. Striden startet da Nord invaderte territoriet til Sør ved #Setermoen Deretter rykker fronten nordover mot Nordkjosbotn. Se hvordan vi øver her: #WeAreNATO
🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (Twitter)
@ElagabalusOmen @Balkanomic Top tier copium - please explain how "remote controlled mine clearing" would need a machine gun?
@ElagabalusOmen @Balkanomic Top tier copium - please explain how "remote controlled mine clearing" would need a machine gun?
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
@me_ua_y Такие тоже не всегда срабатывают. Другое дело, что они и заметно дешевле
@me_ua_y Такие тоже не всегда срабатывают. Другое дело, что они и заметно дешевле
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
Героический муж Пешков Максим Сергеевич 1985 г.р. из Новосибирска, чтя память дидов, стал националфашистом и 11/09/22 у Бахмута в составе разведовательно-штурмового отряда отправился беспределить в вечности #роа #груз200
Героический муж Пешков Максим Сергеевич 1985 г.р. из Новосибирска, чтя память дидов, стал националфашистом и 11/09/22 у Бахмута в составе разведовательно-штурмового отряда отправился беспределить в вечности #роа #груз200
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @DefMon3: Ukraine update🧵 March 13th
This thread is brought to you buy Vladimir Woodthooth.
It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
RT @DefMon3: Ukraine update🧵 March 13th
This thread is brought to you buy Vladimir Woodthooth.
It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (Twitter)
@ElagabalusOmen If you're going to cite vehicles, at least get the the name right. Enjoy the block for insults.
@ElagabalusOmen If you're going to cite vehicles, at least get the the name right. Enjoy the block for insults.
The Lookout (Twitter)
Avdiivka is a place to watch going forward.
If we compare RU lines from today and from the 7th, we can see RuAF made some progress both SW and NE of the city.
Avdiivka is a place to watch going forward.
If we compare RU lines from today and from the 7th, we can see RuAF made some progress both SW and NE of the city.