Def Mon (Twitter)
Elitförbandens kamp – Azov-bataljonen och Wagnergruppen i Bakhmut
De ryska framgångarna i Soledar och Bakhmut har tillskrivits Wagnergruppen. Nu skickar Ukraina den nationalistiska Azovbataljonen för att mota tillbaka Putins privata armé. – Det är två elitförband som möts, säger Jan Hallenberg, senior forskningsrådgivare…
The Lookout (Twitter)
Units involved in addition to the 40th and 155th Naval Infantry Brigades.
- At least one brigade and separate units from the 29th army
- Battalion-sized assault unit from the "Kaskad" unit
- Smaller detachments from Donetsk forces
- Separate special forces groups from the GRU
- Reserves from multiple units.
Units involved in addition to the 40th and 155th Naval Infantry Brigades.
- At least one brigade and separate units from the 29th army
- Battalion-sized assault unit from the "Kaskad" unit
- Smaller detachments from Donetsk forces
- Separate special forces groups from the GRU
- Reserves from multiple units.
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @KaptainLOMA: #ВМФ #Russia's naval deployment in the #Mediterranean on the morning of Jan-28, as reported by #OSINT.
The majority of the task force is reported at sea, most likely in response to NATO vessels patrolling the Eastern Mediterranean.
RT @KaptainLOMA: #ВМФ #Russia's naval deployment in the #Mediterranean on the morning of Jan-28, as reported by #OSINT.
The majority of the task force is reported at sea, most likely in response to NATO vessels patrolling the Eastern Mediterranean.
Media is too big
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
#Светлодолинское (временно оккупированное), Запорожская обл., 29/01/23, последствия удара по мосту через реку Молочную #роспроп
#Светлодолинское (временно оккупированное), Запорожская обл., 29/01/23, последствия удара по мосту через реку Молочную #роспроп
Def Mon (Twitter)
Ukraine update🧵 January 29th
This update is brought to you by Putlers imperial ambitions.
It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
Ukraine update🧵 January 29th
This update is brought to you by Putlers imperial ambitions.
It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
Def Mon (Twitter)
Visit interactive map for more details and explanations. (Legend available)
Visit interactive map for more details and explanations. (Legend available)
Operational Map Ukraine
Def Mon (Twitter)
Yesterdays thread:
Ukraine update🧵 January 28th (take 2)
This update is brought to you by the Russian instructions on how to handle Abrams tanks.
It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
Yesterdays thread:
Ukraine update🧵 January 28th (take 2)
This update is brought to you by the Russian instructions on how to handle Abrams tanks.
It would be helpful if you like and retweet this tweet.
Def Mon (Twitter)
Overview images
Keep in mind, the frontline is constantly moving and positions are changing hands.
Overview images
Keep in mind, the frontline is constantly moving and positions are changing hands.
Def Mon (Twitter)
Weather by @davidhelms570
JAN 29, 2023: #NAFO #NAFOWeather next 24 hours-Rain (southeast), Snow/Mix (east), Snow (west). Low Temp 0C (south) to -3C (east), Winds from northwest at 2-4 m/s
TUE-THU (JAN 31-FEB 2) Cloudy. Low Temp -2C to 0C
FRI-SAT (FEB 3-4) Mix/Snow. Low Temp -2C to -0C
Weather by @davidhelms570
JAN 29, 2023: #NAFO #NAFOWeather next 24 hours-Rain (southeast), Snow/Mix (east), Snow (west). Low Temp 0C (south) to -3C (east), Winds from northwest at 2-4 m/s
TUE-THU (JAN 31-FEB 2) Cloudy. Low Temp -2C to 0C
FRI-SAT (FEB 3-4) Mix/Snow. Low Temp -2C to -0C
Def Mon (Twitter)
The AFU repulsed attacks in the area of Yampolivka, Dibrova, Bilohorivka and Verkhn'okam'yanka. RuAF seems to be stepping up activity in the Kreminna area.
The AFU repulsed attacks in the area of Yampolivka, Dibrova, Bilohorivka and Verkhn'okam'yanka. RuAF seems to be stepping up activity in the Kreminna area.