Necro Mancer (Twitter)
#Волноваха (временно оккупированная), Донецкая обл., бывшая гостиница "Ахтамар", 01/11/22, что-то прилетело
#Волноваха (временно оккупированная), Донецкая обл., бывшая гостиница "Ахтамар", 01/11/22, что-то прилетело
Status-6 (Twitter)
Unknown UAVs were spotted over the barracks and positions of the Serbian Armed Forces in the area of Merdar and Raška in Serbia, near the border with Kosovo.
The objects left the Serbian airspace after MiG-29 fighter jets were scrambled, Blic newspaper reports.
Unknown UAVs were spotted over the barracks and positions of the Serbian Armed Forces in the area of Merdar and Raška in Serbia, near the border with Kosovo.
The objects left the Serbian airspace after MiG-29 fighter jets were scrambled, Blic newspaper reports.
Status-6 (Twitter)
Serbia's President Aleksandar Vučić issued an official order that all hostile UAVs over the Central Serbia region should be immediately destroyed.
Serbia's President Aleksandar Vučić issued an official order that all hostile UAVs over the Central Serbia region should be immediately destroyed.
DRONOVI ŠPIJUNIRALI KASARNE VOJSKE SRBIJE? Podignuti "migovi 29" i izdato naređenje za uništavanje bespilotnih letelica
Predsednik Srbije i vrhovni komandant oružanih snaga Aleksandar Vučić izdao je danas zvaničnu naredbu da sve neprijateljske bespilotne letelice na teritoriji centralne Srbije budu momentalno uništene.
Status-6 (Twitter)
Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the US warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the KSA and Erbil (Iraq), putting the US military and others in the Middle East on an "elevated alert level," Saudi and US officials said.
Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the US warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the KSA and Erbil (Iraq), putting the US military and others in the Middle East on an "elevated alert level," Saudi and US officials said.
WSJ News Exclusive | Saudi Arabia, U.S. on High Alert After Warning of Imminent Iranian Attack
Saudi officials said Tehran is poised to attack both the kingdom and Erbil in Iraq, and the White House National Security Council said the U.S. is prepared to respond.
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Necro Mancer (Twitter)
#Донецк, Кировский р-н, в ресторан "Гуляй-Хата" прилетел HARM
#Донецк, Кировский р-н, в ресторан "Гуляй-Хата" прилетел HARM
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
#Донецк, Кировский р-н, 01/11/22, в ресторан "Гуляй-Хата" прилетел HARM (больше фото
#Донецк, Кировский р-н, 01/11/22, в ресторан "Гуляй-Хата" прилетел HARM (больше фото
Necro Mancer (Twitter)
RT @MaestroDivino1: @666_mancer Кароч, все рос.авиабазы работают в режиме проходного двора
RT @MaestroDivino1: @666_mancer Кароч, все рос.авиабазы работают в режиме проходного двора
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🇺🇦 Ukraine Weapons Tracker (Twitter)
#Ukraine: A Russian T-72B tank and BMP-2 IFV were destroyed by artillery fire from Ukrainian Airborne forces in the vicinity of Marinka, #Donetsk Oblast.
#Ukraine: A Russian T-72B tank and BMP-2 IFV were destroyed by artillery fire from Ukrainian Airborne forces in the vicinity of Marinka, #Donetsk Oblast.
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Rob Lee (Twitter)
Video of a Ukrainian artillery strike on a Russian VDV BMD-4M by Ukraine’s 59th Motorized Brigade in the south. Another possible Excalibur strike.
Video of a Ukrainian artillery strike on a Russian VDV BMD-4M by Ukraine’s 59th Motorized Brigade in the south. Another possible Excalibur strike.
Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)
@OSchockstarre @AgeOfSecrecy @Tendar We are basically at Scenario D, except Russia has basically none of Kharkiv Oblast and doesn’t have half of Donetsk Oblast. Instead they have most of Zaporizhzia and Kherson.
@OSchockstarre @AgeOfSecrecy @Tendar We are basically at Scenario D, except Russia has basically none of Kharkiv Oblast and doesn’t have half of Donetsk Oblast. Instead they have most of Zaporizhzia and Kherson.
Ukraine Battle Map (Twitter)
@Mohamed12691359 Is that’s because you in Egypt knows what goes on in Ukraine?
@Mohamed12691359 Is that’s because you in Egypt knows what goes on in Ukraine?