The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @Ongaunited: Jaha, då gick den här transponderlösa skönheten (med eskort) in väster om Bornholm idag. Blev dock duktigt punktmarkerad. #säkpol
RT @Ongaunited: Jaha, då gick den här transponderlösa skönheten (med eskort) in väster om Bornholm idag. Blev dock duktigt punktmarkerad. #säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: My piece over at @KKrVA_Sverige about how the #NordStreamSabotage highlights the fact that sometimes what you need is any hulls at all, rather than too few high-end capabilities. #turpo=#säkpol
RT @CorporalFrisk: My piece over at @KKrVA_Sverige about how the #NordStreamSabotage highlights the fact that sometimes what you need is any hulls at all, rather than too few high-end capabilities. #turpo=#säkpol
Tillräckligt många eller tillräckligt bra?
Attackerna mot Nordstream har återigen lyft behovet av numerär, och väcker samtidigt frågor kring vilken typ av numerär vi kommer att behöva som nya NATO-länder. I kölvattnet av sabotaget syntes alliansens styrka tydligt – en av orsakerna till att svenska…
Def Mon (Twitter)
RT @Cornubot: Onsdagen den 2:a november och den nya regeringen har fortfarande inte skickat något militärt stöd till Ukraina, annat än varm luft och upprepanden av vallöften från augusti. #säkpol #föpol #svpol
RT @Cornubot: Onsdagen den 2:a november och den nya regeringen har fortfarande inte skickat något militärt stöd till Ukraina, annat än varm luft och upprepanden av vallöften från augusti. #säkpol #föpol #svpol
Def Mon (Twitter)
@SwedishPM Accused the former Swedish government for being weak for not sending Archers to Ukraine.
He him self has sent NO military aid to Ukraine.
Till Ulf Krisersson: Fäll ner pungen och landa, öka det millitära stödet till Ukraina nu.
@SwedishPM Accused the former Swedish government for being weak for not sending Archers to Ukraine.
He him self has sent NO military aid to Ukraine.
Till Ulf Krisersson: Fäll ner pungen och landa, öka det millitära stödet till Ukraina nu.
The Lookout (Twitter)
An interesting read on Finnish Defence Forces NCO training.
A key factor in making a large wartime reserve organization an effective fighting force.
Ryhmä #MIEHAU - Finnish #NCO training covers a broad range of skills and topics, and while the vast majority undergo it as conscripts, there is a #reservist option. #turpo=#säkpol #MIEHAU22 #METSO22 #AUK #KAIPR
An interesting read on Finnish Defence Forces NCO training.
A key factor in making a large wartime reserve organization an effective fighting force.
Ryhmä #MIEHAU - Finnish #NCO training covers a broad range of skills and topics, and while the vast majority undergo it as conscripts, there is a #reservist option. #turpo=#säkpol #MIEHAU22 #METSO22 #AUK #KAIPR
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: Sounds like a big deal for #NATO #SIGINT-capability in the #BalticSea, wouldn't be surprised to see these focusing on the #BalticFleet and #Kaliningrad. #turpo=#säkpol
RT @CorporalFrisk: Sounds like a big deal for #NATO #SIGINT-capability in the #BalticSea, wouldn't be surprised to see these focusing on the #BalticFleet and #Kaliningrad. #turpo=#säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: Our article 'A Flexible and Resilient Nordic Air Base Concept' first published in #Luftled (Norwegian air power journal) is now found on @StratagemNO as well, head over there and check it out! #turpo=#säkpol #AirBase
RT @CorporalFrisk: Our article 'A Flexible and Resilient Nordic Air Base Concept' first published in #Luftled (Norwegian air power journal) is now found on @StratagemNO as well, head over there and check it out! #turpo=#säkpol #AirBase
A Flexible and Resilient Nordic Air Base Concept
Finland and Sweden joining NATO is a substantial strengthening of the Alliance’s airpower capabilities. The purchase of F-35s – Finland (64), Norway (52) and Denmark (27) – combined with Sweden’s JAS Gripen (120), both C/D and E models, offer a unique opportunity…
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: Nice, yesterday's #B52 mission practiced deploying #navalmines jointly with a Swedish #corvette in protection of a friendly port. #BalticSea #turpo=#säkpol
RT @CorporalFrisk: Nice, yesterday's #B52 mission practiced deploying #navalmines jointly with a Swedish #corvette in protection of a friendly port. #BalticSea #turpo=#säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: Thread about #Finland's new government, but I believe this is the key tweet for my followers. #turpo=#säkpol #NATO
RT @CorporalFrisk: Thread about #Finland's new government, but I believe this is the key tweet for my followers. #turpo=#säkpol #NATO
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The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: I'll buy a coffee to the next Finnish journalist who gets @PetteriOrpo, @anttihakkanen, or @elinavaltonen to state on the record what our positon is regarding *our ally* being under continuous threat of collateral damage from these airstrikes. #turpo=#säkpol
RT @CorporalFrisk: I'll buy a coffee to the next Finnish journalist who gets @PetteriOrpo, @anttihakkanen, or @elinavaltonen to state on the record what our positon is regarding *our ally* being under continuous threat of collateral damage from these airstrikes. #turpo=#säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: The #Pohjanmaa-class (#SQ2020) will get #Mk41VLS, but how many? A new render seems to give an unexpected answer. #turpo=#säkpol #LV2020…
RT @CorporalFrisk: The #Pohjanmaa-class (#SQ2020) will get #Mk41VLS, but how many? A new render seems to give an unexpected answer. #turpo=#säkpol #LV2020…
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The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @ForsvarsdepSv: Fördjupat samarbete mellan Sverige och Japan stod på agendan när 🇯🇵 försvarsminister @kihara_minoru i dag mötte 🇸🇪 försvarsminister @PlJonson i Stockholm.
Läs mer:
#föpol #säkpol
RT @ForsvarsdepSv: Fördjupat samarbete mellan Sverige och Japan stod på agendan när 🇯🇵 försvarsminister @kihara_minoru i dag mötte 🇸🇪 försvarsminister @PlJonson i Stockholm.
Läs mer:
#föpol #säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @STRATMIL: @The_Lookout_N: Time to act, Nordics.
Leveraging and pushing the institutions (Nato, EU), yes, but no longer just waiting for the miracle.
>> Nordics
>> @JEFnations
Cluster & influence together.
#turpo #säkpol
RT @STRATMIL: @The_Lookout_N: Time to act, Nordics.
Leveraging and pushing the institutions (Nato, EU), yes, but no longer just waiting for the miracle.
>> Nordics
>> @JEFnations
Cluster & influence together.
#turpo #säkpol