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Overlapping length or Lap length
Overlapping or Lap Length

Length of bar required to transfer the stress safely.


Overlapping Length or Lap Length is provided for maintain the continuity of bars in order to safely transfer the load from one bar to another bar.

▪️ It depends on the Grade of Concrete, grade of steel and dia of bar.

▪️Due to the limited length of bar, laping of bars is required in a member of more than 12m in length.

As per IS 456-2000


Overlapping length should not be less than 75mm. Lapping should be avoided in tensile zone of construction members. In case of column generally we take 24d – 40d where ‘d’ is dia of bar.


In case of beam we generally use 24d for compression zone and 45d for tension zone.


In case of slab we use lap length 50d where ‘d’ is dia of bar.
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 "There are no Secrets to Success. It is the result of Preparation, Hard work, and Consistency." @civilmaniaa
Creep Deflections

▪️Concrete Creep is the deformation of structure under sustained load.
▪️The strain due to creep is much larger than the elastic stain.
▪️When the load is removed , the strain due to creep will not be removed completely.

▪️ Basically, long term pressure or stress on concrete can make change in shape.
▪️This deformation usually occurs in the direction the force is being applied like a concrete column getting more compressed, or a beam bending.
▪️Creep does not necessarily cause concrete to fail or break apart.

📌Effects of creep

1) In reinforced concrete beams, creep increases the deflection with time

2) In eccentrically loaded columns, creep increases the deflection and can lead to buckling.

📌As per IS 456-2000

Creep can be calculated by using Formula

🔗Deflection = wl^4 / 384Ece I

where , Ece= modified young’s modulus of concrete= Ec/(1 + θ )

θ=1.6 (creep coefficient for 28 days age at loading)
=1.1 (creep coefficient for one year age at loading)
Creep Deflection
Forwarded from MADE EASY (Official) (B.Singh)
As per the Reply of Railway minister Shri Piyush Goel in Loksabha , UPSC will conduct separate entrance exam for IRMS .Railway will neither take from CSE nor from ESE .
There will be 5 categories in IRMS recruitment .
1. Civil Engg
2. Mechanical Engg
3.Electrical Engg
4. Electronics Engg
5.Non Engg
Prelims will be common for all and for mains paper candidate will choose their respective paper / stream .
For recruitment of IRMS ,Notification will be made by UPSC .
🔥GATE 2020 result declared🔥
Cut-off GATE 2020 CE
Gen/EWS - 32.9
Obc - 29.6
SC/ST/Pwd - 21.9

Engineering Mathematics topics from BS GREWAL and Multiple choice questions below each topic
🔥SSC ( Staff selection commission) exam dates decision taken after 3 may 2020