#mikeshinoda #linkinpark #flashmob
400 musicians play Linkin Park's New Divide in honor of Chester - CityRock👀🔥🤘🎉🎊💥
400 musicians play Linkin Park's New Divide in honor of Chester - CityRock👀🔥🤘🎉🎊💥
400 Musicians Perform Linkin Park’s New Divide (Transformers Song) – Tribute to Chester Bennington
400 rock musicians, 8 taiko drummers, one iconic song – and endless energy!
In this breathtaking performance, 400 talented musicians and 8 powerful taiko drummers come together to bring new life to Linkin Park’s legendary New Divide, the official soundtrack…
In this breathtaking performance, 400 talented musicians and 8 powerful taiko drummers come together to bring new life to Linkin Park’s legendary New Divide, the official soundtrack…