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⚠️ Warning | #Yemen Armed Forces require civilians, residents and companies operating in #Saudi_Arabia and the #UAE to stay away from airports and military locations

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ℹ️ Another scandal of 24 thousands of rotten and expired food and medications that belong to the World Food Program ( #WFP ) in #Yemen 23-6-2019


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📷 This is how children and their moms spend holidays in #Yemen - lying wounded in hospital beds 16-08-2019

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ℹ️ 204 Tons of rotten #WFP aids destroyed in #Sanaa #Yemen 28-08-2019

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🇾🇪 #USA, The Enemy of Peace

Leading the devastating war & the suffocating blockade against Yemeni people ... Standing in the way of any peace agreement ... It seeks to spread wars, stands against the will of peoples, and protects tyranny and dictatorships in the whole world

Take part in the tweets campaign to expose the US role in the aggression war on #Yemen
Thursday - 05-09-2019
08:00 pm (UTC)

Republic of Yemen
Information Ministry
🌐هـام للنشر والمشاركة

♻️ فضلا عمل متابعة للحساب على تويتر
#Yemen Supreme Economic Committee reveal the revenues of #Hodeidah port collected during (August, September & October 2019), and call upon the #UN to do its part to ensure the continuous payment of salaries
📄 Statement of condemnation and disapproval

While the outputs of the #Astockhlom agreement should be implemented which includes spare civilian and economic and vital facilities and conflict and military actions ,#Yemen petroleum Company is surprised by the blatant attack and direct targeting of #Ras_Issa (petroleum port) on Monday, 25/11/2019, which resulted in damage of lives and public property as well as the panic and scare of innocent citizens.

We condemn and disapprove the aggression of the countries of aggression and their mercenaries by direct strikes on the port of Ras Isa despite the continued blockade on it and prevent the entry of oil vessels since mid-2017 and causing economic damage as a result of the halt and its negative repercussions on the economic and vital side.

Hence, we hold the #United_Nations, the international community and human rights organizations fully responsibility for the direct and systematic targeting of service and vital facilities and the disastrous consequences of this brutal aggression.

We renew our call to carry out their duties and responsibilities to stop the aggression of the coalition of direct and indirect aggression on vital and economic facilities.

Issued by the Yemen petroleum Company
Thursday - 28/11/2019

#اطلقوا_سفن_النفط #العدوان_يخرق_اتفاق_السويد
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🇾🇪 Statistics of civilian casualties and damages resulting from the American - Saudi aggression on #Yemen in 2019

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🇾🇪 Post & Share: Tweets Campaign for #Yemen

As the US-Saudi coalition continues detaining oil tankers despite the deterioration of the country's health situation, especially with the #Corona virus outbreak

Yemeni activists launch a major tweets campaign highlighting the extent of the humanitarian catastrophe caused by blocking the oil tankers from entering to Yemen.

Hashtag: #YemenCantBreathe

Date: 23-6-2020
Time: 9:00 PM Sana'a Time (18:00 UTC)

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🇾🇪 For the #US being the leader of the ongoing aggression on #Yemen

For it being the headmaster of evil and tyranny in the world

And as the "2020 US election" are taking place

You're all invited to take part in the tweets campaign aiming to expose the US administration’s crimes in Yemen, and revealing its fake slogans of "freedom" and "democracy" it's raising

November 2nd 2020
9:00 pm Sana'a time (UTC +3:00)

♦️ t.me/USAggressionCrimesOnYemen
Member of the Supreme Political Council of #Yemen - Mohammed Ali al-Houthi:
The World Food Program provides aids based on political classification, preventing aids from those who reject the USA’s policies

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Because USA continues seizing oil ships
We'll continue exposing its criminality until the full break of its coward siege on Yemeni people!

Take part in breaking the siege on #Yemen
Tweet in the tweets campaign of:

Tweets bank:

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It does not right for USA to raise the human rights title and to show concern for humanitarian situation deterioration in #Yemen due to aggression and blockade, and then subjecting that for military and political quid pro quo.

Mohammad AbdulSalam
Head of the Yemeni National Delegation

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Any stances or initiatives that do not notice that #Yemen is being subjected to an aggression and a blockade for 6 years, and that separate the humanitarian side from any military or political quid pro quo; that lift the siege; are not serious ones and have nothing new.

Mr. "Mohammed Abdulsalam"
Head of Sana'a national delegation

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In solidarity with Yemeni people suffering the worst humanitarian crisis by 7 years of aggression & siege

Take part in the global tweets campaign launched by worldwide activists, which appeals to ending the US-Saudi siege on #Yemen, under the hashtags:

Saturday, 19 March 2022
9:00 PM (UTC +3:00)

Tweets bank:

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