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#SOCIAL"Milan, i'm heeeeere!!! straight from the iconic Alberta Ferretti show 🤩🤩"

— A cantora Emily Beer está, neste momento, em Milão presenciando o início da FAMOU$ Fashion Week com o evento da marca Alberta Ferretti. É sua primeira aparição após meses. #FashionWeek9
#PLUSConfira mais fotos capturadas da cantora em sua passagem pelo evento. #FashionWeek9
#SOCIAL • "today is Chloé's day here in Paris and i've never felt so stylish (and so shiny too)... let's celebrate until the end of the night, this is going to rock! 😝🧡"

— A cantora Emily Beer está presente no desfile da Chloé, famosa marca de moda, em Paris no segundo dia da FAMOU$ Fashion Week. #FashionWeek9
#PLUSConfira mais fotos capturadas da cantora em sua passagem pelo evento. #FashionWeek9
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#FashionWeek9Emily Beer introduz sua performance no FAMOU$ Fashion Week, a cantora inicia ao som de uma voz ofegante que declara:

"se todos podem alcançar o que almejam, eu tenho um sonho... mas por que é tão inviável para mim? deus, é minha culpa? caso seja, diga-me ao menos o que fiz para que possamos conversar de forma clara, sem precipitações, e eu lhe direi as minhas mais secretas confissões."
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#FashionWeek9 — Após a pequena intro falada, a cantora da início a Sweet Hearts, canção inédita de seu terceiro álbum de estúdio:

"Can we just be honest?
For the first time i feel stable enough to face the silence
I'm coming from a past that was disguised as paradise
Picking the flowers i planted inside of me, in front of my graveyard
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#FashionWeek9 — Emily Beer prossegue sua apresentação cantando um verso de Sweet Hearts:

"I was getting ready for the finish line but no it wasn't my finish line
I'm coming from fast and broke relationships
Currently forgotten and ignored but that bring back memories some nights
Yes, i confess that it's partly my fault since i feel so insufficient that i didn't choose to fight
But no, there was no final line
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#FashionWeek9 — Dando continuidade, agora a cantora entrega a performance de mais uma canção inédita intitulada Secretly He's Going:

"Long times, lovers' nights
It would be so nice if it were really true
Baby, that way you took me out of the shades of blue
Now I see that these last few days i was right
Month by month and it was noticeable that your heart was about to die
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#FashionWeek9 — Agora a cantora permanece cantando a canção, com lindos vocais Emily Beer canta o segundo verso de Secretly He's Going:

"Ending slowly, we come to yours at last
Withered flowers you gave me on that date, take them as a murder weapon
Cupid is not always good for everyone
Still after years being able to feel a little hope felt so good
Now that it's all done, at least don't be rude
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#FashionWeek9 — Após a apresentação dessas duas canções, Emily Beer canta mais uma faixa do seu novo álbum, desta vez ela performa Fantasmagoric Feelings, faixa-título do álbum:

"Pouring out regrets of a shattered reason
Digesting memories that are tearing me apart inside
'Cause i've been playing a game where with no direction i tried to stay alive
But some time ago in my heart there was hope amidst all the mess
And maybe somewhere it can still exist, we know i'm not so sane anymore
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#FashionWeek9 — Fazendo uma versão piano da faixa, a cantora dá continuidade cantando mais um verso da música:

"It's been a while since the last time i wrote about us
Maybe you didn't realize it but in my drawer there's a poetry diary
Until then it was an enchanted story
Since then you've become someone i didn't know, that i don't recognize
By my side but with a distant heart
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#FashionWeek9 — Finalizando a faixa Fantasmagoric Feelings, surge uma voz de fundo que recita a parte falada da canção:

"Well, to be honest, everything said is sincere
'Cause to be honest, i don't know if i'll be enough
Even able to say goodbye to the one i love so much
Our route has now become lonely, at the end of it i feel that he will leave without even a letter to do
And in reality i would be the one to lose
Because there is no mourning for what for someone was not true
And that was getting more and more noticeable when turning nights thinking about you brought me feelings of anguish
Sweet heart, how did you become so bitter?

Após o final do texto, a cantora finaliza sua performance e encerra oficialmente o FAMOU$ Fashion Week 2022.