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🚚 Wagendorf
Bunter 1. Mai Protest in Lüneburg Unfuq Lüneberg : Die Gewerkschaften hatten die 1. Mai Demonstration wegen Corona abgesagt. Engagierte Menschen waren aber der Meinung, dass der Protest auch und sogar erst recht „in Corona-Zeiten“ sichtbar bleiben muss. Am…
er Polizeidirektor persönlich auf, um mit uns über die Auflage zu reden. Er bestätigte das Verbot, sah aber ein, dass unsere Anwesenheit nicht zu einer gefährlichen großen Menschenansammlung, wie vom Landkreis befürchtet, führte. Man einigte sich schließlich darüber, die Musik „leise“ laufen zu lassen. Was „leise“ heißt wurde nicht näher definiert… #polizei #lüneburg wird nächste Klage verlieren. Behörde darf sich in Außenwirkung einer #versammlung nicht einmischen. Das abspielen von musik ist Außenwirkung und fällt unter typenfreiheit der kumdgebung #1Mai2020
— Wohnprojekt Unfug (@Unfug_lg) May 1, 2020

Alles in allem ein schöner kämpferischer 1. Mai in der Provinz Lüneburg!

https://unfug-lg.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2020-1Mai-LG-unfugbanner-1024x768.jpg <figcaptionUnfug auf der Auftaktkundgebung mit Logo-Banner, 1. Mai 2020 Lüneburg
Emanzipatorischer #1Mai2020 #lüneburg Bilder der #Versammlung
Danach gibts dezentrale kundgebungen run um die Stadt an Kreuzungen. #unfugbleibt ist bei #RechtAufStadt pic.twitter.com/XXcRZ4EsDl
— Wohnprojekt Unfug (@Unfug_lg) May 1, 2020
Impressionen der #1Mai Demo in Lüneburg. Gegen #Kapitalismus und für #faireArbeitsbedingungen #Klimaschutz #Seenotrettung und #linkeFreiräume @Unfug_lg @SeebruckeL pic.twitter.com/5FVmp6U1qZ
— KlimaKollektivLueneburg (@KlimaLueneburg) May 1, 2020
Feministische Kundgebung zu #1mLg an der Ecke Stresemannstr.
FLINT* must have an equal voice in decision-making and response to #crisis #smashpatriarchy pic.twitter.com/8YPYg3Bj8j
— KlimaKollektivLueneburg (@KlimaLueneburg) May 1, 2020
Unser Banner hat auch einen Spaziergang zum #1Mai in #Lüneburg. Für #Klimaschutz #Seenotrettung und #linkeFreiräume @Unfug_lg @SeebruckeL @KlimaLueneburg #fighteverycrisis pic.twitter.com/pdVnWgSQDL
— raeumehof (@raeumehof) May 2, 2020 #1Mai nicht ohne #LeaveNoOneBehind in #Lüneburg. Natürlich mit Masken, Abstand. Ruhiger als sonst, aber umso wichtiger. #Corona kennt keine Grenzen. pic.twitter.com/A8P2hIKp5k
— Inge Hannemann (@IngeHannemann) May 1, 2020

Quelle: unfug-lg.de/2020/05/bunter-1-mai-protest-in-lueneburg/
„Keine Angst“ – Erster Mai im Hambacher Forst

Hambacher Forst : //hambachforest.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/05/heckler-and-koch-300x294.jpg
Anmerkung: Der Text ist unübersetzt vom englischsprachigen Blog übernommen worden. Wer ihn übersetzen mag, ist herzlich dazu eingeladen. Bitte poste deine Übersetzung als Kommentar. Danke!

May First! In the pre-Corona days many in the forest were in cities across Europe taking part in global actions and demonstration. This year the comrades who found themselves in the forest, if not building barricades treehouses or communal spaces, followed updates of MayDay actions and demonstrations: The Anarchists and syndycalists of Wupertall walking through #1mai A video of last nights first spontaneous #MayDay demo in #Wuppertal #Germany#1maiwpt #1mai #MayDayRevolt #1Mayis #1Mayo #1Maig #1Maggio #1Maj Video by @punex161 pic.twitter.com/iIpbQ2pFkF

— Enough 14 (@enough14) May 1, 2020
the street in a mob of joy and celebration shortly after midnight singing chanting and projecting rays of fireworks and light through out the street. We watched from a distance as the legalist „demos“ were either cancelled or severely limited and split up into permits of smaller demos and as larger ones were being harassed and kettled by the cops in cities from Istanbul to Frankfurt. Then the call came out through voices echoing through the forest „Cops in the Forest at Crowsnest, wanting to evict!“ The tradition of staging police actions in the forest during May Day, New Years, Global Climate Marches and Strikes as well as Ende Geleande and Climate Camp action continued, might as well for the next occasions like this set up lawn chairs and together with the media wait for the next wave of NRWE CO2ps running to Hambi to make sure that are spirits are not too high and we are not thinking too much about revolution but instead about their nice and clean uniforms oh yeah lets not forget the guns and the tanks too. Logistically its much harder and 2-3 more expensive for police to show up in the forest on those dates it does however show their determination to split up, isolate and distract movements, occupations and front-lines involved in the Climate Justice, Animal Liberation, QUEER, Anti Deforestation and Anti Fascist struggles. By definition also revealing their political sentiment and connections. It should also be a part of larger socio economic anti capitalist critique of how easy it is to in time of numerous crisis: austerity, climate , corona to channel so much resources away from ecology, education and healthcare towards protecting corporate criminals against humanity and the Planet. In the end being more than responsible for worsening situation.

So this time being smaller in number but still symbolically present they compensating with extra fire power showing up with an MP5 Heckler and Koch and a larger caliber weapon being carried by a cop assuming the role, like allways, of not just the „Bad“ but also arrogant cop, with the caliber having a direct effect on macho behavior.

When the forest activists exited the forest, while being 30 meters away from a group of activists,the police pointed two machine guns at the activists ordering one in the group to put down their stick while at the same time approaching closer to the activists, indicating not just lack of concern but also intent to escalate, the person pointed the stick at the police and asked them to put down their weapons first, with cops responding that they will put them down if the person puts down the stick first, another person asked the police if they are aiming for a head shot to which the female associated cop responded with „No but it makes a loud boom.“(Hmmm its very unlikely that they were carrying blanks).

„Keine Angst“ – Erster Mai im Hambacher Forst

Hambacher Forst : //hambachforest.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/05/heckler-and-koch-300x294.jpg
Anmerkung: Der Text ist unübersetzt vom englischsprachigen Blog übernommen worden. Wer ihn übersetzen mag, ist herzlich dazu eingeladen. Bitte poste deine Übersetzung als Kommentar. Danke!

May First! In the pre-Corona days many in the forest were in cities across Europe taking part in global actions and demonstration. This year the comrades who found themselves in the forest, if not building barricades treehouses or communal spaces, followed updates of MayDay actions and demonstrations: The Anarchists and syndycalists of Wupertall walking through #1mai A video of last nights first spontaneous #MayDay demo in #Wuppertal #Germany#1maiwpt #1mai #MayDayRevolt #1Mayis #1Mayo #1Maig #1Maggio #1Maj Video by @punex161 pic.twitter.com/iIpbQ2pFkF

— Enough 14 (@enough14) May 1, 2020
the street in a mob of joy and celebration shortly after midnight singing chanting and projecting rays of fireworks and light through out the street. We watched from a distance as the legalist „demos“ were either cancelled or severely limited and split up into permits of smaller demos and as larger ones were being harassed and kettled by the cops in cities from Istanbul to Frankfurt. Then the call came out through voices echoing through the forest „Cops in the Forest at Crowsnest, wanting to evict!“ The tradition of staging police actions in the forest during May Day, New Years, Global Climate Marches and Strikes as well as Ende Geleande and Climate Camp action continued, might as well for the next occasions like this set up lawn chairs and together with the media wait for the next wave of NRWE CO2ps running to Hambi to make sure that are spirits are not too high and we are not thinking too much about revolution but instead about their nice and clean uniforms oh yeah lets not forget the guns and the tanks too. Logistically its much harder and 2-3 more expensive for police to show up in the forest on those dates it does however show their determination to split up, isolate and distract movements, occupations and front-lines involved in the Climate Justice, Animal Liberation, QUEER, Anti Deforestation and Anti Fascist struggles. By definition also revealing their political sentiment and connections. It should also be a part of larger socio economic anti capitalist critique of how easy it is to in time of numerous crisis: austerity, climate , corona to channel so much resources away from ecology, education and healthcare towards protecting corporate criminals against humanity and the Planet. In the end being more than responsible for worsening situation.

So this time being smaller in number but still symbolically present they compensating with extra fire power showing up with an MP5 Heckler and Koch and a larger caliber weapon being carried by a cop assuming the role, like allways, of not just the „Bad“ but also arrogant cop, with the caliber having a direct effect on macho behavior.

When the forest activists exited the forest, while being 30 meters away from a group of activists,the police pointed two machine guns at the activists ordering one in the group to put down their stick while at the same time approaching closer to the activists, indicating not just lack of concern but also intent to escalate, the person pointed the stick at the police and asked them to put down their weapons first, with cops responding that they will put them down if the person puts down the stick first, another person asked the police if they are aiming for a head shot to which the female associated cop responded with „No but it makes a loud boom.“(Hmmm its very unlikely that they were carrying blanks).

The situation was then deescalated by a person that walked straight towards the cops with th[...]
🚚 Wagendorf
Bunter 1. Mai Protest in Lüneburg Unfuq Lüneberg : Die Gewerkschaften hatten die 1. Mai Demonstration wegen Corona abgesagt. Engagierte Menschen waren aber der Meinung, dass der Protest auch und sogar erst recht „in Corona-Zeiten“ sichtbar bleiben muss. Am…
Verbot, sah aber ein, dass unsere Anwesenheit nicht zu einer gefährlichen großen Menschenansammlung, wie vom Landkreis befürchtet, führte. Man einigte sich schließlich darüber, die Musik „leise“ laufen zu lassen. Was „leise“ heißt wurde nicht näher definiert… #polizei #lüneburg wird nächste Klage verlieren. Behörde darf sich in Außenwirkung einer #versammlung nicht einmischen. Das abspielen von musik ist Außenwirkung und fällt unter typenfreiheit der kumdgebung #1Mai2020
— Wohnprojekt Unfug (@Unfug_lg) May 1, 2020

Alles in allem ein schöner kämpferischer 1. Mai in der Provinz Lüneburg!

https://unfug-lg.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/2020-1Mai-LG-unfugbanner-1024x768.jpg <figcaptionUnfug auf der Auftaktkundgebung mit Logo-Banner, 1. Mai 2020 Lüneburg
Emanzipatorischer #1Mai2020 #lüneburg Bilder der #Versammlung
Danach gibts dezentrale kundgebungen run um die Stadt an Kreuzungen. #unfugbleibt ist bei #RechtAufStadt pic.twitter.com/XXcRZ4EsDl
— Wohnprojekt Unfug (@Unfug_lg) May 1, 2020
Impressionen der #1Mai Demo in Lüneburg. Gegen #Kapitalismus und für #faireArbeitsbedingungen #Klimaschutz #Seenotrettung und #linkeFreiräume @Unfug_lg @SeebruckeL pic.twitter.com/5FVmp6U1qZ
— KlimaKollektivLueneburg (@KlimaLueneburg) May 1, 2020
Feministische Kundgebung zu #1mLg an der Ecke Stresemannstr.
FLINT* must have an equal voice in decision-making and response to #crisis #smashpatriarchy pic.twitter.com/8YPYg3Bj8j
— KlimaKollektivLueneburg (@KlimaLueneburg) May 1, 2020
Unser Banner hat auch einen Spaziergang zum #1Mai in #Lüneburg. Für #Klimaschutz #Seenotrettung und #linkeFreiräume @Unfug_lg @SeebruckeL @KlimaLueneburg #fighteverycrisis pic.twitter.com/pdVnWgSQDL
— raeumehof (@raeumehof) May 2, 2020 #1Mai nicht ohne #LeaveNoOneBehind in #Lüneburg. Natürlich mit Masken, Abstand. Ruhiger als sonst, aber umso wichtiger. #Corona kennt keine Grenzen. pic.twitter.com/A8P2hIKp5k
— Inge Hannemann (@IngeHannemann) May 1, 2020

Quelle: unfug-lg.de/2020/05/bunter-1-mai-protest-in-lueneburg/