Upper Intermediate
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Admin's ID: @TalebSedaghat
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Hi everyone
It’s the old owl again.
I’ve been trying to go to bed early recently but no use. I go to the bed but I somehow find it difficult to fall asleep. Old habits die hard like they say.
Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to post a thing or two before trying to sleep again. Here we are then with a new episode of Jamaica Inn. Hope you like it.

Hi everyone
Hope things are going well for you all.
It’s been a couple of days since the last post. But here I am once again sitting at my computer and looking for good stuff on the net to post here for you. Enjoy what follows!

Hi everyone
Hope you’re all doing well. The new English term started two days ago and we’ve already had two lessons. I’d like to thank all the new members who have recently joined the channel. It’s an honor to have you all aboard.
I’d like to apologize for not posting things every day. There are two main reasons for keeping a low profile; one is the fact that I am quite busy these days and the other is that I believe it to be more useful to post less; for you to have the time to digest the lessons thoroughly and also have the time to review the files and the lessons.
Good luck to you all

Hi everyone
It’s a beautiful windy Friday. Things are going well for me and I hope things are going well for you as well.

We are all looking for ways of doing things faster and more efficiently. What we are all concerned about in this channel is how to learn English faster. As I have mentioned before it’s a fact that we all learn differently and we each have our own style of studying. No two people are the same when it comes to study preferences. To get the most out of your studying, it's important to better understand what works for you, and what doesn't.

As I promised this morning, I am going to tell you more on how to improve your vocabulary tonight. If you have any questions or comments on how things should be done differently, then feel free to contact me @TalebSedaghat .
Good Luck to you all

Hi everyone
Hope you’re all doing well. It’s been a looooong time since the last post. I am here once again to post new things for you all.
Before we begin I’d like to thank you all for sticking around and being patient while I was away fixing and solving the problems of the world.
It’s 30th of December and we are about to start a new year. One of the most important things that I believe every human being has to do at the beginning of a new year is to reflect on their past and see if there is anything they can change or fix to improve their life and the lives of those whom they love and care for the most.

Resolutions are the decisions we make at the beginning of the year about things that we have decided to do differently. Take a white sheet of paper and write all your ideas down. Then pick one, only one idea which you think is the most important one, the one that you truly believe will change your life to the better or will add more meaning to your life.
You have to think carefully about what you are going to change in your life. It should be a great idea. One which is worth the time and energy that you are going to invest in throughout the year.
Good luck to you all and happy new year

Hi everyone
Hope you’re all doing well.
I’ve been quite busy recently therefore I didn’t get the chance to send you new stuff. Here I am once again to post new things for you all to use and enjoy.
If there is anything you think I can change or add to the channel, don’t hesitate to write to me @TalebSedaghat.
Good luck to you all