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"I, Pet Goat 2 Explained, Part 25"

0:00 Intro
2:40 Review -- November 2020
4:10 - Lockdowns in December, as expected
5:15 - Reviewing Harpocrates in IPG2
6:00 - The ritual importance of June 21 - July 5
9:15 -- The "Mosque" represents the Iranian Nuclear Facility?
11:15 -- War with Iran propaganda
11:45 -- Attack on nuclear program scientist
12:40 -- Iran to retaliate?
14:12 -- The 2021 calendar in IPG2
17:17 -- Nov. 30 Eclipse in IPG2 -- the resurrection of Harpocrates
22:00 -- The war is in 2021?

#MindControl #Covid #Nuclear

U.S. Government’s Secret Experiments on Its Citizens

(1931) Cancer: The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations infected human subjects with cancer cells. Dr. Cornelius Rhoads established the U.S. Army Biological Warfare facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama and began a series of radiation exposure experiments on patients in government and civilian hospitals.

(1932) Syphilis: In the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, two hundred black men diagnosed with syphilis were never told of their illness and were used as human guinea pigs in order to better understand the symptoms of the disease. None of the men received any kind of treatment, and only seventy-four survived.

(1935) Dietary deficiencies: Millions had died of pellagra, a dietary deficiency, in poverty-stricken black populations. The U.S. Public Health Service finally acted to curb the disease and admitted that it had known the causes of pellagra for more than two decades.

(1940) Malaria: In order to gauge the abilities of experimental drugs designed to fight malaria, four hundred prisoners in Chicago were infected with the disease.

(1942) Mustard gas: Four thousand servicemen, mostly Seventh-day Adventists who were conscientious objectors, served as human guinea pigs for mustard gas experiments.

(1947) Radioactive injections: The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission began administering intravenous doses of radioactive materials to human subjects.

(1947) Psychedelics: In its efforts to evaluate LSD as a potential weapon or truth serum, the Central Intelligence Agency administered dosages of the powerful hallucinogenic drug to human subjects, civilian and military, often without their knowledge or consent.

(1950) Radiation: With nuclear weapons still in their infancy, Department of Defense detonated nuclear devices in desert areas and then monitored unsuspecting civilians in cities downwind from the blasts for medical problems and mortality rates.

(1950) Bacteriological warfare: The U.S. Navy sprayed a cloud of bacteria over San Francisco to test how a large city would respond to more lethal biological attacks. Many residents became ill with pneumonia-like symptoms.

(1955) Biological agents: In an experiment to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents, the Central Intelligence Agency released bacteria in the Tampa, Florida, area.

(1956) Yellow fever: Mosquitoes infected with yellow fever were released over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. U.S. Army disease specialists, posing as public health officials, test area residents for effects.

(1965) Dioxin: Inmates at Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia were dosed with dioxin, the toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Vietnam.

(1966) Germ warfare: More than a million civilians were exposed to germ warfare when U.S. Army scientists dropped light bulbs filled with bacteria onto ventilation grates throughout the New York City subway system.

(1977) Contamination: Senate hearings revealed that between 1949 and 1969, 239 highly populated areas, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City (Florida), Minneapolis, and St. Louis, had been contaminated with biological agents.

(1978) Hepatitis B: The Centers for Disease Control asked specifically for promiscuous homosexual males when it tested an experimental hepatitis B vaccine in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Three years later, in those same cities, the first cases of AIDS were confirmed in homosexual men.

(1990) Measles: The Centers for Disease Control inoculated more than 1,500 six-month-old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles against measles. Later, the center confessed that the vaccine was experimental.

(1995) Biological agents: Evidence surfaced that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, Texas, and Boca Raton, Florida, and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
#Aids #Nuclear #Rockefeller #Vaccines

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What Was it Like Before the Nuclear War of 1780?

This video was painstakingly voice translated from the original Russian one by a friend of mine.

Covers impossible architecture and then goes into an even bigger and crazier subject, impossible excavation.

The paid advertisement that appeared in Sunday’s editions of the Tennessean from the group Future For America claims Donald Trump “is the final president of the USA” and features a photo of Trump and Pope Francis.

It begins by claiming that a
nuclear device will be detonated in Nashville and that the attack will be carried out by unspecific interests of “Islam”.

#Jesuits #Nuclear #Trump

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A Poisoned World Part 41 - Part 60
Total Runtime: 03:45:22
00:00:00 - 41. FOOD AS A WEAPON Global Eugenics Warfare (Part A)
00:10:06 - 42. FOOD AS A WEAPON Global Eugenics Warfare (Part B)
00:15:45 - 43. EnGulf the Earth
00:25:39 - 44. Environmental Poison Agency
45 - Missing
00:36:37 - 46. Toxic Rain
00:43:50 - 47. Corexit Is Killing The Gulf (Part I)
00:53:43 - 48. Corexit Is Killing The Gulf (Part II)
01:02:02 - 49. Silence of the Gulf
01:12:30 - 50. Cheney Haliburton Acoustic switch
01:24:37 - 51. Fish Kill
01:39:37 - 52. U.S. & B.P.(Business Partnership)
01:50:32 - 53. Connect Dots Oil Spill Illuminati card Game
02:02:12 - 54. Oil Blood in Scripture
02:17:13 - 55. Next Dot Florida Nuke
02:32:14 - 56. HAARP (Sky Changing Colors)
02:47:13 - 57. A Poisoned World - HAARP Earthquake Machine
03:00:19 - 58. Georgia Guidestones
03:15:20 - 59. FEMA USA coffins
03:30:21 - 60. FEMA Graves Trains Camps
#IceAgeFarmer #Illuminati #Nuclear

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Antifa John Sullivan's Father Is A Demoted Air Force General Who Mishandled Nuclear Detonation Equipment
#BLMAntifa #Nuclear

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The House In The Middle (1954)

American PSA about Nukes. Check out the index if you want to learn about the theory that nuclear weapons are a hoax.

The Conspiracy Hole
shutting down any goys attempt to halt the jewry.
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Tim Pool | Wall Street In PANIC MODE, Trading On GameStop & AMC Halted As Plebs NUKE Elite's Hedge Funds
#Usury #Nuclear

The attack came as Iran and world powers sat down in Vienna for the first talks about the US potentially rejoining Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal.

Israel strongly opposes the deal’s revival.


#Nuclear #JQ

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SMHP | Chabad Lubavitch In The One World Order Reloaded

Chabad, also known as Lubavitch, Habad and Chabad-Lubavitch, is an Orthodox Jewish, Hasidic movement. It is one of the largest Hasidic groups and Jewish religious organizations in the world.

Historian Wolfgang Eggert says this cult intends to initiate a nuclear holocaust in order to fulfill biblical prophecy and hasten the return of the Moshiach.

Founder: Shneur Zalman of Liadi
Founded: Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Rabbi: Menachem Mendel Schneerson
#Nuclear #SMHP #WWII #JQ

The Conspiracy Hole
From the same twitter acct that posted that odd ;l;;gmlxzssaw message last month . @TheConspiracyHole
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Vladimir Putin issued 'stark warning' to US, NATO

Top US military commanders 'seriously worried' over new threats of nuclear weapons from adversaries; FOX News' Jennifer Griffin reports on 'Special Report.'

Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (K)
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Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
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The Fluoride Deception: How a Nuclear Waste Byproduct Made Its Way Into the Nation’s Drinking Water

Fluoridation was first advanced in the US at the end of the second World War. Proponents argued that fluoride in water and toothpaste would help to protect teeth and prevent decay. Over the following decades, fluoride was added to public water supplies across the country.

While the benefits of fluoridation have been held to be unquestionable, accumulating evidence points to a frightening prospect: that fluoride may have
serious adverse health effects, including infant mortality, congenital defects and IQ.

#fluoridation #nuclear

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I, Pet Goat 2 Explained (Part 37): Sagittarius Eclipses '20&'21; China and Hong Kong 2020
0:00 Introduction
1:08 Tank scene Yin Yang
4:58 Yin Yang is June 21, '20 Eclipse
7:30 Red lights & green light explained
8:10 China took Hong Kong
12:10 Skullduggery & Sagittarius Eclipses
16:50 Party blower at non-nuclear side
18:40 The King's Man trailer

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Witness the nuclear fear scam. Scientist eats uranium.

This video shows Galen Winsor eating uranium, something he did hundreds of times to show it is safe and fears are exaggerated by the energy industry.

