The Conspiracy Hole
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Early civilizations associated the number 12 with completeness while its successor 13 has a long history as a sign of bad luck.

Credit for popularizing the Friday the 13th myth often goes to Capt. William Fowler, who started a society called the Thirteen Club, which held its first meeting on Sept. 13, 1881 detailed in a blog by the New York Historical Society.

The idea that 13 is an unlucky number goes back to ancient mythology. According to Donald Dossey, a Norse myth told of a dinner party for 12 gods at which a 13th guest—Loki—showed up uninvited while the Christian story of the Last Supper holds Judas, Jesus' betrayer, as the "unlucky" 13th guest.

On Friday, October 13, 1307, officers of King Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar, a powerful religious and military order, while In more recent times, a number of traumatic events have occurred on Friday the 13th keeping the superstition alive.

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"Rider On A White Horse & The Image Of The Beast"

Ordo Ab Cho is the Latin phrase for “Order Out of Chaos”.

Professor Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, a Freemason and a political and social scientist at the University of Berlin (1817-1831), maintained that man could shape history and achieve ultimate peace only through repetitive episodes of controlled conflict between opposing forces. Hegel advocated the idea that men must create, manipulate and manage that conflict in order to create a pre-determined outcome – the controlled change, the synthesis.

Bible Prophesies Chaos Ahead - The present turmoil we find ourselves in is child’s play compared to the world upheaval just ahead as foretold in the Bible. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. Rev 9:15

Get your homes in order friends! Time is short! Jesus Saves! Follow Him!

#Freemasonry #Jesus #SMHP

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Little Drummer Boy | Harry Simeone Chorale (1965)

The lyrics tell the apocryphal story of a poor young boy who, unable to afford a gift for the infant Jesus, plays his drum for the newborn with the Virgin Mary's approval. Miraculously, the baby, although a newborn, seems to understand and smiles at the boy in gratitude.

The Conspiracy Hole
According to the Book of Enoch, this particular group of Angels where known as 'The Watchers', and they are also referenced as 'The Sons of God' in the Bible. According to the Book of Enoch, there were 200 Watchers who descended onto Mt. Hermon; their leader…
In the flood, every living thing except that which was aboard the ark perished (the only exception being sea life, of course, which is further given credence by the fact that there are fossils of fish that are found in mountains). The Nephilim however, would suffer a unique fate. As they were abominations that were never supposed to exist, they were cursed to essentially become ghosts. Upon their death, their disembodied spirit was forced to wander the earth. This is the origin of 'demons' (although many people use the term 'demon' and 'fallen angel' interchangeably, the reality is that they are seperate types of entities). Demons, unlike angels (fallen or otherwise), no longer possess a body of their own, and thus, they seek to possess the bodies of other living things (human or animal). Jesus states that when a demon is cast out of a body, it wanders in a state or perpetual agony in which it cannot sleep and continues to feel hunger and thirst, but being unable to quench it. And just as they where when they were alive, the demons all have unique personalities. Some are more playful and mischievous (pretending to be ghosts of humans, fairies, leprechauns, etc.). Some are more violent and evil than others (though they are ALL evil).

Generations after the flood, it is revealed that the Israelites would encounter new (living) Nephilim once again when they ventured into the Promised Land. The Nephilim where described as being so tall that they felt like grasshoppers in their site. These are the races and tribes that God instructed the Israelites to kill. Many people take issue with God telling the Israelites to murder other tribes, but they fail to realize that these tribes where inhuman. Yet, as fate would have it, it is stated that the Israelites would wind up disobeying God, and would wind up 'sparing' some of the women and animals of these tribes (for selfish purposes of course), and it is theorized that this is the reason why we have accounts of giants in the Middle East to this day (look up the Afghan giant). Aside from that, we all know the story of David and Goliath (Goliath was also described as having several brothers).

The question then becomes, 'How did the Nephilim come back after the flood?' There are multiple theories on this. Some believe that other fallen angels came and had hybrid children again, though this is never mentioned in the Bible. Some believe that the wives of Noah's sons may have had corrupted genetics within them, though this is not mentioned in the Bible either (though it could hold some weight, as Ham, one of Noah's sons, is later described as having a cursed lineage). The most plausible theory (in my opinion) is that a new breed of Nephilim were created in the line of Nimrod (the ancient king, also from the line of Ham). Nimrod is described as being a fierce hunter who 'became a mighty one' (the word for 'mighty one' in the original text is the same used to describe the Nephilim). Nimrod is also depicted in many ancient statues and accounts as being a giant (holding a lion like a housecat) and he claimed to be 'part god, part man'. It may be that Nimrod discovered some forbidden knowledge left behind by the Watchers (or more likely, demonic influence gave him insight to 'unlock' his/their genetics). Nimrod somehow transformed himself into a new breed of Nephilim (though this breed wasn't nearly as large or powerful as the pre-flood age). Nimrod also is credited as building the tower of Babel in order to 'reach into heaven' and he is also the father of all pagan religions (as the majority of pagan polytheistic religions are all based on the same source; Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Roman).

#Jesus #JQ

The Conspiracy Hole
According to the Book of Enoch, this particular group of Angels where known as 'The Watchers', and they are also referenced as 'The Sons of God' in the Bible. According to the Book of Enoch, there were 200 Watchers who descended onto Mt. Hermon; their leader…
Interestingly, the opening text of the Book of Enoch states that it is 'written for a later generation', which is peculiar considering that the Book of Enoch had been lost and forgotten by most civilizations up until it was rediscovered in 1948 with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The year 1948 is in itself a very peculiar year. Some things that also happened in 1948:

- Roswell crash. Roswell also just so happens to be on the EXACT opposite end of the map to Mt. Hermon (where the Watchers landed), both being on the 33rd degree (33 being a very important occult number)
- Aleister Crowley died. He also reportedly had once summoned an alien-looking demon named 'Lam' at the site of Roswell, decades before the supposed UFO crash.
- Israel became a nation

Some Christians disregard Enoch due to its absence from the 'canon' Bible. I however find that the circumstances surrounding the time of the book's recent excavation, along with the fact that it even claims to be written for a 'later generation', leads me to believe that Enoch is meant to prepare us for the 'end times', when the fallen angels will be released from their prison and lead the world astray. Jesus himself stated that 'the last days shall be like the days of Noah'. Aleister Crowley once said, after summoning his 'gray alien'-looking demon, 'they once called them gods, today they call them demons, but tomorrow they will call them something else'.

#Aliens #Jesus #UFO #JQ

Mystery, Babylon The Great
by I.A. Sadler

This book is written as a warning to the Christian churches of the danger of the false religion that originated at Babylon. The true successor to the Mysteries of Babylon is shown to be the Church of Rome; but other strands of the Mysteries, such as the Occult, are also exposed. The author takes the classic Reformed position regarding the papacy and its fulfilment of Scripture concerning the "man of sin".

May the reader prayerfully consider the evidence and warnings given. May grace be sought of God to stand fast in the true faith in
Jesus Christ. The book seeks to follow the Scriptural pattern of exposing the errors of false religion, without defiling the reader with all the abominable details of Babylonish worship.

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"They Will Not Silence the Truth!"

"The deletion of my main channel SMHP with 246k subs and 1k videos on it has motivated me to put more time into getting the message out. I appealed the deletion as the video they gave me a strike on was set to private where no one outside of YT had access. I'm not going to hold my breath on YT releasing the strike and deletion. I synced all of my videos to Libry a few months ago and most are there for you to download, mirror, etc. I am moving forward with this channel and the other platforms....

Thanks for all of your support friends! You truly get me going. Please help out by sharing the truth with everyone you can. This is truly a fight between David & Goliath. The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
Time is short my friends. Yeshua Jesus Saves! Follow Him! Love you All!"
#Jesus #SMHP

The GOAT: Asked how he thought he ranks among the greatest quarterbacks of all-time, Brady responded, "You know, that's hard to say. You don't want to get too ahead of yourself, but when all is said and done I'm hopeful that I'll rank right up there with the best. I mean, Jesus never threw six touchdowns in single game, did he?"

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"Digital Babylon: Building the Beast System with Fallen Angel Technology"


"I appealed the deletion of my main channel SMHP that had 246k subs and 1k videos on it a few days ago. I received a one sentence generic response telling me my account remains suspended with no further instructions to get it "unsuspended"....
Please let me know where else I should upload it. If I receive enough response on a certain platform, I will most likely create an account there and notify you all. Please subscribe to my website above as I will be setting up an email newsletter that will keep everyone informed on where to find quality content outside of the main social platforms. Thank you so much for all of your ongoing support. Time is short my friends. Jesus Saves! Follow Him!"
#Jesus #SMHP

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"Welcome to the Machine in 2021!"

Message from SMHP2: This channel along with many others is being falsely associated with the "Q" folks, as they are placing "Q" Wickedmedia text boxes under most of my videos. This channel is not associated with "Q" and disagrees with the entire left right narrative....

Thanks for all of your wonderful support as we continue to battle the beast in these last days. Time is short my friends! Yeshua Jesus Saves! Follow Him! Love you all!
#5G #Jesus #SMHP
