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Petrified Giant tree stump ?

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Giant Tree Stumps, Giant Quarries... in our history ? in-depth investigation # 3

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🇮🇹 Qual è la differenza tra “Mi piaci” e “Ti amo”?
Buddha risponde: quando ti piace un fiore, lo prendi. Quando ami un fiore lo innaffi tutto il giorno.
Chi comprende questo, capisce la vita.


Buongiorno anime belle 💐

🇦🇺 What is the difference between 'I like you' and 'I love you'?
Buddha answers: when you like a flower, you pick it. When you love a flower, you water it all day long.
Whoever understands this, understands life.


Good morning beautiful souls 💐

🇧🇷 Qual é a diferença entre "eu gosto de você" e "eu te amo"?
Buda responde: quando você gosta de uma flor, você a colhe. Quando você ama uma flor, você a rega o dia inteiro.
Quem entende isso, entende a vida.


Bom dia, lindas almas 💐

🇫🇷 Quelle est la différence entre "je t'aime bien" et "je t'aime" ?
Bouddha répond : quand on aime une fleur, on la cueille. Quand on aime une fleur, on l'arrose toute la journée.
Celui qui comprend cela comprend la vie.


Bonjour belles âmes 💐








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🇮🇹 Connessione con luoghi sacri ed entanglement quantistico.

Ciò che il futuro riserva alla Terra e all’umanità è quasi sempre percepito nei luoghi sacri, per prima cosa. Esploratori, leader, insegnanti e guaritori si rivolgono a questi antichi siti.

🇦🇺 Connection to sacred places and quantum entanglement.

What the future holds for Earth and mankind is almost always perceived in sacred sites first. Explorers, leaders, teachers and healers turn to these ancient sites

🇧🇷 Conexão com lugares sagrados e entrelaçamento quântico.

O que o futuro reserva para a Terra e para a humanidade é quase sempre percebido primeiro nos locais sagrados. Exploradores, líderes, professores e curandeiros recorrem a esses locais antigos

🇫🇷 Connexion avec les lieux sacrés et l'intrication quantique.

Ce que l'avenir réserve à la Terre et à l'humanité est presque toujours perçu d'abord dans les sites sacrés. Les explorateurs, les dirigeants, les enseignants et les guérisseurs se tournent vers ces sites anciens









L'interno di questa tomba sotterranea della dinastia Jin, scoperta nel 2019, è ancora in fase di studio...
Non è ancora chiaro chi vi sia stato sepolto. E a chi apparteneva esattamente? Ma i resti ritrovati appartengono a due adulti di età compresa tra 50 e 60 anni e un bambino di 8-10 anni.
Decorazione e ornamento molto complessi dell'interno della tomba.


The interior of this Jin Dynasty underground tomb, discovered in 2019, is still being studied...
It is still unclear who was buried there. And who exactly belonged to whom? But the remains found belong to two adults aged between 50 and 60 years and a child aged 8-10 years.
Very complex decoration and ornamentation of the tomb's interior.


O interior dessa tumba subterrânea da dinastia Jin, descoberta em 2019, ainda está sendo estudado...
Ainda não se sabe quem foi enterrado lá. E quem exatamente pertencia a quem? Mas os restos mortais encontrados pertencem a dois adultos com idade entre 50 e 60 anos e uma criança com idade entre 8 e 10 anos.
Decoração e ornamentação muito complexas do interior da tumba.


L'intérieur de cette tombe souterraine de la dynastie Jin, découverte en 2019, est encore en cours d'étude...
On ne sait toujours pas qui y a été enterré. Et qui appartenait à qui exactement ? Mais les restes retrouvés appartiennent à deux adultes âgés de 50 à 60 ans et à un enfant de 8 à 10 ans.
Décoration et ornementation très complexes de l'intérieur de la tombe.
















🇮🇹 Questo oggetto era destinato alla conservazione del sale e dei condimenti e apparteneva alla famiglia reale inglese.
Si può solo immaginare a cosa serva effettivamente questo oggetto, perché le persone mangiano in modo completamente diverso da noi. Ad esempio, il sale non è stato consumato perché il sodio blocca la crescita del biocampo.
È noto che il sodio aumenta la permeabilità delle membrane cellulari, il che porta all'ostruzione delle cellule con tutti i tipi di sostanze che sono prodotti della degradazione dei microrganismi intestinali e provoca un rapido invecchiamento del corpo.

🇦🇺 This object was intended for storing salt and condiments and belonged to the English royal family.
One can only imagine what this object was actually used for, because people eat completely differently from us. For example, salt was not consumed because sodium blocks the growth of the biofield.
Sodium is known to increase the permeability of cell membranes, which leads to the clogging of cells with all kinds of substances that are products of the breakdown of intestinal microorganisms and causes rapid ageing of the body.

🇧🇷 Esse objeto foi projetado para armazenar sal e condimentos e pertenceu à família real inglesa.
Só podemos imaginar para que esse objeto era realmente usado, pois as pessoas se alimentam de forma completamente diferente de nós. Por exemplo, o sal não era consumido porque o sódio bloqueia o crescimento do biocampo.
Sabe-se que o sódio aumenta a permeabilidade das membranas celulares, o que leva ao entupimento das células com todos os tipos de substâncias que são produtos da decomposição de microrganismos intestinais e causa o rápido envelhecimento do corpo.

🇫🇷 Cet objet, destiné à conserver le sel et les condiments, a appartenu à la famille royale anglaise.
On ne peut qu'imaginer à quoi servait réellement cet objet, car les gens mangent tout à fait différemment de nous. Par exemple, le sel n'était pas consommé car le sodium bloque la croissance du biochamp.
Le sodium est connu pour augmenter la perméabilité des membranes cellulaires, ce qui entraîne l'encrassement des cellules par toutes sortes de substances issues de la décomposition des micro-organismes intestinaux et provoque un vieillissement rapide de l'organisme.








🇪🇸 La cosmovisión de Nikola Tesla

"La Tierra es un reino, no un planeta. No es un objeto, por lo tanto no tiene borde. Sería más fácil definir la Tierra como un medio sistémico. La Tierra también es una máquina, es una bobina de Tesla.

El sol y la luna se alimentan de forma inalámbrica mediante un campo electromagnético (éter).

La levitación electromagnética desmiente la gravedad porque la única fuerza a la que hay que oponerse es la fuerza electromagnética, no la gravedad."

🇬🇧 Nikola Tesla's WorldView

"Earth is a kingdom, not a planet. It is not an object, hence it has no edge. Earth would be easier to define as a systemic medium. Earth is also a machine, it is a Tesla coil.

The sun and moon are wirelessly powered by an electromagnetic field (Aether).

Electromagnetic levitation disproves gravity because the only force you have to oppose is the electromagnetic force, not gravity

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Media is too big
Gematria: The Kabbalistic Controller Code Behind What We Call "the Matrix" | Zachary K Hubbard

Rigged politics, rigged sports, rigged wars and false or rigged daily news stories are all perfectly and ritualistically planned out and coordinated with each other well in advance by a secret kabbalistic code that the controllers do NOT want us to know. Zach has been teaching and exposing this code for well over a decade and had 23 youtube channels deleted because of it. He is the most shadow-banned channel I know of and for good reason. His information needs to get out to the masses.

Forwarded from Hidden History
Das ist eine Karte von Niederländisch-Ostindien, das um ein Vielfaches größer ist als die Niederlande, die bis zur Erklärung der Unabhängigkeit als Indonesien im Jahr 1945 die Kolonialherrschaft über das Land innehatten. Auf der Europakarte überlagert, erstreckt es sich von den Weiten des Atlantiks bis tief nach Russland hinein.

👉Hidden History👈
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🇪🇸 Las "ferias mundiales" (según las llama el oficialismo) como introducción a la nueva Historia.

🇬🇧 The "world fairs" (as the officialdom calls them) as an introduction to the new History.

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@Los Videos de HISPANICA 🎥
🇪🇸 Rampas en la Torre Eiffel

En 1936, el ingeniero André Basdevant presentó una idea descabellada: ir al restaurante de la Torre Eiffel en coche o moto.

El proyecto presentado consistía en dos grandes rampas helicoidales a cada lado del máximo símbolo parisino para permitir que los automóviles subieran y ordenaran su comida sin salir de sus vehículos.

Este mismo ingeniero ideó un tunel entre Francia e Inglaterra, que finalmente se hizo realidad en 1994.

🇬🇧 Ramps at the Eiffel Tower

In 1936, the engineer André Basdevant presented a crazy idea: to go to the Eiffel Tower restaurant by car or motorcycle.

The project presented consisted of two large helical ramps on each side of the maximum Parisian symbol to allow cars to get on and order their food without leaving their vehicles.

This same engineer devised a tunnel between France and England, which finally became a reality in 1994.

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"The Owl Man" above the Usa River in Russia 🦉

One of the most intriguing places in the Samara region for researchers of anomalous phenomena remains the area of Gremyachoe—a mountain range in the Syzran district, located near the village of the same name.
Here, at the edge of the Zhigli Mountain well, lies the source of the Usa River, which completes the Samara Luka in an almost perfect water ring. The local mountains are the second-highest peaks after the Zhiguli Heights, and on their slopes, between the strange rocky formations—remnants from ancient times—many caves, karst funnels, and sinkholes have formed, from which springs flow. These places are steeped in many legends and myths, leading researchers to a mysterious underground race.
According to local legends, a dwarf people have lived in these caves for thousands of years, which the local Chuvash people call "uybede-tuale." This phrase can be translated as "the man is a furry ape," or "the man is an owl." It is said that even today, these strange creatures, though rare, are still encountered by people in the local mountains. Imagine a dwarf no taller than the navel of an average person, but with enormous eyes and a face covered in fur or feathers. Some of those who encountered such a "frightening creature" called it an ape, while others referred to it as an owl. This is how the Chuvash people came to name this mysterious underground race.

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