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🇮🇹 33 Giochi Olimpici: Simbolismo Occulto del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale

Il linguaggio dei simboli occulti è il modo preferito di autoespressione della setta del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, come è stato chiaramente dimostrato durante le cerimonie di apertura e chiusura dei Giochi Olimpici di Parigi. I 33esimi Giochi furono scelti per ospitare congreghe occulte, perché... Il numero 33 in molti insegnamenti spirituali ha un significato esoterico. Questa è l'età di Cristo e il più alto grado massonico, 33 fasi di prove negli antichi misteri, il numero del dio del fuoco nella numerologia cabalistica, ecc. L'Ultima Cena sotto forma di orgia sessuale dionisiaca, la caduta di Lucifero (un angelo divenuto demone nel tardo Medioevo), il simbolismo del capro androgino Baphomet, i cui portatori erano atleti "bisessuali", indicano chiaramente che la visione del mondo cristiana viene sostituita da una “nuova religione mondiale” che invita a non incatenarsi al concetto di “peccato”. Se dici le cose col loro nome, questo è il buon vecchio satanismo, in cui il concetto di "peccato" è assente e i valori cristiani sono considerati "il male che viola le leggi della natura".

🇦🇺 33 Olympic Games: Occult Symbolism of the New World Order

The language of occult symbols is the New World Order sect's preferred mode of self-expression, as was clearly demonstrated during the opening and closing ceremonies of the Paris Olympic Games. The 33rd Games were chosen to host occult covens because... The number 33 in many spiritual teachings has an esoteric meaning. This is the age of Christ and the highest Masonic degree, 33 stages of evidence in the ancient mysteries, the number of the fire god in Kabbalistic numerology, etc. The Last Supper in the form of a Dionysian sexual orgy, the fall of Lucifer (an angel who became a demon in the late Middle Ages), the symbolism of the androgynous goat Baphomet, whose bearers were 'bisexual' athletes, clearly indicate that the Christian worldview is being replaced by a 'new world religion' that invites one not to be chained to the concept of 'sin'. If you call a spade a spade, this is good old Satanism, in which the concept of 'sin' is absent and Christian values are considered 'evil that violates the laws of nature'.

🇫🇷 33 Jeux Olympiques : Symbolisme occulte du Nouvel Ordre Mondial

Le langage des symboles occultes est le mode d'expression privilégié de la secte du Nouvel Ordre Mondial, comme l'ont clairement démontré les cérémonies d'ouverture et de clôture des Jeux Olympiques de Paris. Les 33e Jeux ont été choisis pour accueillir des covens occultes parce que... Dans de nombreux enseignements spirituels, le chiffre 33 a une signification ésotérique. C'est l'âge du Christ et le plus haut degré maçonnique, 33 étapes de preuves dans les anciens mystères, le nombre du dieu du feu dans la numérologie kabbalistique, etc. La Cène sous forme d'orgie sexuelle dionysiaque, la chute de Lucifer (ange devenu démon à la fin du Moyen-Âge), la symbolique du bouc androgyne Baphomet, dont les porteurs étaient des athlètes "bisexuels", indiquent clairement que la vision chrétienne du monde est remplacée par une "nouvelle religion mondiale" qui invite à ne pas se laisser enchaîner par le concept de "péché". Pour appeler un chat un chat, il s'agit du bon vieux satanisme, dans lequel le concept de "péché" est absent et les valeurs chrétiennes sont considérées comme "le mal qui viole les lois de la nature".








🇮🇹 Tempio Vettuvan Koil, Tamil Nadu, India.

Un tempio indiano poco conosciuto scavato nella solida roccia.

Dalla superficie della terra, i costruttori furono costretti a scendere gradualmente fino a una profondità di oltre 7,5 metri. Parte del tempio rimase incompiuta. La costruzione risale all'VIII secolo d.C.

🇦🇺 Vettuvan Koil Temple, Tamil Nadu, India.

A little-known Indian temple carved out of solid rock.

From the surface of the earth, the builders were forced to gradually descend to a depth of over 7.5 metres. Part of the temple remained unfinished. The construction dates back to the 8th century AD.

🇧🇷 Templo Vettuvan Koil, Tamil Nadu, Índia.

Um templo indiano pouco conhecido, esculpido em uma rocha sólida.

Da superfície da terra, os construtores foram forçados a descer gradualmente até uma profundidade de mais de 7,5 metros. Parte do templo permaneceu inacabada. A construção data do século VIII d.C.

🇫🇷 Temple Vettuvan Koil, Tamil Nadu, Inde.

Un temple indien peu connu, taillé dans la roche.

Depuis la surface de la terre, les bâtisseurs ont dû descendre progressivement jusqu'à une profondeur de plus de 7,5 mètres. Une partie du temple est restée inachevée. La construction remonte au 8e siècle de notre ère.








🇮🇹 Il grande incendio di Chicago del 1871.

Qual è il significato di un'immagine del genere? È molto più vicino alla verità di quanto potresti immaginare:

- 17.450 edifici, per lo più in pietra, distrutti in 36 ore
— 485 edifici all'ora
- 8 edifici al minuto
— 1 edificio in pietra (!) ogni 7,5 secondi

E tutto questo a causa di un incendio che presumibilmente è scoppiato perché la mucca della signora O'Leary ha preso a calci una lanterna...

🇦🇺 The Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

What is the significance of such an image? It is much closer to the truth than you might imagine:

- 17,450 buildings, mostly stone, destroyed in 36 hours
- 485 buildings per hour
- 8 buildings per minute
- 1 stone building (!) every 7.5 seconds

And all because of a fire that allegedly started because Mrs O'Leary's cow kicked a lantern....

🇧🇷 O Grande Incêndio de Chicago de 1871.

Qual é o significado dessa imagem? Ela está muito mais próxima da verdade do que você pode imaginar:

- 17.450 edifícios, em sua maioria de pedra, destruídos em 36 horas
- 485 edifícios por hora
- 8 edifícios por minuto
- 1 prédio de pedra (!) a cada 7,5 segundos

E tudo por causa de um incêndio que supostamente começou porque a vaca da Sra. O'Leary chutou uma lanterna....

🇫🇷 Le grand incendie de Chicago de 1871.

Quelle est la signification d'une telle image ? Elle est beaucoup plus proche de la réalité que vous ne l'imaginez :

- 17 450 bâtiments, pour la plupart en pierre, détruits en 36 heures
- 485 bâtiments par heure
- 8 bâtiments par minute
- 1 bâtiment en pierre ( !) toutes les 7,5 secondes

Et tout cela à cause d'un incendie qui aurait démarré parce que la vache de Mme O'Leary a donné un coup de pied dans une lanterne....








🇪🇸 Descubren un triángulo de 10 km de lado en Groenlandia

Gracias al derretimiento del hielo, se descubrió este triángulo, formado por canales excavados en la roca, que tienen una longitud impresionante de 10 km.

En el contexto de bahías y cauces sinuosos, las líneas rectas del triángulo se destacan claramente, lo que nos hace pensar en la edad de las personas y los esfuerzos que se destinaron a crear esta gran estructura.

🇬🇧 Discovered a 10km triangle in Greenland

Thanks to the removal of the ice, this triangle was discovered, formed by channels dug into the rock, which have an impressive length of 10 km.

In the context of the bays and sinuous cliffs, the straight lines of the triangle stand out clearly, which makes us think about the life of the people and the efforts that were destined to create this great structure.

63°41'00.7″N 50°27'57.2″W

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🇪🇸 Edificio del Capitolio, Congreso de EEUU

Este es el Congreso, el edificio del capitolio de Estados Unidos, no la Casa Blanca.

Comenzaron una ampliación en el año 2000 y encontraron más pisos bajo tierra. El proyecto se retrasó ocho años en completarse.

Los 3 pisos descubiertos son el nuevo Centro de Visitantes del Capitolio y, si vas a visitar el Congreso ahora, entrarás a través del sótano recién excavado, ingresando por el edificio del Capitolio.

🇬🇧 Capitol Building, US Congress

This is the Congress, the United States Capitol building, not the White House.

They began an expansion in the year 2000 and found more floors underground. The project took another year to get finished.

The 3 described steps are the new Visitor Center of the Capitol and, if you go to visit the Congress now, you will enter through the excavated square and enter the Capitol building through them.

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Forwarded from Slavic World
Potemkin village

A Potemkin village (Russian потёмкинская деревня) is the term used to describe a fake or the ‘pretence of false facts’: The illusion of demonstrable success, prosperity, etc. is created through material and/or organisational effort (‘dummies’, actors, etc.).

The term goes back to the unproven story that Field Marshal Grigory Potemkin (1st image) set up scenes of villages and had the supposed inhabitants transported from one to the next in order to deceive Catherine the Great on a journey through New Russia about the development and prosperity of the newly colonised region.

*3rd image: Former castle brewery in Kolín, Czech Republic: only the usually visible side (facing the banks of the Elbe) was renovated, the rest remained untouched

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🇪🇸 Chand Baori, India

Se trata de un pozo escalonado de más de 30 metros de profundidad y fue construido entre los siglos IX y XI.

Esta antigua estructura, también llamada bawdis o baoris, son un elemento arquitectónico muy común en el país y servían para almacenar agua.

Se encuentra cerca de un templo de la ciudad de Abaneri, en la región de Rajastán y se cree que es uno de los pozos escalonados más profundos del mundo.

🇬🇧 Chand Baori, India

It is a stepped well more than 100 ft deep and was built between the 9th and 11th centuries.

This ancient structure, also called bawdis or baoris, is a very common architectural element in the country and was used to store water.

It is located near a temple in the city of Abaneri in the Rajasthan region and is believed to be one of the deepest stepwells in the world.

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