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🇬🇧 Orgone pyramid 9x9x6cm and a commemorative orgone pendant for the friends of TARTARIA HISPANICA

Follow my orgone alchemy on:

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👉 @William74Wallace

🇮🇹 Piramide orgonica 9x9x6cm e ciondolo orgonico commemorativi per gli amici di TARTARIA HISPANICA

Segui la mia alchimia orgonica su:

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🇪🇦 Pirámide de orgón 9x9x6cm y un colgante de orgón conmemorativo para los amigos de TARTARIA HISPANICA

Sigue mi alquimia orgónica en:

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Grazie milliardi, fratello!! È bellisima!! ☺️

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🇪🇸 Lápida de Palenque, civilización Maya

Algunas historias dicen que Pakal, el gran gobernante de Palenque, no era un simple mortal sino un ser de las estrellas.

Fue enviado por los dioses para traer conocimiento y sabiduría a la humanidad.

La lápida parece “una nave espacial”. Su postura, los misteriosos símbolos y detalles que lo rodean podrían ser evidencia de las antiguas tecnologías transmitidas a los mayas por los supuestos seres estelares.

🇬🇧 Palenque stone, Mayan civilization

Some stories say that Pakal, the great ruler of Palenque, was not just a mortal but a stars being.

He was sent by Gods to gain knowledge and wisdom for humanity.

The stone seems like “a space ship”. On posture, the mysterious symbols and details that haunt it could be evidence of the ancient technologies transmitted to the Mayans by the aforementioned stars beings.

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@Beyond History 🇩🇪

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🇮🇹 Avevi l’abitudine di andare ogni mattina a spiare l’arrivo della luce in giardino. Con in mano la prima tazza di caffè, coglievi la fortuna di esistere, di risvegliarti con la natura qui, in questo angolo del pianeta, di rianimarti e di toccare terra, prima di affrontare lo sforzo di vivere… Respiri avidamente il giorno nuovo, inedito, e capisci che questo, niente più di questo rappresenta ancora la felicità: di ogni mattina.

(Colette Nys-Mazure)

Buongiorno anime belle ☀️

🇦🇺 You used to go every morning to spy the arrival of light in the garden. With the first cup of coffee in your hand, you would seize the chance to exist, to awaken with nature here, in this corner of the planet, to revive yourself and to touch the ground, before tackling the effort of living... You would eagerly breathe in the new, unseen day, and realise that this, nothing more than this still represents happiness: of every morning.

(Colette Nys-Mazure)

Good morning beautiful souls ☀️

🇧🇷 Você costumava ir todas as manhãs para espiar a chegada da luz no jardim. Com a primeira xícara de café na mão, você aproveitava a chance de existir, de despertar com a natureza aqui, neste canto do planeta, de reviver e tocar o chão, antes de enfrentar o esforço de viver... Você respirava ansiosamente o novo dia invisível e percebia que isso, nada mais do que isso, ainda representa a felicidade: de todas as manhãs.

(Colette Nys-Mazure)

Bom dia, belas almas ☀️

🇫🇷 Vous alliez chaque matin guetter l'arrivée de la lumière dans le jardin. La première tasse de café à la main, vous saisissiez la chance d'exister, de vous éveiller avec la nature ici, dans ce coin de la planète, de vous ressourcer et de toucher le sol, avant d'aborder l'effort de vivre... Vous respiriez avidement le jour nouveau, invisible, et vous réalisiez que cela, rien que cela, représente encore le bonheur : de tous les matins.

(Colette Nys-Mazure)

Bonjour belles âmes ☀️








🇮🇹 Reliquiario in cristallo di rocca.

Antico acquario dei Duchi di Borgogna.
Inizio del XV secolo 1400.

🇦🇺 Rock crystal reliquary.

Antique aquarium of the Dukes of Burgundy.
Early 15th century 1400s.

🇧🇷 Relicário de cristal de rocha.

Antigo aquário dos Duques de Borgonha.
Início do século XV, década de 1400.

🇫🇷 Reliquaire en cristal de roche.

Aquarium ancien des ducs de Bourgogne.
Début du XVe siècle, années 1400.








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🇮🇹 Un'altra mappa interessante del nostro mondo. (1300)

A giudicare dalle immagini su di esso, creature sconosciute vivevano fianco a fianco con le persone.

🇦🇺 Another interesting map of our world. (1300)

Judging by the pictures on it, unknown creatures lived side by side with people.

🇧🇷 Outro mapa interessante do nosso mundo. (1300)

A julgar pelas imagens nele contidas, criaturas desconhecidas viviam lado a lado com as pessoas.

🇫🇷 Une autre carte intéressante de notre monde. (1300)

À en juger par les images qui y figurent, des créatures inconnues vivaient côte à côte avec les hommes.








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🇪🇸 Perforación en las puertas de entrada de Karnak

El templo de Karnak es una estructura impresionante de enormes dimensiones, pero llama la atención las perforaciones precisas que se encuentran en las puertas de entrada, que posiblemente requirieron de herramientas avanzadas mucho más allá de lo que se podría haber logrado con medios simples.

Estos agujeros podrían haber desempeñado un papel en la alineación astronómica del templo.

🇬🇧 Drilling at the Karnak entrance doors

The temple of Karnak is an impressive structure of enormous dimensions, but pay attention to the precise perforations that are located in the entrance doors, which possibly require advanced hardware much more than what could be achieved with simple means.

These readers might have cleared a paper in the astronomical alignment of the temple.

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@XFilesUnveiled 🇩🇪

@Beyond History 🇩🇪

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The copyright of the music belongs to 鈴木要 (Suzuki) líng mù yào.
Forwarded from Electroculture farming
It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was an Indian Chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old secrets.

When he looked at the sky, he couldn't tell what the weather was going to be. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he replied to his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect firewood to be prepared.

Also, being a practical leader, after several days he got an idea. He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked, "Is the coming winter going to be cold?"
"It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold indeed," the meteorologist at the weather service responded. So the Chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more wood in order to be prepared.

A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. "Is it going to be a very cold winter?"
"Yes," the man at National Weather Service again replied,"it's definitely going to be a very cold winter." The Chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of wood they could find.

Two weeks later, he called the National Weather Service again. "Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?"
"Absolutely," the man replied. "It's going to be one of the coldest winters ever."
"How can you be so sure?" the Chief asked.

The weatherman replied, "The Indians are collecting wood like crazy."

Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !

Forwarded from Electroculture farming
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The visual beauty of mushrooms releasing spores into the air captured on video

Forwarded from Electroculture farming
Our brains generate an electrical and a magnetic field, but they’re relatively weak, as compared to the heart. The electrical field of the heart is about 100 times stronger than that of the brain & the heart’s magnetic field is about 5,000 times stronger than the magnetic field of the brain.

Our own physics textbooks say that if you want to change the atoms of physical matter, you have to change either the electrical field or the magnetic field; the heart does both."

The Heart is about 100 times stronger electrically & up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. Important, because the physical world - as we know it - is made of those 2 fields: electrical & magnetic fields of Energy. Physics now tells us that if we can change either the magnetic field or the electrical field of the atom, we literally change that atom and its elements within our body & this world. The human Heart is designed to do BOTH.

Gregg Braden
