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New Earth
Day 581 – Money
One of the major contributing factors to keeping humanity enslaved is money. Either the lack of it or the accumulation of it with the intent of creating the feeling of security. What I have noticed during this time of ascension is that this is once more being used to distract us from our true power as creators. The realization that as creators of our reality, we can and will in the higher frequencies of the New Earth be able to manifest all our needs and desires with ease and grace. I am being told that the reason for monetary wealth being talked about and aimed for is to eliminate the inequality of simple living standards worldwide. The change to a gold-backed financial system is not to have individuals rush out for personal gain which is old paradigm, but to be able to support humanitarian projects with the intent of bringing all of humanity up to a standard of living that supports peace and wellbeing globally. This will be one of the most challenging conditioned programming for us to transform, to move out of the old profit and loss system to an eventual place of free-flowing prosperity for all humans on this planet. This will take time and can only be expedited by those of us that can set ourselves free from the deeply ingrained programming of feeling insecure without money and secure with it. The shift needed here is to learn and have faith in the natural power of creation in alignment with the quantum field of all that is, and always has our needs and desires supplied to the highest possibility for self and all concerned. This is a leap in consciousness from profit and loss to free flow in supply for all. If you are still concerned about your financial wellbeing at any level, you still have not freed yourself from this conditioning and have not arrived at the truth that you are the creator of your reality and can create abundance just as well as you are creating lack or the fear there of. This is a big one for most but essential. I believe that eventually there will be no need for monetary exchanges for goods and services. Remember, you are not rich because you have money, you have money because you feel rich. Become the vibration of wealth in every area of your life and watch the magic of creation at work. Namaste <3 <3
#money #newearth #newearthcommunities

Yvonne Teoh Bource
New Earth
Day 726 – Independence and self-sufficiency.
Everything that has occurred in the last two and a half years has been carefully planned. And it is not over yet. I am not stating this to alarm anyone, I am mentioning it to inspire people to become more innovative, more determined to be independent of any governing body that is not for the good of a thriving humanity. The time has come for all New Earth Communities to look at what can be done to support all within the community to be able to weather any storm and be self-sufficient in this time where the last remnants of the old controller’s power is decimated. Support each other, support local business, create community gardens, go back to making things rather than buying everything. What I know about the nature of the human species is that they become the best when they are most challenged. Well for me I feel I have been challenged enough for long enough by unseen forces that do not have my back, that do not come from love, and I am here to turn that tide around for me, for my family and for my community. On the other side of this coin there is a huge movement that is putting in place new systems of administering and governing in new ways to return humanity to a thriving populace of health, wealth and unity, but they need us to do our bit to keep the momentum of increased vibrational frequency at a level where all of us can rise beyond the old matrix of constriction, manipulation and destruction. We are nearly there; these are the moments just before the completion of the metamorphosis of the brilliant freedom of the human butterfly. It will take determination, strength and a single-minded focus on setting ourselves free from the last bit of the cocoon that has held us captive. New Earth is calling us. Namaste <3 <3
#newearthcommunities #newearth #metamorphosis
New Earth

Day 747 -Stay focused on the light.

No matter what is occurring in the world where people are still hoping for and depending on major organizations and corporations to change its spots and make things better for humanity, for me there is only one master, one truth, one place to put my attention and my faith. The bigger picture of Ascension of life into a new level of consciousness, an existence and experience that is being preceded by compassion, healing, love and forgiveness for how far we have allowed ourselves to slip into darkness.

No matter what the paradigm of fear, division and conflict attempts to present to the masses, I know that this reality is fading as more are choosing an experience of joy, love, collaboration and innovation, forging a new way of life out of the ashes of the old.

An inner evolution is taking place as the Earth’s atmospheric frequencies are changing our very cellular construct into the next expression of the human being in physical form. This morning I am shown with some amusement an analogy of the past controlling parties frantically rushing about using a few sandbags to stop a tsunami. We are that tsunami, purposefully creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts with passion and joy. We are guided by the creator itself, spreading love, peace, harmony and joy wherever we go. Each one of us is expressing ourselves in our own unique way offering our own unique gifts and talents in service of the whole.

We are the change that the world has been waiting for, not by taking control of others, but by showing the way to taking control of our own lives with an intent of good for all. This is the only way that transformation can take place, from the inside as an energetic radiance that impacts the world to move quietly but inevitably to the New Earth where New Earth Communities are showing the way to love and wellbeing for all who find their way home. A thriving world in alignment with nature and the quantum field of creation, where we  are celebrating life in very different and expansive ways. Namaste <3 <3

#newearth #newearthcommunities #focusonthelight #bethechange

~Yvonne Teoh Bource