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European Parliament
Asylum and migration: deal reached on new EU resettlement framework
On Thursday, negotiators from the European Parliament and of the Czech Council Presidency reached an agreement on the first ever EU resettlement framework.
Forwarded from Chennai Jobs & Careers (Siva Ganesan)
HCL WalkIN in Bangalore and Pune location for Instrumenation design /Instrumentation and control Engineer/Telecom Engineer And Electrical Engineer/ Electrical Design Engineer for Oil and Gas Doamin.
Experience:5-18 years
#Instrumentation #electricaldesign #s3d #e3d #electricalengineering #telecomengineer #Telecom #etap #offshoreoilandgas #pune #Bangalore #powerplant #oilandgas #petrochemical #lng #walkin #Punejobs
Experience:5-18 years
#Instrumentation #electricaldesign #s3d #e3d #electricalengineering #telecomengineer #Telecom #etap #offshoreoilandgas #pune #Bangalore #powerplant #oilandgas #petrochemical #lng #walkin #Punejobs