#Expobizitsolutions is urgently hiring for the following profiles:
1. #Seo Executive
#Positions: 3
#Experience: 06 Months - 2 yrs
2. #ContentWriter
#Positions: 1
#Experience: 06 Months - 2 yrs
#Location: Mohali
#Interested candidates can #sharecv at hr@expobizitsolutions.com
Kindly #Like #share and #comment for better reach.
#References will be highly appreciated!
#urgenthiring #hiringalerts #hiringnow #mohalijobs #mohali #job2021 #Seojobs #lookingforopportunities #lookingforchange #lookingforjobs #seo #seojobs #Contentwriter #excellentcommunication #Contentwriterjobs ##jobseekers #like #share #comment #commentforbetterreach #helpinghands #connections #references #mohalijobs #mohalihiring #greatopportunity #greatplacetowork #grabtheopportunity #5daysworking #interestedcandidates
1. #Seo Executive
#Positions: 3
#Experience: 06 Months - 2 yrs
2. #ContentWriter
#Positions: 1
#Experience: 06 Months - 2 yrs
#Location: Mohali
#Interested candidates can #sharecv at hr@expobizitsolutions.com
Kindly #Like #share and #comment for better reach.
#References will be highly appreciated!
#urgenthiring #hiringalerts #hiringnow #mohalijobs #mohali #job2021 #Seojobs #lookingforopportunities #lookingforchange #lookingforjobs #seo #seojobs #Contentwriter #excellentcommunication #Contentwriterjobs ##jobseekers #like #share #comment #commentforbetterreach #helpinghands #connections #references #mohalijobs #mohalihiring #greatopportunity #greatplacetowork #grabtheopportunity #5daysworking #interestedcandidates