У меня уже выработалась стойкая нелюбовь к словам – коронавирус, карантин и спекуляции. Многие из нас отказались от отпусков и развлечений, а планы по учебе и иммиграции сдвинулись. Однако, мы все еще можем учиться, развиваться и вкладывать в себя в условиях турбулентности.
У меня к вам предложение:
1)напишите Task1(тему брать у меня @MarinaRRR, время написания до 30 мин, желательно без словаря). Это может быть описание графика, если вы сдаете Academic Module или письмо для General IELTS.
2)пришлите мне на проверку абсолютно бесплатно. Я проверю, оценю вашу работу по критериям и выставлю примерный балл.
В блоге мы рассмотрим основные ошибки вашей работы (естественно анонимно) и как с ними можно поработать, чтобы поднять балл. Я думаю, это может быть полезно многим. Предупрежден значит вооружен💪🏿.
Предложение действительно 3 дня для двоих человек (Academic&General). UPD: желающие уже нашлись
У меня уже выработалась стойкая нелюбовь к словам – коронавирус, карантин и спекуляции. Многие из нас отказались от отпусков и развлечений, а планы по учебе и иммиграции сдвинулись. Однако, мы все еще можем учиться, развиваться и вкладывать в себя в условиях турбулентности.
У меня к вам предложение:
1)напишите Task1(тему брать у меня @MarinaRRR, время написания до 30 мин, желательно без словаря). Это может быть описание графика, если вы сдаете Academic Module или письмо для General IELTS.
2)пришлите мне на проверку абсолютно бесплатно. Я проверю, оценю вашу работу по критериям и выставлю примерный балл.
В блоге мы рассмотрим основные ошибки вашей работы (естественно анонимно) и как с ними можно поработать, чтобы поднять балл. Я думаю, это может быть полезно многим. Предупрежден значит вооружен💪🏿.
Предложение действительно 3 дня для двоих человек (Academic&General). UPD: желающие уже нашлись
#exercise Первая работа на проверку.
Оригинальный текст.
The given table depicts the gender distribution of participants in 3
types of sports, namely swimming, cycling and jogging in the period
of 2005/06 and 2008/09 in the country of United Kingdom.
As an overall trend, it can be clearly seen that the highest share of
women was noticed in indoors activity as well as men who ranked
first in other two categories of sports year after year.
At first , females formed exactly 18% in diving and experienced a
slight decrease up to 16.5% at the end of the survey, respectively.
The same situation was found in males with returning to its almost
original point at 13% in the September in 2008
It is interesting to note that girls lose their interest in cycling which
proves results that were given in descending order annually. In
contrast, boys enjoyed riding on bike and jogging as their
contribution rose each year ending at 14,4% and 7.6%, relatively.
Besides,the preference on cross-country of girls went up from 3,5%
to 4,8%, which is half as high its initial point.
176 words
Оригинальный текст.
The given table depicts the gender distribution of participants in 3
types of sports, namely swimming, cycling and jogging in the period
of 2005/06 and 2008/09 in the country of United Kingdom.
As an overall trend, it can be clearly seen that the highest share of
women was noticed in indoors activity as well as men who ranked
first in other two categories of sports year after year.
At first , females formed exactly 18% in diving and experienced a
slight decrease up to 16.5% at the end of the survey, respectively.
The same situation was found in males with returning to its almost
original point at 13% in the September in 2008
It is interesting to note that girls lose their interest in cycling which
proves results that were given in descending order annually. In
contrast, boys enjoyed riding on bike and jogging as their
contribution rose each year ending at 14,4% and 7.6%, relatively.
Besides,the preference on cross-country of girls went up from 3,5%
to 4,8%, which is half as high its initial point.
176 words
#exercise Вторая работа на проверку. Оригинальный текст.
This table shows the number of Britain, who took part in different sports, divided by gender, over 4 years from 2005 to 2009, in 1 yearly intervals. Overall, the biggest part of participants chose indoors swimming or diving. The main activity for women is a swimming diving, almost the same is a trend for men: they mostly took part in water sports and cycling activities.
The biggest percentage of women were doing swimming or diving, nevertheless their number deacreased from 18 per cent to 16 per cent over the years, while the men’s participation in that kind of sport was stable and it made up around 13 per cent. Less popular sport for women is a cycling. It attracted up to 7 per cent, in contrast to males. Part of men, who chose this leisure activity, was 12.7 per cent at the beginning of the survey and it acounted for 14.4 per cent in the interval from 2008 to 2009
The least common sports for both genders are types of running. Thus, amount of participants started to rise between 2005 and 2009
180 words
This table shows the number of Britain, who took part in different sports, divided by gender, over 4 years from 2005 to 2009, in 1 yearly intervals. Overall, the biggest part of participants chose indoors swimming or diving. The main activity for women is a swimming diving, almost the same is a trend for men: they mostly took part in water sports and cycling activities.
The biggest percentage of women were doing swimming or diving, nevertheless their number deacreased from 18 per cent to 16 per cent over the years, while the men’s participation in that kind of sport was stable and it made up around 13 per cent. Less popular sport for women is a cycling. It attracted up to 7 per cent, in contrast to males. Part of men, who chose this leisure activity, was 12.7 per cent at the beginning of the survey and it acounted for 14.4 per cent in the interval from 2008 to 2009
The least common sports for both genders are types of running. Thus, amount of participants started to rise between 2005 and 2009
180 words