Follow the Data with Dr Frank
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"Positive Attitude"

The other day, someone asked me how I always maintain such a positive attitude.

1) God made me this way;
2) I'm following God's calling in my life, using the gifts He's given me; and,
3) Each day, I get to hang out with some of the finest patriots in our country.


Kyrie eleison.
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5/21 6:30pm in STURGIS, MICHIGAN
5/23 at 12pm in JACKSON, MICHIGAN
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5/23 at 12pm in JACKSON, MICHIGAN
Lenawee County 5/22 in Adrian, Michigan
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5/24 at 1pm KEIZER, OR
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"Fighting for Our Country"

Each day, I am fighting to redeem the country that covenanted with God Almighty at its inception. The country where our freedom was bought with a price, so we are obliged to cherish, correct, nourish, and protect it for our posterity.

I especially feel this obligation today...

While waiting to board my plane from Detroit to Oregon, a plane landed that was repatriating the remains of a WW2 veteran who was shot down over Belgium and was killed. This fallen soldier has finally returned home.

Many of us stood watching in quiet respect, and there were tears on many faces for the loss of someone none of us even knows.

America has certainly lost its way, but the fires of freedom and love of God and Country still burn brightly in many hearts.

Thank you, young soldier, for your service to our country. I grieve for you and for your family, and my sacrifices feel insignificant in comparison to yours.

I pledge my life, treasure, and sacred honor to redeeming the country that you died for, the country blessed by God because it looked toward heaven for its inspiration and sustenance.

Kyrie eleison.
"We want you to remember what you are fighting for."

This amazing, lovely, Christian family in Michigan has been an inspiration to me since I first met them in Antrim Michigan three years ago.

They paid me a surprise visit today at my Jackson County speaking event, and assailed me with love and hugs.

They are a wonderful reminder of what we are fighting for.

Looking at these lovely children, the stakes are high.
“God and Jonah”

God: “Jonah, go to Nineveh, and tell them to repent, or else.”

Jonah: “I don’t wanna. They won’t listen anyway.”

G: “I’m not asking, I’m telling. I’ve selected you and prepared you for this mission.”

J: “Well, I’m not going. See ya.”

G: “Oh, yes, you are. Let me introduce you to my fishy friend.”

J: “I should have just answered your call from the start.”

The moral of the story?

God has prepared you for this time in history, and the sooner you embrace your purpose, the better.
Oregon all-mail elections are a farce. Especially with such dirty voter rolls. They are essentially littering the pavement with no chain-of-custody ballots.

Anyone who supports this system opposes election integrity.
“Dr Frank Talks”

My presentations are designed to wake people up, teach them what the problems are, and then inspire them to engage productive solutions.

The biggest challenge I face is that people don’t recognize that the problem is EVERYWHERE, including in their own community, so they remain passive. “Everything is good here, Dr. Frank.”

This is because they do not understand the situation: in every state, our elections are now centrally controlled. This is why education plays such an important role in my talks.

My experiences across the country (48 states, 800 counties, over six hundred event presentations) have taught me a great deal. I try to pass along this collected wisdom to equip the grassroots for success.

In a recent meeting of VIP’s, General Flynn was asked about the 2024 election. He said, if there is one, there will be massive cheating. And then the people will sit on their hands. (Like they are doing now.)

I have to agree. The people are asleep, hypnotized by propaganda spewing from the media and various political interests.

They are wasting precious time trying to clean voter rolls and harvest ballots, when instead they need to be waking up and starting to act like the government again. They need to be running their own elections.

America is an experiment in self-government. We the People are the sovereigns.

Wake up!
“Dirty Voter Rolls”

The problem with our voter rolls is not that they are ridiculously dirty. The problem is that they are centrally-controlled by the state and other actors.

Get control of your voter rolls, *then* clean them.

Otherwise, it’s like spending all day cleaning your kids room… five minutes after you let him back in all your effort is undone.
"Polk County, Oregon"

I recently met with Polk County, OR patriots and officials. They are a conservative county with honest officials, so they think that their elections must be OK.

They're wrong...

Here are graphs summarizing the Polk County situation:
1) Their voter rolls are growing faster than their population;
2) Despite little recent population change in the last three years, 21.5% of the people in their rolls have been removed and 31.6% have been added, for a net growth of 10.1% in their rolls;
3) 18.4% of the people who voted in the 2020 Polk County general election have been removed from the rolls;
4) Everyone older than seventy years of age in Polk County voted in their 2020 election.

That ain't natural, buddy...

Do I think Polk county election officials are responsible for this? Certainly not. The state is centrally controlling the elections.

Nevertheless, now that they see the problem, we must hold them accountable.

I find these same behaviors in every state in the country...
NEW JERSEY July 21 & July 22 "7 Steps to Taking Your Elections Back"