Kakao 2.3.0 released
Kakao is a PageObject pattern Kotlin DSL for Android UI testing built on the base of Espresso
What's new in the latest version:
👉 Smaller fixes/improvements
Check out the library at GitHub and get familiar with the full chages here
To see some examples of what you can do with this library, you can read this Medium blog post
#Kakao #Testing
Kakao is a PageObject pattern Kotlin DSL for Android UI testing built on the base of Espresso
What's new in the latest version:
support added with KViewPager2
👉 ChipGroup
support added with KChipGroup
👉 Spinner
support added with KSpinner
👉 Tint support added to KImageView
👉 Dependencies' versions upgrade👉 Smaller fixes/improvements
Check out the library at GitHub and get familiar with the full chages here
To see some examples of what you can do with this library, you can read this Medium blog post
#Kakao #Testing
GitHub - agoda-com/Kakao: This repo is no longer supported. Please visit a https://github.com/KakaoCup/Kakao
This repo is no longer supported. Please visit a https://github.com/KakaoCup/Kakao - agoda-com/Kakao