Не верь тому, кто не верит в себя.
First and foremost, do not believe those who don't believe in themselves.
First and foremost, do not believe those who don't believe in themselves.
Самым невероятным становится то, во что сильней всего веришь.
The most unbelievable thing can become something you believe in more than anything.
The most unbelievable thing can become something you believe in more than anything.
То, что ты нравишься многим, еще не значит, что ты нравишься лучшим.
If you are liked by many, that doesn’t mean that you are liked by the best.
If you are liked by many, that doesn’t mean that you are liked by the best.
Мудрость - не когда ты многое знаешь, а когда не знаешь ничего лишнего.
Wisdom is not when you know a lot, but when you don't know anything unnecessary.
Wisdom is not when you know a lot, but when you don't know anything unnecessary.
Успех приходит тогда, когда убежденность становится убедительностью.
Success comes when your own confidence becomes your credibility.
Success comes when your own confidence becomes your credibility.
То, что человек быстро соглашается, может означать, что и отказывается он также быстро.
If someone immediately #agrees to something, it might mean that he will give up just as quickly.
If someone immediately #agrees to something, it might mean that he will give up just as quickly.
Все живут по - разному. Одни жизнь - коллекционируют, другие ее сортируют.
Everyone lives in their own way. Some collect #life, others manage it.
Everyone lives in their own way. Some collect #life, others manage it.
Уверенности в собственном таланте дается ровно столько, сколько и самого таланта.
Confidence in your talent is worth as much as the #talent itself.
Confidence in your talent is worth as much as the #talent itself.
В некоторых случаях важней не то, каким ты станешь, а то каким ты останешься.
Sometimes, the most important thing is not what you will become, but what you will remain.
Sometimes, the most important thing is not what you will become, but what you will remain.
Говорить о том, что будет сделано — намного легче, чем сделать то, о чем будут говорить.
To talk about what will be done is much easier than to do what will be talked about.
To talk about what will be done is much easier than to do what will be talked about.
Если женщина ведет себя как ребенок, значит, она счастлива.
If a woman behaves like a child, then she is happy.
If a woman behaves like a child, then she is happy.
Все мы мечтаем об откровенности, но предпочитаем танцевать с незнакомками.
We all dream of honesty, but prefer dancing with strangers.
We all dream of honesty, but prefer dancing with strangers.
Какие бы аферы со смыслом жизни мы ни проворачивали - жизнь будет прекрасна и сама по себе.
Whatever sort of falsity we could make out of the meaning of life, life itself will be always wonderful.
Whatever sort of falsity we could make out of the meaning of life, life itself will be always wonderful.
Не бывает счастья без чувства юмора.
Happiness can't exist without a sense of humour.
Happiness can't exist without a sense of humour.
Я бы хотел, чтобы то, что я считаю лучшим - было таковым на самом деле.
I would like the things that I consider as best to be so in reality.
I would like the things that I consider as best to be so in reality.
Если то, о чем ты мечтаешь с закрытыми глазами, не исчезает, когда ты глаза открываешь, значит, твое желание исполнилось.
If what you dream about with closed eyes doesn't disappear when you open your eyes, that means your dream has come true.
If what you dream about with closed eyes doesn't disappear when you open your eyes, that means your dream has come true.