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Telegram Channel by @roadtopetabyte - Announcements: @rtptme
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Created HD TiktTok Telegram Bot
Hi all,I was so annoyed with all the spammy and restricted bots on Telegram when it comes to downloading TikTok videos that I created my own: @hd_tiktok_dl_botFeatures:Full HD Videos (1080p)No size restriction (50MB seems to be the limit of Telegram though)Would be great to get some feedback if you like it and see any bugs.
Submitted July 22, 2024 at 04:35PM by Haves1001
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
Mysticella - chat with AI models, deployed as a bot on Telegram. Free to use.
Wanted a quick and easy way to chat with leading AI models, without installing a seperate app. Features : 15+ leading text to text, and 5+ Vision based AISupport for finetuning, and personalisationFree Forever AI ModelsGive it a try and leave feedback on product hunt. This has been a hobby project for me, and I'm not looking to commercialize. Product hunt page : Find link to the bot itself as @ mysticella_bot. Thanks.PS : The commercial ones from OpenAI, Claude, Mixtral, Google are paid and I've kept prices the same as you'd buy from them. New registrations get $10 worth of free credits to try these.
Submitted July 22, 2024 at 05:17PM by lukefernendes
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
Forwarded from Astuces Telegram
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Étoiles Telegram. Vous pouvez effectuer des achats et soutenir des créateurs de contenu avec des étoiles Telegram. C'est un moyen transparent de payer des produits dans des mini-applications et de débloquer des messages dans vos canaux favoris.

Les développeurs de bots et les créateurs de contenu peuvent utiliser les étoiles qu'ils gagnent pour recevoir des récompenses ou placer des publicités subventionnées.
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Payer pour du contenu avec des étoiles. Les abonnés d'un canal peuvent utiliser les Étoiles Telegram pour débloquer des photos et des vidéos exclusives, soutenant ainsi directement leurs créateurs de contenu favoris.

Le déverrouillage d'une publication vous donne un accès à vie à son contenu, même si la publication est supprimée et si vous vous désabonnez du canal.
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Barre des mini-applications. Vous pouvez réduire les mini-applications pour consulter vos échanges et ouvrir d'autres mini-applications, puis revenir facilement sans perdre votre progression.

Pour réduire une application, balayez son en-tête vers le bas, touchez la barre d'applications pour rouvrir l'application de votre choix.
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Recherche de stories par Hashtag. En appuyant sur les hashtags dans les légendes des stories, vous pouvez parcourir les stories publiques avec les tags correspondants.

Si vous êtes un créateur ou une entreprise, vous pouvez utiliser les hashtags pour élargir votre audience de manière naturelle et attirer de nouveaux clients.
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Recherche de stories par lieu. Les utilisateurs en vacances ou participant à un événement peuvent ajouter une balise de lieu à leur story pour indiquer où ils se trouvent.

En appuyant sur une balise de lieu, vous pouvez découvrir d'autres stories publiques du même endroit, pour voir d'autres selfies de concert ou des recommandations de restaurants.

Seules les stories qu'un utilisateur est autorisé à consulter apparaissent dans les résultats de la recherche. Les stories privées ne sont jamais incluses dans les recherches publiques.
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Widget de lien dans les stories. Les utilisateurs Premium peuvent mettre en évidence un lien dans leur story en l'ajoutant à un widget élégant avec plusieurs mises en page et options de couleur.

Les widgets de lien, les balises de lieu et autres peuvent être ajoutés à votre story à partir de l'onglet des autocollants dans l'éditeur des stories.
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Bad Request: chat not found telegram bot
I created a bot without Telegram to join groups and send messages to group members. But when he goes to send a message to someone it always gives this error:Sending messages to 39 members...Response status code: 400Response text: {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: chat not found"}Chat ID 6557973334 not found. Skipping.Message sent to 6557973334Response status code: 400Response text: {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: chat not found"}Chat ID 7064512912 not found. Skipping.Message sent to 7064512912Response status code: 400Response text: {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: chat not found"}Chat ID 528356231 not found. Skipping.Message sent to 528356231This is my code:import os
import asyncio
import requests
from telethon import TelegramClient
from telethon.errors import FloodWaitError, RPCError
from import Channel
from import InviteToChannelRequest
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from time import sleep# Carregar variáveis do arquivo .env
API_ID = os.getenv('API_ID')
API_HASH = os.getenv('API_HASH')
PASSWORD_2FA = os.getenv('PASSWORD_2FA')
BOT_TOKEN = os.getenv('BOT_TOKEN')# Inicializar o cliente Telethon
client = TelegramClient('new_session_name', API_ID, API_HASH)# Mensagem a ser enviada
MESSAGE = "Hello"# Configurações de atraso
INITIAL_DELAY = 5  # Atraso inicial antes de enviar a primeira mensagem
DELAY_BETWEEN_MESSAGES = 10  # Atraso de 10 segundos entre mensagens
MAX_MESSAGES_PER_BATCH = 3  # Máximo de mensagens por lote
BATCH_DELAY = 300  # Atraso de 5 minutos entre lotesasync def start_client():
"""Iniciar o cliente Telethon"""
await client.start(PHONE_NUMBER, password=PASSWORD_2FA)
print("Client started successfully.")async def close_client():
"""Fechar o cliente Telethon e desconectar-se corretamente"""
await client.disconnect()
print("Client disconnected.")async def is_channel(group_id):
"""Verificar se o grupo é um canal (ou megagrupo)"""
entity = await client.get_entity(group_id)
return isinstance(entity, Channel)
except Exception as e:
print(f'Failed to check if group is a channel: {e}')
return Falseasync def list_groups():
"""Listar grupos do usuário"""
dialogs = await client.get_dialogs()
groups = [dialog for dialog in dialogs if dialog.is_group]
return groups
except Exception as e:
print(f'Failed to list groups: {e}')
return []async def fetch_group_members(group_id):
"""Buscar membros de um grupo e filtrar bots e chats pessoais"""
members = await client.get_participants(group_id)
print(f"Fetched {len(members)} members from group ID {group_id}")  # Log para depuração
user_ids = [ for member in members
if not and != (await client.get_me()).id
print(f"Filtered down to {len(user_ids)} user IDs.")
return user_ids
except Exception as e:
print(f'Failed to get members: {e}')
return []async def add_bot_to_group(group_id):
"""Adicionar o bot ao grupo se não estiver presente"""
entity = await client.get_entity(group_id)
participants = client.iter_participants(entity)
bot_in_group = Falseasync for member in participants:
if == (await client.get_me()).id:
bot_in_group = True
breakif not bot_in_group:
print(f"Bot is not a member of the group ID {group_id}. Attempting to add...")
await client(InviteToChannelRequest(channel=entity, users=[BOT_TOKEN]))
print(f"Bot added to group ID {group_id}.")
return True
print(f"Bot is already a member of the group ID {group_id}.")
return True
except Exception as e:
print(f'Failed to add bot to group: {e}')
return Falseasync def is_valid_chat(chat_id):
"""Verificar se o chat ainda é válido e se o bot pode enviar mensagens para ele"""
await client.get_entity(chat_id)
return True
except ValueError:
print(f"Chat ID {chat_id} not found or inaccessible.")
return False
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error checking if chat is valid: {e}')
return Falseasync def send_message(chat_id…
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Busque Stories por Hashtag. Tocar em hashtags nas legendas dos stories permite navegar pelos stories públicos com hashtags correspondentes.

Se você é um criador ou uma empresa, pode usar hashtags para aumentar seu público de forma orgânica e alcançar novos clientes.
Removing users
Is there a bot that can remove people . (Dot) as user name
Submitted July 23, 2024 at 12:05AM by Daniturn1
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
I recently find this bot it paids highly fast by answering quiz
It proved legit and remarquably useful, at first it seems a scam but after getting my withraw no way can t beleive it s real
Submitted July 23, 2024 at 12:33AM by More-Definition-7023
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
i created this bot to summarize group conversations
check out this bot guys u/QuickSumbot and tell me if there is anything else i can add to it.
Submitted July 23, 2024 at 12:28AM by Dazzling_Zebra820
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
Summarize bot
Well guys, I made this bot easy to use and easy to understand, because I saw others that were very confusing. I don't know why people don't make bots easy for the users or user friendly. try it and make sure bot is Admin. It doesn't matter if you give it all the permissions or not, make sure he has the ability to read and write and obviously has to be admin. BOT--> u/QuickSumbot
Submitted July 23, 2024 at 05:05AM by Dazzling_Zebra820
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
1973 groups and channels related to child abuse banned on July, 22.
Total this month: 44488
Report child abuse using the in-app 'Report' button or to
251 terrorist bots and channels banned on July, 22.
Total this month: 4489
Report terrorist content using the in-app 'Report' button or to
Does any have a shilling bot for the telegram
I want the bot for a in house project for not anything commercial. I made one last month but the code got lost from my device
Submitted July 23, 2024 at 02:32PM by Red_clawww
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
Pythonanywhere not working for telegram bot
I deployed telegram bot on pythonanywhere but it runs only when run button is pressed I want it to run continously is there any FREE way to do so ?
Submitted July 23, 2024 at 06:09PM by happy_Shake_xD
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups:
Advanced Simulations for Sniping with Maestro Bots
Submitted July 23, 2024 at 08:49PM by MaestroBots
on r/TelegramBots via by @tmebackupA @rtptme project - Other backups: