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All the right things are going to happen.

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πŸ€— @ThinkPositivePower πŸ€—
When we treat ourselves with love, respect and understanding, only then can we give the same to fellow human beings.

We can harm others only when we harm ourselves first.

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Watch me. I can and will.

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πŸ€— @ThinkPositivePower πŸ€—
In the war of ego, the loser always wins. The difficulty with ego is that it is deeply concealed. Most of us don’t even know we have it. Ego finishes love. Ego can be overcome by developing humility. If we don’t know how to bow love finishes.

The closer we are to our true identity as a pure soul, and as child of the Supreme Soul, the easier it becomes to imbibe humility.

πŸ€— @ThinkPositivePower πŸ€—