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Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
1 in 2680 young men develop acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescents following Comirnaty vaccination in Hong Kong by Dr. Robert Malone

There is no such thing as “mild” myocarditis in children. Myocarditis causes heart damage. Heart damage is for life - the heart does not heal by replacing damaged cells. It scars. Scars in the heart can lead to changes in electrical conduction in heart muscle, which in turn can result in “sudden death” due to changes in heart beat regularity and muscular contraction of the heart.

More evidence that vaccinating young people with this vaccine is bad medicine, bad policy and shows poor decision making by the FDA on the rushed decision to grant EUA status to these vaccines, particularly for male adolescents and male young adults. With strong data such as this paper, parents should consider very carefully before making the decision to vaccinate children.

Finally, the idea that this vaccine should be mandated in our schools is absolutely wrong, and if we do not reverse these decisions by national authorities, states, and local school boards we will be sentencing a significant fraction of our youth to government-mandated heart damage.


Forwarded from JuliansRum
I’m warming to the idea that the Omicron variant will wreck the need for mandates.

Essentially, it has a 32 new mutations that the current vaccines won’t be able to stop whatsoever. And it spreads far more rapidly than previous variants, but is far more mild than previous variants.

In a nutshell, it’ll likely spread like wildfire with minimal health risk while creating natural immunity worldwide. Thus totally negating the need for vaccines and mandates altogether.
Forwarded from JuliansRum
“Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.”
Showerthought; This may actually be what Q meant with the Hunt For Red October references.

As we all know, in the movie, Ramius turns the sub right towards the torpedo. Thus keeping it from being able to arm in time.

Another time, he takes the sub to the *last* possible moment before steering the sub away from the wall.

My point? We have steered right into the “Scare Event” (The Great Reset
) in order to keep it from “arming”. By going “warp speed”, Trump took away [their] time to properly pull off the great reset. By steering into it, we have disarmed it in the long run. Sure, the torpedo is scary as it heads right towards us, but it wont explode. In fact, it will be intercepted by The Great Awakening at the last possible moment.

Sometimes you can’t tell them, you have to show them.

Let’s see what happens …
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
I'm confident that those who often tell me that Q is fake and a psyop have read little to no Q drops. Their understanding of Q's message is limited yet they continue to push black pills into my chat.
Many anons who have been around since near the beginning know this for a fact:
Trump proved that he was working with Q more times than we can really count. Trump and Q are interlocked and to say otherwise suggests ignorance or corruption.
Forwarded from ✞ Dr C 17 ✞ (IET)
Some People: Q is fake and a psyop

Anons: cool story, bro . Tell us more why you’re in the comments section of Q accounts every day and can’t stop talking about Q
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Trump & Nunes declare war on the fake news industrial complex.
Digital soldiers will soon have another battlefield where they can deploy memes, truth bombs and redpills.
All hands on deck.
We are ready to get back to work, sir.
Forwarded from Jon Herold
This Devin Nunes news is massive. Devin is a proven patriot for his role in exposing spygate. He’s been a Trump ally from day 1 and he loves his country. I can’t imagine he’d leave Congress and his role on all the intelligence committees unless he felt leaving would be how he could best serve his country.
Why does this thing look like I’ll have to go there to haggle with Jawas over my stolen droids?

Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
"Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone. There is no way to sugar-coat it- Awakening to realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions.
You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still function in daily life, and that is a skill people do not talk about enough.
Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it as though they exist in another world.
Please know you are not alone, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing by you. We may be separated by miles, but we are deeply connected; in purpose and in spirit." - Anon
Media is too big
My version of today’s meeting 😂
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
The attack on General Flynn succeeded in one of its goals—the creation of division among anons. That anons are considered a high value target implies that our community is a powerful force in the information war. Despite the temporary setback, anons have, for the most part, come back together and are once again working toward the common goals of disseminating the truth and destroying the deep state.

Many people have been planted in our movement as sleepers. They pretend to be on our side, but when instructed to by their handlers, they turn against us. The tactic being used at present is an attack against someone with a large following. Typically, the target's words are twisted or taken out of context and they're made out to be a villain.

Because our unity poses a threat to the deep state, we will continue to see these attacks on high-profile people. Another attack is coming.

If you wanted to leave a herd of sheep defenseless, would to consider taking out the sheepdog—the one who continually warns the flock of danger?

The more you know.
I think the attacks on Flynn were a dry run. Expect Black Pill Inc to turn on Trump next. You guys know I always stay out of this stuff because I trust your discernment, but I’m also not going to stay silent and pretend I don’t see this attack for what it is. Questioning things is cool. Don’t let anyone derail you from hope. Hope doesn’t make us sit back and be inactive, giving up does that. Hope gives us strength to keep fighting.
5pm PST | 8pm EST

Come hang out ❤️

Pilled/The Foxhole: https://pilled.net/#/topic-detail/352749

DLive: https://dlive.tv/TheKateAwakening

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kate_awakening
Forwarded from ✞ Dr C 17 ✞ (IET)
(They) have :
-Multi Billion dollar media industries
-celebrity mouth pieces
-past presidents and world leaders
-the Pope
-Big Pharma
-virtually all intelligence agencies
-control of Big Tech
-ownership of 95% social media
-censorship control
-weather manipulation
-false flag patsies
-multiple terrorist groups
-fundraising capabilities
-and trillions of dollars

We have:
-phones with cameras
-social media accounts

And we’re STILL winning.