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Very humbled. This was so cool of him!
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Take note of the lyrics.

"Hold on, I'm coming."
Trump's coming back Patriots.
Hold the line.
God wins.
Forwarded from Getting Rainy (SSGQ)
Forwarded from TKA Chat
To those of you in the chat saying Trump abandoned us, sold us out, or was always apart of the cabal, I’m going to make a prediction about you and you can let me know if I’m wrong.

I predict you have never read all of the Q drops or Devolution.

Those of us who have read one or both still have hope. No one knows for sure at this point how this all ends. But a lot of the people that say Trump did us dirty state it like it’s a fact. The people who have read Q or Dev can’t state the outcome as a fact either, but we do have some information that the others don’t.

Instead of aligning with doom and gloom, do yourself a favor and look into 1 or both of them. I’m always surprised when people feel like they can argue something they’ve never researched. Both take a considerable amount of time, the Q drops will take you a couple months to properly get through, Devolution is much quicker.

Again, it’s not to say those of us who have read them have all the answers, but we are seeing certain possibilities that others most likely aren’t.

The one point I will agree with is that we shouldn’t view Trump as our “savior” and it is still important for us all be doing what we can to save ourselves. Help wake up others, get involved in your local school board and government, stand up to face masks and bullshit mandates and tyranny EVERY TIME. Be a peaceful but immovable rock when anyone is attempting to push against your God given liberties. If we all do those things, it won’t matter much what the truth is about Trump, we will have done what we could.
Here are a couple links to sites where you can read all of the Q drops.






If you know of others, please feel free to drop them below 👇
The most common thing I’m seeing people use as their reasoning to doubt Trump is the vaccine stuff. I get it. I have questions, too. I’ll admit it doesn’t make sense to me either, but I’m not going to throw out everything else I’ve seen this man do because of it. To do that seems like an emotional reaction rather than one based on logic.

If something doesn’t make sense, that must mean there’s missing data. Would you agree with that? As far as what that data is, it’s really anyone’s guess right now. But based on everything we’ve seen, I think it makes no sense for Trump to do all he’s done for us, highlight our true enemies, aid in waking up humanity, just to kill us all with poison.

It doesn’t add up, so we must be missing something. But without all the data, we’re all just making assumptions.
Just want to clarify one thing. My channel isn’t a “Q” channel. Q is what woke me up and I’ll reference it because of that. There are many avenues that lead to the truth, and I’m actually super impressed by those who formed a clear picture without the help of Q. (Cates, Dilley, Patel…) That takes some serious big brainage. But I’ll always recommend it to those who I think it will be useful to because it helped me so much. This channel is just about seeking the truth no matter the method.

Thank you all for coming to my Ted Talks this morning. I’ve had a lot of coffee.
Forwarded from Arizona Informer Channel
Parents across the US, check to see if these books are in your child's Library.

Chandler Unified Offers Woke And CRT-Based Books To Students Ages 6 And Up | AZ Daily Independent

"Inclusivity" Reading List:

• When Aidan Became a Brother
• Challenge Everything: An Extinction Rebellion Youth Guide To Saving The Planet
• Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls Are Used in War
• I Like, I Don’t Like 
• Stamped (For Kids): Racism, Antiracism, and You
Activists Assemble―We Are All Equal!
• The Crossroads
• Free Lunch 
• Imperfect: A Story Of Body Image
• The Only Road
• To Dance
• The Truth as Told by Mason Buttle
• Woke: A Young Poet’s Call to Justice
• 2020 Black Lives Matter Marches (Protest! March for Change)


More Marxist books:

NEA - Read Across America: 2020 – 2021 Calendar of books:
Each month, we feature three books—for young, middle grade and young adult readers—that explore a topic related to diversity and inclusion

NEA - Read Across America: Books az Theme

Haymarket Books for Young Readers

Related: NEA EdJustice | GSA school clubs

Forwarded from General Flynn ️
Get smart on what is happening around us…dig, research, listen, spend time understanding and then please share the truth with people who you know and fight back against the health tyranny being imposed on our nation.

We will win this. The MSM are imploding left and right because of their disgusting behavior and their constant lies…the information war is an intellectual component of the struggle we’re in to save America (thus saving the free world!). The other components are physical, emotional all surrounded by the spiritual component of this war being waged against our constitutional rights.

God and our faith are being ripped out of the fabric and soul of the United States. I’m not having any of it, I pray you won’t either.

Stay strong, be fearless, take the harder right path and never give up 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸
Forwarded from DarthCajun
Just remember morale is a weapon. I can weaken my enemies faith then I will defeat them. Be brave. Yes this is scary but being violent will make you a target. Be wise in your fight. Make your actions count
Channel name was changed to «The Kate Awakening ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Channel»
Forwarded from Jon Herold
If you're not doing anything here at 7 PM EST, tune in and watch myself with the Kate Awakening and Beer at the Parade for the launch of our new show! (Name TBD)

See you soon!



Thanks to everyone for the feedback on this new project with Beer at the Parade, Patel Patriot and myself! I’ve gotten so many sweet and encouraging messages, this community is really so wonderful.

WE STILL NEED A NAME for it. 😂 Any ideas??
Song of the Day!

How cute is my friend LaLa?? 😍She’s such an incredible singer and songwriter and her Christmas album is one of my favorites of all time. It’s everything you’d want a Christmas album to be. This is what I’m listening to while I wrap presents so I thought I’d share. ♥️

Did you know you have 3 brains? Our human body is actually equipped with 3 information centers; the cranial brain, the heart, and the gut. All of them are important to processing and understanding the world around us, but we're really only ever taught how to use the cranial brain. Some cultures understood the 3 brains long ago. And although our society has done it’s best to veer us away from the heart (emotional intelligence) and gut (intuitive intelligence), modern science proves there are complex neural networks in all 3 centers scanning our environment and processing information.

I believe The Great Awakening has everything to do with tapping back into these 2 other brains and unlocking our God given discernment so we can no longer be manipulated.

The cranial brain is all about analytical processing of surface information we’ve been conditioned to focus on. This type of information happens to be the easiest to manipulate. TPTB have invested a lot of time and effort into the science of mind control, and they've learned a lot. Just ask the advertising industry about some of their tricks. There's a war being fought over the control of our own thoughts. We know the news is fake and that we’re being lied to, we just don’t know exactly how much. It’s no wonder we feel confusion and disharmony. But it’s caused many of us to start listening to that little voice inside us that says “something’s not right.” That little voice is probably our heart and gut in unison.

Covid is a great example of this. The information is a wash as much of it contradicts itself. We watch official sources gaslight us with statistics we can see for ourselves don’t add up. We know we’re being lied to. And they KNOW we know. So what do they tell us?

“Trust the science.”

Translation; “Ignore your intuition that something’s fucky.”

Epstein’s death was another great example of humanity tapping into our natural discernment. There was such a universal backlash against the official story that it became one of the world’s most famous memes. No matter your demographic, where you got your news, or what side of the aisle you were on, everyone seemed pretty unified that “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself.” It may seem like a small thing, but I found it exciting to watch so many people collectively spit out their bullshit.

In a world where the information is fake, and our minds are manipulated, we have to learn how to follow our heart and trust our gut.

Embedded inside information, data, and language that is perceivable to the brain is coded messaging of “truth” or “untruth." The heart and gut can not only read this code, they do it almost instantly. They will then communicate their findings through feelings (emotional for the heart, physical for the gut) instead of thoughts. Since their process is much faster than cognitive analysis it's important to practice paying attention to our immediate inner response or reaction to information, before the ego steps in and dissects these feelings with logic and doubt. In hypnotherapy, I tell my clients to blurt out the first thing that comes to "mind" when I ask them a question, it’s typically the correct answer. After about 3 seconds, the ego takes over and does all the talking while stripping away any intuition.

Whether organically or by design, our society has been geared to only value the analytical/cognitive thinking of the cranial brain and to ignore the heart and gut. But I have to believe God gave us our emotions and intuition for a reason. At the core of the messages Jesus brought us, he was training us to use our heart lens. Empathy, love, and compassion are all languages of the heart, not the brain. What is faith if not intuitively knowing God outside of logic and reasoning?

The point is not to undervalue the cranial brain or it’s reasoning, but to incorporate all 3 brains and use them as an orchestra. Then truth will become an unmistakable symphony you experience with your whole self.