В прошлые выходные рано утром отправились с мужем в поход, перешли через Москву-реку по самому длинному подвесному мосту в Подмосковье и устроили пикник в живописных Полушкинских каменоломнях. А ещё нам удалось понаблюдать за проворными бурундуками. Подмосковные бурундуки. Проворные забавные зверьки, полосатые непоседы. Орешки в подарок за фотосессию!
Last weekend, early in the morning, my husband and I went on a hike. We crossed the Moscow River via the longest suspension bridge in the Moscow region and had a picnic in the picturesque Polushkinskie quarries. We also managed to observe some nimble chipmunks. Moscow region chipmunks: agile, amusing little creatures, striped and restless. Nuts as a gift for the models!
Last weekend, early in the morning, my husband and I went on a hike. We crossed the Moscow River via the longest suspension bridge in the Moscow region and had a picnic in the picturesque Polushkinskie quarries. We also managed to observe some nimble chipmunks. Moscow region chipmunks: agile, amusing little creatures, striped and restless. Nuts as a gift for the models!
Хорошие новости! У меня 2 картинки вошли в шорт лист международного венгерского конкурса фотографий BirdO.
Good news: two of my pictures have made it to the short list of the international Hungarian bird photography competition BirdO.
Good news: two of my pictures have made it to the short list of the international Hungarian bird photography competition BirdO.