По дороге от озера к морю я увидела пеганку и начала её увлечённо снимать, ничего не замечая вокруг, как вдруг муж вскрикнул: " Змея!" и оттолкнул меня с дорожки. Я обернулась и, к удивлению Кирилла,вместо того, чтобы отпрыгнуть ещё дальше, стала снимать "змею", которая оказалась безобидной безногой ящерицей желтопузиком. Бедный желтопузик, напуганный этой суматохой бросился от нас удирать со всех отсутствующих ног,так толком его и не сняла, а хороший экземпляр был, крупный.
On the way from the lake to the sea, I saw a shelduck and started photographing it enthusiastically, not noticing anything around me. Suddenly, my husband shouted, 'Snake!' and pushed me off the path. I turned around and, to Kirill's surprise, instead of jumping further away, I started photographing the 'snake,' which turned out to be a harmless legless lizard, a scheltopusik. The poor scheltopusik, frightened by the commotion, darted away from us on all its non-existent legs, so I didn't really get a good shot of it, but it was a good specimen, a large one.
On the way from the lake to the sea, I saw a shelduck and started photographing it enthusiastically, not noticing anything around me. Suddenly, my husband shouted, 'Snake!' and pushed me off the path. I turned around and, to Kirill's surprise, instead of jumping further away, I started photographing the 'snake,' which turned out to be a harmless legless lizard, a scheltopusik. The poor scheltopusik, frightened by the commotion, darted away from us on all its non-existent legs, so I didn't really get a good shot of it, but it was a good specimen, a large one.
Hаконец в Дагестане сбылась моя мечта поснимать на пролете розовых скворцов!
And finally, in Dagestan, my dream came true of photographing passing rosy starlings!
And finally, in Dagestan, my dream came true of photographing passing rosy starlings!
В прошлые выходные рано утром отправились с мужем в поход, перешли через Москву-реку по самому длинному подвесному мосту в Подмосковье и устроили пикник в живописных Полушкинских каменоломнях. А ещё нам удалось понаблюдать за проворными бурундуками. Подмосковные бурундуки. Проворные забавные зверьки, полосатые непоседы. Орешки в подарок за фотосессию!
Last weekend, early in the morning, my husband and I went on a hike. We crossed the Moscow River via the longest suspension bridge in the Moscow region and had a picnic in the picturesque Polushkinskie quarries. We also managed to observe some nimble chipmunks. Moscow region chipmunks: agile, amusing little creatures, striped and restless. Nuts as a gift for the models!
Last weekend, early in the morning, my husband and I went on a hike. We crossed the Moscow River via the longest suspension bridge in the Moscow region and had a picnic in the picturesque Polushkinskie quarries. We also managed to observe some nimble chipmunks. Moscow region chipmunks: agile, amusing little creatures, striped and restless. Nuts as a gift for the models!