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The Curse of Black Gold: Vast Oil Find Puts Guyana on the Verge of Riches - or Failure
#International #World #OilPrices #FossilFuels #Energy

Guyana has always been one of South America's poorest countries․ But now that ExxonMobil has discovered a new oil field off the coast, the tiny nation could become one of the world's richest But will it be a blessing or a curse?
The Great Energy Debate: Is Nuclear Power the Solution to Climate Change?
#International #World #GermanEnergyRevolution #NuclearPhaseOut #SolarPower #FossilFuels #WindEnergy #RenewableEnergy

Paul Dorfman and Staffan Qvist both want to save the climate․ But one of them wants to rid the world of nuclear reactors while the other wants to build more of them․ We brought them together for a debate
Reducing Reliance on Russia: Germany's Economy Minister Goes Shopping
#International #Germany #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Russia #Qatar #FossilFuels #NaturalGas #RenewableEnergy

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck traveled to the Persian Gulf over the weekend to negotiate liquid natural gas deals that can help reduce his country's reliance on fossil fuels from Russia