Abuse in the Pandemic: Deploying Codewords and Fake Online Shops against Domestic Violence
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #GenderEquality #Coronavirus
Domestic violence has risen during the coronavirus pandemic, and lockdowns have made it more difficult for women to get help․ Activists around the world are deploying fake online shops and codewords in response․
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #GenderEquality #Coronavirus
Domestic violence has risen during the coronavirus pandemic, and lockdowns have made it more difficult for women to get help․ Activists around the world are deploying fake online shops and codewords in response․
Klimawandel: Was Verhütung mit der Klimakrise zu tun hat
#Ausland #Klimakrise #GlobaleGesellschaft #Erderwärmung #Klimakonferenz #MännerundFrauen #GenderEquality #Gender #Schwangerschaftsabbruch #Verhütung #Sahelzone #Senegal
Frauen sind besonders vom Klimawandel betroffen, Naturkatastrophen beeinflussen auch ihre Familienplanung․ Ein Bündnis fordert nun, dass Geld für den Kampf gegen die Klimakrise auch in Projekte für reproduktive Rechte fließt․
#Ausland #Klimakrise #GlobaleGesellschaft #Erderwärmung #Klimakonferenz #MännerundFrauen #GenderEquality #Gender #Schwangerschaftsabbruch #Verhütung #Sahelzone #Senegal
Frauen sind besonders vom Klimawandel betroffen, Naturkatastrophen beeinflussen auch ihre Familienplanung․ Ein Bündnis fordert nun, dass Geld für den Kampf gegen die Klimakrise auch in Projekte für reproduktive Rechte fließt․
"Careful, That's One of Julian's": Sexual Misconduct of Top Axel Springer Editor Has a Long History
#International #Germany #Media #GenderEquality
The sacking of Julian Reichelt, the editor-in-chief of Germany's top tabloid, only came after years of questionable conduct․ New reporting shows that Axel Springer, the publishing house that owns the paper and just bought Politico, likely won't be able to simply sweep the scandal under the rug․
#International #Germany #Media #GenderEquality
The sacking of Julian Reichelt, the editor-in-chief of Germany's top tabloid, only came after years of questionable conduct․ New reporting shows that Axel Springer, the publishing house that owns the paper and just bought Politico, likely won't be able to simply sweep the scandal under the rug․