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Статья про лимиты в Linux - пригодится для подготовки к собесу, ну и вообще полезно #limits #linux #ops
Process resource limits under the hood
Go through the internals of implementing ulimit, how prlimit works, as well as inspecting how the kernel limits the number of open files
#docker #dockerhub #limits
#docker #dockerhub #limits
How to make Docker Hub rate limit monitoring a breeze
Docker Hub Rate Limits are enforced and we need to find ways to monitor the remaining pull requests. Explore some ways to create a monitoring plugin for Nagios/Icinga/Sensu/Zabbix and test-drive a new Prometheus exporter in combination with Grafana.
#cgroups #limits #requests
#cgroups #limits #requests
For the love of god, learn when to use CPU limits on Kubernetes.
The world of Kubernetes is full of opinionated articles trying to tell you what’s best for your workload. One of the most controversial…