#prometheus #victoriametrics #monitoring
#prometheus #victoriametrics #monitoring
Promscale vs VictoriaMetrics: measuring resource usage in production
Let’s compare Promscale and VictoriaMetrics resource usage on production workload
Forwarded from Флант | Специалисты по DevOps и Kubernetes
Обычно мы рассказываем про GitLab CI, но у нас накопился опыт и по другим системам (в связке с werf, конечно же) — вот немного практики c Jenkins:
Настраиваем Continuous Integration для Jenkins и Bitbucket с werf
Утилита werf создана так, чтобы её было легко интегрировать с любыми CI/CD-системами. Подробнее об этом процессе в общем случае читайте в эпилоге этой статьи,...
Forwarded from HABR FEED + OPENNET
Отладка Makefile /часть 1/
Tags: Программирование, *nix, Отладка, makefile, make, debug, debugger
Author Vaulter #habr
Tags: Программирование, *nix, Отладка, makefile, make, debug, debugger
Author Vaulter #habr
Отладка Makefile /часть 1/
Отладка makefile — это что-то из черной магии. К несчастью, не существует такой вещи как makefile отладчик, чтобы изучить ход выполнения конкретного правила или...
Forwarded from Sys-Admin InfoSec
Windows в Docker контейнере
С доступом по RDP:
С доступом по RDP:
Installing a Windows Virtual Machine in a Linux Docker Container
A Step-by-Step Guide to Containerizing a Windows Virtual Machine — with RDP Access — on a Linux Docker Platform with KVM Hypervisor
Forwarded from Библиотека Go разработчика | Golang
Изучаем 8 разных подходов к HTTP-маршрутизации в Go:
Different approaches to HTTP routing in Go
Compares various routing techniques in Go, including five custom approaches and three using third-party routing libraries.
Forwarded from 🇺🇦 Go на двоих
Forwarded from oleg_log (Oleg Kovalov)
Откопал прикольную штучку: билд и запуск докера одной командой.
И мне кажется это отлично) Правда есть минус, что параметры в
Знатоки, что там еще посоветуете из быстрых и полезных команд для Докера?
docker run -it $(docker build -q .)
docker build
понятно о чем2.
- Suppress the build output and print image ID on success3.
docker run
полученного хешаИ мне кажется это отлично) Правда есть минус, что параметры в
docker run
должны идти перед -it
что чууть ломает UX.Знатоки, что там еще посоветуете из быстрых и полезных команд для Докера?
Forwarded from linkmeup
Тут дотошные товарищи почитали новую лицензию Nmap'a и сделали вывод, что теперь это и не опенсорc, и не бесплатно.
Вопрос чисто юридический и упирается в определение Open Source лицензии, но если воспринимать всё в лоб, то получается что он под неё не попадает, а значит и не попадает под Free Software.
Кто хочет взорвать свой мозг, полный велкам в тему. Остальным запасаться попкорном и ждать развязки.
Вопрос чисто юридический и упирается в определение Open Source лицензии, но если воспринимать всё в лоб, то получается что он под неё не попадает, а значит и не попадает под Free Software.
Кто хочет взорвать свой мозг, полный велкам в тему. Остальным запасаться попкорном и ждать развязки.
NPSL License Improvements · Issue #2199 · nmap/nmap
Reporting this issue on behalf of the Gentoo licenses team. It has been brought to our attention that nmap-7.90 and later is distributed under updated license terms. We see several clauses in versi...
#go #golang #prometheus #exporter
#go #golang #prometheus #exporter
15 Steps to Write an Application Prometheus Exporter in GO
tl;dr: Full example code:, read on to see step by step instructions Exporters are the heart and soul of Prometheus Monitoring Pipelines. If you…
Forwarded from 🇺🇦 Go на двоих
My engineering axioms by Martin Rue:
1. Change is constant.
2. Your product is an asset, but code is a liability.
3. Duplication is less costly than premature abstraction.
4. Code should be easy to delete.
5. Existing code exerts a powerful influence.
6. Accidental complexity is one of the biggest risks.
7. Technical excellence can be shadowed by bad personal skills.
8. You are not your code. Be kind to the coder, not to the code.
9. Treat people who know less than you with respect and patience.
10. The only true authority stems from knowledge, not from position.
11. Teaching is a form of learning in disguise.
12. Lift the skills of people around you, not just yourself.
13. The longer you wait the more you'll know.
14. A good type system is worth its weight plus some.
15. The right team of people trumps everything else.
16. Stick to boring technology, unless there's a good reason not to.
17. Have the smallest team possible, but no smaller. Grow it carefully.
18. Rest.
19. Don't pick a solution until you've thought of at least one more.
20. Have opinions, but avoid expressing them in ways that cause other people to believe you won't change them.
21. It's OK to say "I don't know" or "I need to research that before I have an answer".
22. Writing throwaway code to explore a problem space is underrated.
23. Manage state carefully.
24. It's all about trade-offs.
25. A good design is one in which you can change your mind without changing too much code.
1. Change is constant.
2. Your product is an asset, but code is a liability.
3. Duplication is less costly than premature abstraction.
4. Code should be easy to delete.
5. Existing code exerts a powerful influence.
6. Accidental complexity is one of the biggest risks.
7. Technical excellence can be shadowed by bad personal skills.
8. You are not your code. Be kind to the coder, not to the code.
9. Treat people who know less than you with respect and patience.
10. The only true authority stems from knowledge, not from position.
11. Teaching is a form of learning in disguise.
12. Lift the skills of people around you, not just yourself.
13. The longer you wait the more you'll know.
14. A good type system is worth its weight plus some.
15. The right team of people trumps everything else.
16. Stick to boring technology, unless there's a good reason not to.
17. Have the smallest team possible, but no smaller. Grow it carefully.
18. Rest.
19. Don't pick a solution until you've thought of at least one more.
20. Have opinions, but avoid expressing them in ways that cause other people to believe you won't change them.
21. It's OK to say "I don't know" or "I need to research that before I have an answer".
22. Writing throwaway code to explore a problem space is underrated.
23. Manage state carefully.
24. It's all about trade-offs.
25. A good design is one in which you can change your mind without changing too much code.
My Engineering Axioms
A few months back I gave a talk in which I shared a list of my personal engineering axioms – things that, over the years, I've come to think of as generally true and useful to have in mind when writing code, building things, and working with others.
CubicDoom, a ray-casting game that fits in a boot sector (510 bytes)
#doom #github #youtube
CubicDoom, a ray-casting game that fits in a boot sector (510 bytes)
#doom #github #youtube
CubicDoom, a ray-casting game in 512 bytes of x86 machine code (boot sector)
This is the CubicDoom, all the cubes have rebelled against
humankind! You need to stop the invasion!
Use Left Ctrl to turn to left, use Left Alt to turn to right.
Press Left Shift to advance, and Right Shift to shoot.
Destroy all cubes on the current maze…
humankind! You need to stop the invasion!
Use Left Ctrl to turn to left, use Left Alt to turn to right.
Press Left Shift to advance, and Right Shift to shoot.
Destroy all cubes on the current maze…