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Приемы объектно-ориентированного проектирования (2015)

В предлагаемой книге описываются простые и изящные решения типичных задач, возникающих в объектно-ориентированном проектировании.

Паттерны появились, потому что многие разработчики искали пути повышения гибкости и степени повторного использования своих программ. Найденные решения воплощены в краткой и легко применимой на практике форме.

Авторы излагают принципы использования паттернов проектирования и приводят их каталог. Таким образом книга одновременно решает две задачи.

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Программирование: теоремы и задачи (2017)

Книга содержит задачи по программированию различной трудности. Большинство задач приводятся с решениями.

Цель книги — научить основным методам построения корректных и быстрых алгоритмов.

Для учителей информатики, старшеклассников, студентов младших курсов высших учебных заведений.

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Информатика и программирование (2012)

Рассмотрены базовые понятия информатики. Изложены основные приемы работы и поиска в глобальной сети Интернет, вопросы информационной безопасности и работы с антивирусным программным обеспечением.

Описаны синтаксические конструкции языка VBA, приведены примеры программ на VBA в среде Excel. Представлены задания для самостоятельной работы.

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C# 7.0. Справочник. Полное описание языка (2018)

Язык C# 7.0 представляет собой шестое крупное обновление флагманского языка программирования от Microsoft, позиционирующее C# как язык с невероятной гибкостью и широтой применения. С одной стороны, он предлагает высокоуровневые абстракции, подобные выражениям запросов и асинхронным продолжениям, а с другой стороны, обеспечивает низкоуровневую эффективность через конструкции вроде специальных типов значений и необязательное использование указателей.

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Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning (2019)

Take the next steps toward mastering deep learning, the machine learning method that’s transforming the world around us by the second. In this practical book, you’ll get up to speed on key ideas using Facebook’s open source PyTorch framework and gain the latest skills you need to create your very own neural networks.

Ian Pointer shows you how to set up PyTorch on a cloud-based environment, then walks you through the creation of neural architectures that facilitate operations on images, sound, text, and more through deep dives into each element. He also covers the critical concepts of applying transfer learning to images, debugging models, and PyTorch in production.

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Hands-On System Programming with Linux (2018)

The Linux OS and its embedded and server applications are critical components of today’s software infrastructure in a decentralized, networked universe. The industry's demand for proficient Linux developers is only rising with time. Hands-On System Programming with Linux gives you a solid theoretical base and practical industry-relevant descriptions, and covers the Linux system programming domain. It delves into the art and science of Linux application programming— system architecture, process memory and management, signaling, timers, pthreads, and file IO.

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Get Programming with Node.js (2019)

Get Programming with Node.js teaches you to build web servers using JavaScript and Node. In this engaging tutorial, you’ll work through eight complete projects, from writing the code for your first web server to adding live chat to a web app. Your hands will stay on the keyboard as you explore the most important aspects of the Node development process, including security, database management, authenticating user accounts, and deploying to production. You’ll especially appreciate the easy-to-follow discussions, illuminating diagrams, and carefully explained code!

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Modernizing Enterprise Java (2022)

While containers, microservices, and distributed systems dominate discussions in the tech world, the majority of applications in use today still run monolithic architectures that follow traditional development processes. This practical book helps developers examine long-established Java-based models and demonstrates how to bring these monolithic applications successfully into the future.

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Ontologies with Python (2021)

Use ontologies in Python, with the Owlready2 module developed for ontology-oriented programming. You will start with an introduction and refresher on Python and OWL ontologies. Then, you will dive straight into how to access, create, and modify ontologies in Python. Next, you will move on to an overview of semantic constructs and class properties followed by how to perform automatic reasoning. You will also learn about annotations, multilingual texts, and how to add Python methods to OWL classes and ontologies. Using medical terminologies as well as direct access to RDF triples is also covered.

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AWS Cookbook (2022)

Cloud usage has been gaining traction with enterprises and small businesses over the last decade and continues to accelerate. Gartner said the worldwide infrastructure as a service (IaaS) public cloud services market grew 40.7% in 2020. The rapid growth of the cloud has led to a huge demand for cloud skills by many organizations. Many IT professionals understand the basic concepts of the cloud but want to become more comfortable working in the cloud. This gap between the supply and demand of cloud skills presents a significant opportunity for individuals to level up their career.

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Clean Code in JavaScript (2020)

JavaScript is a scrappy yet graceful language that has found itself at the center of one of the greatest software shifts in history. It is now the primary programming language used to deliver user experiences on the most ubiquitous platform that exists: the web. This huge responsibility has meant that the JavaScript language has had to grow up very quickly in a period of shifting demands. For the up-and-coming JavaScript programmer or web developer, these changes have meant that the language and its ecosystem have been increasingly complex to grasp. Nowadays, the sheer number of frameworks and libraries available is overwhelming, even to those who've been in the industry for many years.

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Reactive Systems in Java (2022)

In the IT world, the limits of today are the gateways of tomorrow. In the last 50 years, the IT world has continuously evolved, tirelessly, always pushing the limits. These changes are due to not only technical progress, but also us, the consumers. As consumers, we continue to demand more and more from the software we interact with every day. In addition, our way of interacting with software has entirely changed. We can’t live without mobile applications and devices and now accept receiving notifications all day long.

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React Native for Mobile Development (2019)

React is one of the most popular JavaScript framework as of 2019. It took web development by storm when first introduced and its popularity has been increasing among the developer community ever since. React Native took this one step further when first introduced in 2015 and helped build Native iOS apps with common knowledge of web technologies like JavaScript. In just a few years, React Native has become an important player in native mobile development, and extending its support for both Apple iOS and Google Android was a game changer. This required us to write second edition of this book, which covers both platforms end to end to help you create stunning React Native apps.

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Java Cookbook (2019)

Java continues to grow and evolve, and this cookbook continues to evolve in tandem. With this guide, you’ll get up to speed right away with hundreds of hands-on recipes across a broad range of Java topics. You’ll learn useful techniques for everything from string handling and functional programming to network communication. Each recipe includes self-contained code solutions that you can freely use, along with a discussion of how and why they work. If you’re familiar with Java basics, this cookbook will bolster your knowledge of the language and its many recent changes, including how to apply them in your day-to-day development.

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Learning Java (2020)

This book is about the Java programming language and environment. Whether you are a software developer or just someone who uses the internet in your daily life, you’ve undoubtedly heard about Java. Its introduction was one of the most exciting developments in the history of the web, and Java applications have powered much of the growth of business on the internet. Java is, arguably, the most popular programming language in the world, used by millions of developers on almost every kind of computer imaginable.

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