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О мировой политике, экономике и всяком прочем с точки зрения российских интересов

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О возможностях ИИ (2)

А вот в переводе русских скабрезных или даже матерных частушек из Старшиновского сборника на английский у ИИ немного лучше получается. Но пока все равно слабовато. Может, это глубокие культурные различия. У меня, к примеру, лимерики гораздо лучше сочиняются на английском, а не в их переводе на русский.

A little star fell from the sky,
Right into my darling’s pants.
I wish it would all explode there,
If only there'd be no war's dance.

All our forests are dense and deep,
And the swamps are full of bogs so dire.
All our girls are good to keep,
With boobs and asses to inspire.

An axe is floating down the river,
From the village of Chuguyev.
Well, let it float on down forever,
That piece of fucking iron, I believe.

Ivan was walking through the village,
The frost was sharp and biting.
Ivan's dick stood tall to salvage,
Just in case, his spirits lighting.

Don't get married, girls, don't ever,
There's nothing good awaits you there.
You'll wake up, tits flunging over,
And your pussy messed all-over.

I was kissing my sweet lover,
Kissing hot, with passion’s fire.
I would kiss him still and cover,
But my pussy’s hurting, I retire.

Oh, my skirt, my skirt so wide,
My skirt that loves to twirl!
And beneath my skirt does hide,
A mischievous redhead hole!

Me and my buddy, just the two of us,
We work with diesel, grinding slow.
He's a dickhead, I'm a dickhead thus,
They stole our diesel, now the grind is low.

I was walking down Donskaya Street,
And I got hit with a board, so fleet.
What the fuck, you motherfucker, please meet,
Can't even walk the street, it's defeat.

I'll grab my darling by the legs,
And drag her into the bushes deep.
Can't fuck her on the road, it begs,
The beauty queen, her secrets to keep.

And everything in the world is fine,
Daisies bloom in the field so sweet.
I still want something, something divine,
Maybe tell everyone to fuck off, what a feat?

Sprats are swimming in tomato sauce,
They're happy in the tomato so bright.
But me, you fucking son of a horse,
I haven't found myself in life, what a plight.

Русские оригиналы по ссылке ниже, строго 35+:
