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8 Laravel must-have packages to install when you start a new API-Based Project
Here is several useful packages must-have to install when you decide to start new API-based project.
Implementing the Clean Architecture
In this blog post I’ll introduce you to an application following the Clean Architecture and incorporating a lot of DDD patterns.
Writing Async Libraries – Let’s Convert HTML to PDF
Today, we’re going to look at a few ways to make your application code work well in an asynchronous architecture.
Design Patterns for Humans
Design patterns are solutions to recurring problems; guidelines on how to tackle certain problems. They are not classes, packages or libraries that you can plug into your application and wait for the magic to happen. These are, rather, guidelines on how to tackle certain problems in certain situations.
Testing conventions
Testing is an essential aspect of development, and test code should be treated the same way with regard to defining and using coding conventions and standards.
13 Simple Rules for Good Coding (from my 15 years of experience)
Hi guys, i work as a programmer more than 15 years and was using many different languages, paradigms, frameworks and other shit. And i want to share with you my rules of writing good code.
PHP everywhere
Scaling Laravel Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This is article 1 of 3 in the series β€œScaling Laravel Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk”
Cryptographically Secure PHP Development

A few rules for creating a secure PHP application.*FdRcemxm8Fx_6Lj0bCvflQ.png
PHP’s not dead! PHP7 in practice

Post is about PHP in version 7.0
Achieving Modular Architecture with Forwarding Decorators

As your web application becomes larger, you certainly start to think more about designing a flexible, modular architecture which is meant to allow for a high amount of extensibility.
RESTful Remote Object Proxies with ProxyManager

The proxy pattern is another cool design pattern in software development. A proxy is a class working as an interface to another class or web service. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll refer to proxied classes as subjects throughout the rest of the article.
Hexagonal Architecture

I found Hexagonal Architecture to be a good expression of how I think about code. In fact, when I wrote Implementing Laravel, I was actually espousing some ideals of Hexagonal Architecture without knowing it.
Organize Your Code PHP Best Practices

A few advices for how to organize your code and what tools will help you.
Basic Refactoring Techniques: Extract Method
Refactoring is the process of restructuring code without changing its behaviour and the technique "Extract Method" is one of the most important building blocks of refactoring.
Managing PUT requests with file uploads in psr-7 and middleware PHP applications
It has been a long time since I first realized that handling file uploads in non-POST requests (like PUT) wasn't an easy task.
Mitigating PHP’s long standing issue with OPCache leaking sensitive data

A very old security vulnerability has been fixed in PHP regarding the way it handles its OPCaches in environments where a single master process shares multiple PHP-FPM pools. This is the most common way to run PHP nowadays and might affect you, too.
Google Spreadsheets and PHP

Have you ever needed to pull some data from a Google Spreadsheet? My default in the past would be to export the data and upload it to the app directly, but it turns out it’s not very difficult to read directly from Google Spreadsheets using the Google Drive API.
Modelling Reactive Systems with Event Storming and Domain-Driven Design
A successful Event Storming sessionβ€Šβ€”β€Šas well as a successful software projectβ€Šβ€”β€Šdemands equal parts art, knowledge, and technical skill. Also, it’s much cheaper to make changes to sticky notes than production code. Learning about your systems by writing code is a very expensive way of understanding and refining the business processes involved.