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AI and the future of business; what you need to know
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The power of artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most talked-about topics in the business world today.

With its ability to transform entire industries and create new opportunities, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate and succeed in Africa and on the global stage.

The AI boom is being fueled by the growing need for new technologies to process and deduce patterns with speed. While automation and AI are altering many facets of the industry, some business owners are concerned about the effects on their company’s future.
Privacy Community - Local
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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On 3 February 2023, the Wales cross-party group on digital rights and democracy – for which Open Rights Group serves as the secretariat – held its fourth session on surveillance and facial recognition technology in the UK.

Chaired by Sarah Murphy MS, the session heard powerful accounts from campaigner Ed Bridges, who launched the groundbreaking challenge Ed Bridges vs South Wales Police, Madeleine Stone from Big Brother Watch and researcher Stephanie Hare.

While justice and policing are not devolved in Wales, Murphy stressed how important it was to have the discussion when the decisions on rights are being made elsewhere – Westminster and the Home Office. And as the speakers iterated, technology is having a resounding effect on the right to privacy, discrimination, bias and children’s rights.
Privacy Community - Local
Australians able to opt out of targeted ads and erase their data under proposed privacy reforms
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Australians would gain greater control of their personal information, including the ability to opt out of targeted ads, erase their data and sue for serious breaches of privacy, under a proposal to the Albanese government.

On Thursday the attorney general, Mark Dreyfus, will release a review conducted by his department into modernisation of the Privacy Act which calls to expand its remit to small businesses and add new safeguards for use of data by political parties.
Privacy Community - Local
Newsletter XMPP di dicembre 2022 e gennaio 2023 - versione italiana
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Benvenuti alla Newsletter XMPP, è un piacere avervi di nuovo qui! Questo numero copre il mese di dicembre 2022 e gennaio 2023. Questo è il primo numero dopo una meritata pausa invernale! Grazie a tutti i nostri lettori e a tutti i collaboratori!

Come questa newsletter, molti progetti e i loro sforzi nella comunità XMPP sono il risultato del lavoro volontario delle persone. Se sei contento dei servizi e del software che stai usando, specialmente nella situazione attuale, per favore considera di dire grazie o di aiutare questi progetti! Sei interessato a sostenere il team della newsletter? Leggi di più in fondo.
Privacy Community - Local
DRAFT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the adequacy of the protection afforded by the EU-US Data Privacy Framework
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Concludes that the EU-US Data Privacy Framework fails to create actual equivalence in the level of protection; calls on the Commission to continue negotiations with its US counterparts with the aim of creating a mechanism that would ensure such equivalence and which would provide the adequate level of protection required by Union data protection law and the Charter as interpreted by the CJEU; urges the Commission not to adopt the adequacy finding;
Privacy Community - Local
European Union discusses using zero-knowledge proofs for digital IDs
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The European Union is famous for its ambivalent relationship with privacy — on the one hand, it was the first place in the world to apply strict data protection regulations. On the other, its central bank digital currency (CBDC) project lacks the anonymity standards of private cryptocurrencies.

Nevertheless, last week the EU lawmakers made a vital step to embrace privacy in the space of citizens’ digital identities. On Feb. 9, the Industry, Research and Energy Committee included the standard of zero-knowledge proofs in its amendments to the European digital identity framework (eID). The latest update was voted in by 55 votes to 8 in the Committee — the draft will now proceed to the Trilogue phase of negotiations.

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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse
As ChatGPT takes the world by storm, professionals call for regulations and defences against cybercrime
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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SINGAPORE: The viral artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT is finding its way into more homes and offices across the world.

With the ability to answer questions and pump out content within seconds, this generation of chatbots can help users search, explain, write, and create just about anything.

However, experts warn that the increasing use of such AI-powered technology comes with risks, and could facilitate the work of scammers and cybercrime syndicates.

Cybersecurity professionals are calling for regulatory frameworks and user vigilance to prevent individuals from falling victim.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse
submitted by nicfab to privacy
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During the end of year holidays, and without fanfare, the government prepared the introduction of a new legislation regarding the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic games. As expected, this draft law pave the way for the generalization of algorithmic video surveillance. While using the fallacious argument of time limited experiment, such technologies are already illegally used in many cities in the country with total impunity. Using the forthcoming sport competitions as justification, the government and many representatives call themselves advocates of the French industry and use this position to allow thos companies to durably expand on the video surveillance market.
Nicola Fabiano

RT @BertuzLuca
#AI Act: The co-rapporteurs' ambition to reach an agreement on crucial parts at yesterday's shadow meeting was frustrated, with lawmakers still far from a common position on AI definition, prohibited practices and high-risk classification. A new timeline is now in order.
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