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I want to inform you that this channel is replicated in the nicfabnews room on the Matrix server https://matrix.nicfab.it.
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I want to inform you that this channel is replicated in the nicfabnews room on the Matrix server https://matrix.nicfab.it.
Those who wish to follow the channel on the Matrix platform can reach the room here #nicfabnews:matrix.nicfab.it
🇮🇪 DPC statement, re: Dataset appearing online
👉 https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/news-media/press-releases/dpc-statement-re-dataset-appearing-online
🇫🇷 CNIL - Facebook data leakage: how to protect your data?
👉 https://www.cnil.fr/fr/fuite-de-donnees-facebook-comment-proteger-vos-donnees
🇮🇹 Data theft from Facebook: the Italian DPA asks the social network to take measures to limit the risks and warns that the use of data from the breach is unlawful. Users are asked to pay particular attention to possible anomalies on their mobile phones
👉 https://www.gpdp.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/9572143
The Facebook case
🇮🇪 DPC statement, re: Dataset appearing online
👉 https://www.dataprotection.ie/en/news-media/press-releases/dpc-statement-re-dataset-appearing-online
🇫🇷 CNIL - Facebook data leakage: how to protect your data?
👉 https://www.cnil.fr/fr/fuite-de-donnees-facebook-comment-proteger-vos-donnees
🇮🇹 Data theft from Facebook: the Italian DPA asks the social network to take measures to limit the risks and warns that the use of data from the breach is unlawful. Users are asked to pay particular attention to possible anomalies on their mobile phones
👉 https://www.gpdp.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/9572143
Data Protection Commission
DPC statement, re: Dataset appearing online | Data Protection Commission
A dataset, appearing to be sourced from Facebook, has appeared on a hacking website this weekend for free and contains records of 533 million individuals. A significant number of the users are EU users. Much of the data appears to been data scraped some time…
💻 Scraped data of 500 million LinkedIn users being sold online, 2 million records leaked as proof
👉 https://cybernews.com/news/stolen-data-of-500-million-linkedin-users-being-sold-online-2-million-leaked-as-proof-2/
The LinkedIn case
💻 Scraped data of 500 million LinkedIn users being sold online, 2 million records leaked as proof
👉 https://cybernews.com/news/stolen-data-of-500-million-linkedin-users-being-sold-online-2-million-leaked-as-proof-2/
Scraped data of 500 million LinkedIn users being sold online, 2 million records leaked as proof
A user on a popular hacker forum is selling 500M LinkedIn users' full names, email addresses, phone numbers, workplace information, and more.