Сериал My Little Pony получил в России рейтинг 18+. Теперь официально этот сериал не для детей, а для бородатых мужиков (хе-хе). Вероятно, присвоение такого рейтинга связано тем, что Верховный суд России недавно запретил ЛГБТ-движение как экстремистское, а в сериале есть ЛГБТ-персонажи.
The My Little Pony series received "18+" rating in Russia. Now officially this series is not for children, but for bearded men (hehe). Probably the assignment of such a rating is due to the fact that the Supreme Court of Russia recently banned the LGBT movement as extremist, and the series contains LGBT characters.
The My Little Pony series received "18+" rating in Russia. Now officially this series is not for children, but for bearded men (hehe). Probably the assignment of such a rating is due to the fact that the Supreme Court of Russia recently banned the LGBT movement as extremist, and the series contains LGBT characters.